Top 10 Best YouTube Comedians
YouTube has become the go-to place for just about everything - from how-to videos to pop culture commentary. But one of the best things to come out of the platform is its huge variety of comedians. These creators know how to bring the laughs, whether through scripted skits, parodies, or hilarious reactions to internet trends. Over the years, they've built up massive followings, and for good reason.Their content ranges from slapstick humor to sharp social satire, with something for every sense of humor. These creators often started with a single camera in their bedroom and a few funny ideas, but their consistency and creativity have earned them millions of subscribers. They can parody viral videos one minute and be making original, laugh-out-loud sketches the next.
This list highlights some of the funniest comedians on YouTube today, as chosen by viewers just like you. So, if you're in the mood for a laugh or two, you're in the right place.

Ryan is a very funny, humorous guy. All his videos are so entertaining, and he doesn't have to show anything dirty to make them funny. That's what's so good about him. He has a new topic for every video, rather than having the same topic for eight videos.
I've been inspired by Ryan and a few other YouTubers. I shall start making videos in the summer with original, random topics for each video. It is my dream, and I'm going to do it in my special way. I wish you all the best of luck in your lives.

I have known Smosh for ages now. I have subscribed to all their channels, and I watch all of them if I can. I am also a PewDiePie fan, but Smosh has to work harder for their videos, and the overall outcome is great!
They seem to have the best setup, in my opinion. They just repeat the same videos (changing them slightly) over and over until people get sick of them, at which point they create a whole new idea. With the sense of humor they have, they have unlimited options. Granted, they are basically two idiots making fools of themselves in front of the whole world, but hey, that's why it's funny!

They actually come out with great lyrics, take ideas from the people who comment, and put time into their videos. I think they're great.
I love their sound, lyrics, and I actually learn a bit. Spot-on impersonations. Genius.
You know their lyrics make sense... hilarious!
I love CollegeHumor. I think that the people are so funny. And everything they make fun of is so true in real life.
Lots of good videos. The first kiss video was so funny.
Batman skits are the funniest things I've ever seen!

PewDiePie's more like top 3 than top 10. Why? I'll tell you. He can cheer me up even on the worst days, though sometimes he can scare the crap out of me, and I like it. Even being scared out of my wits when he yells "BARRELS!" I know some of you don't find yelling barrels scary, but when he randomly yells it, you might see why. He's just too good to be top 10 or top 5. Top 3 is where he should be.
PewDiePie is so hilarious. He even makes playing horror games funny. Only true YouTube comedians can do that - overpower fear with laughter. He's really funny on Fridays With PewDiePie too and when he is with his girlfriend. He is just so unique and amazingly hilarious. Watch him! Especially his Amnesia videos. Those can be the funniest.
Shane Dawson is the best YouTuber ever. He makes me laugh all the time. I watch him every day. I love his songs he does. Also, his movie (Chair) is coming out soon, and I can't wait. He's a good actor. He and his girlfriend (Lisa) are a cute couple and are really funny together. Shane and all his friends are awesome.
His older videos do a great job of covering real issues while adding a touch of comedy. Somehow, he manages not just to make fun of serious topics but to make them much easier to deal with. Great job!

I think Ray William Johnson is easily the best comedian. He usually picks out funny videos and adds slight edits that make them even more amusing, making his videos very entertaining. I don't know what to say about this guy... He's so amazing!
Honestly, if I had one wish, it would be for Ray William Johnson not to have ended Equals Three in 2014. He's so funny and imaginative. If I had infinite space in this comment, I would spend the rest of my life writing compliments about him.
Screw Nigahiga. No one ever made me laugh harder than this dude. No one is funnier than him. May Ray conquer YouTube as well as Number One on the Top Ten YouTube comedians.

TomSka is about as American as you can get. And he's British!

Bo Burnham is excellent! He may not be a YouTube star anymore because he is an actual performing star now, but he is the best. He is witty, and you never know what is coming with him. He is so theatrical and unpredictable that he has ruined my ability to enjoy other comics. They're not as original. Go Bo!
From his witty, unpredictable personality to his down-to-earth comedy, Bo Burnham is a genuine genius comedian. Bo can create songs that are downright hilarious and others that are deeply meaningful. He's got a very special type of humor I just don't see in other comedians!

In my opinion, this is the funniest YouTuber of all time. Some of the other people on this list are funny, but nothing compares to JonTron.
First off, he makes good points about the games he reviews. He isn't just completely random like some other people on this list. He actually tries to make sense.
Second, he is extremely funny. Just watch some of his reviews (particularly Bubsy Collection, Nightshade, Monster Party, and Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts), and you'll see what I mean.
Third, he is very much to the point with his videos. Despite his older videos (especially the first two), he typically doesn't make his videos very long. He states what he finds wrong with what he's reviewing, makes it short, sweet, and to the point (often with hilarious results), and manages to make his videos extremely entertaining.
Now that JonTron is back from Game Grumps and making more content, I am more than excited for more future laughs. His next review should be in about 5 days to a week and a half, so you can start watching his content on what he is now calling his big return (Season 2). He usually uploads monthly or less (occasionally more), so go check him out. Many more videos to come in the future!
Score: 10/10: Best YouTube Comedian EVER!
The Newcomers

I used to watch him a lot, but I'm scared to watch again because the nostalgia might be ruined.

The most underrated YouTube channel ever. They are funnier than everyone on this list. Someday, they'll be in the top 10, where they belong.
She's not hugely famous (around 35 subscribers right now, but that's not bad for a tween), but she sure is hilarious for a 12-year-old.
Oh my god, this chick is funny as hell. She isn't afraid to be herself, and when she does, it's really entertaining.
Hilarious. So what if she's not even 13? For a kid, she's pretty damn funny. Mad props to Cal!

In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated channels on YouTube. He is funny and always comes up with original content in his videos. To be honest, his channel is much better than some other top channels.
He is so darn funny! He makes fun of Snuggies and poor internet grammar.
One of the most underrated channels on YouTube.

They took The Last Jedi and made it better. Usually, they make fun of certain moments in the movie, but with The Last Jedi, they improved it, despite how funny it was. The video, not the movie, except for the prank call scene.
Dashie has to be the funniest, without a doubt. His freestyles, gameplay videos on his gaming channel, and his overall videos and commentary are the funniest things I've ever heard. He really deserves more recognition.
Dashie is a friend of mine, and I've known him since he started his channel. I've seen my boy grow as a comedian, and he deserves way more subscribers than he has. For real, everyone should go check him out.
Dashie is amazing. He deserves way more than half a million subscribers. He's way funnier than Nigahiga and uploads more often than Nigahiga. I've been subscribed ever since my brother introduced me to him back in his NAHSON! days.
MakeMeBad35 is really hilarious. He is a nice person, and I like how you can see the progression of his channel. When he is sad, he shares his feelings. He always posts what the viewers want from him. He has been doing public trolling videos simply because the viewers love them. He always thinks of them, and he is amazing. He is an original YouTube celeb and should be closer to #1. He should be in the top 10.
He doesn't upload often, but when he does, the wait is usually worth it.

Tobuscus is the best YouTuber of all time. He releases completely original content and is absolutely hysterical. Whether you prefer watching him play games while running a ceaseless (and hilarious) commentary, watch his "Lazy Vlogs" about his daily life (which are actually funny, unlike RWJ's), or his Tobuscus channel, where he releases animated shorts and Literal Trailers, you should look up Tobuscus right now. You won't regret it.
Tobuscus is among the few YouTubers who are not inappropriate. He deserves way more attention, and he is a suitable character for children and adults alike. Toby is a very productive YouTuber, and I vote for him because he is awesome and puts thought into his content, unlike a lot of other YouTubers who just curse and make dumb jokes just for the views.
Funny and pretty interesting. Also, Stuff Phil Likes is pretty funny, and he does it every day.
He is incredible and unbelievable. I have no favorite video of his.

Rob is so funny. His videos are very unique and entertaining. I'm surprised he hasn't been in the top 10 before. Vote for Rob!

Kids React and Teens React equal awesomeness. I love both series so much. Kids React is so cute, and Teens React is more mature, funny, and full of jokes.
The kids are actually pretty smart and have a way with words, as do the teens.
Why not in the top ten? Kids React, Teens React, and Elders React are epic!
I have watched them every morning for years. They are a great combo of serious nerd info and uber goofy humor! I love that they have been friends most of their lives and their true life stories include family life! It's a well-rounded show.
I absolutely love Rhett and Link. They are hilarious. I have watched all their videos and watch them every day. They are part of my daily routine!
Lots of variety, hilarious, and family-friendly. They feel like a part of our family.
So funny and so brilliant! Their songs make me wet my pants on the floor in laughter. He's climbing in your windows, he's snatching your people up...
Not knowing these guys were on the list, I created a new Schmoyoho. But they are so awesome! He's climbing in your windows...
They are simply amazing! Haha! Winning is their best video.