Top 10 Biggest YouTube Trolls

This list is for the best Youtube trolls from EricDouglace to CopperCab. Which of the Youtube trolls do you like most? If you've never seen any of these Youtubers then you could check them out and post your opinion here.
The Top Ten
Durham Francis

Durham Francis learned the secret knowledge allowing control of the YouTube comments and subscription supply. He initially offered to share this secret knowledge exclusively with Styxhexenhammer666 who, for undisclosed reasons, did not avail himself of the offer. Durham Francis subsequently revealed the knowledge to all who would listen, first on 4chan on March 24, 2017, and then on Styx's own video some hours later that same day.

The common species of Trollidus minimus typically wanders on YouTube with the intent to surprise people under their comment bridge. Racism, hate, and malice are included in their comments to frighten the souls of little whiny children.

Today, we have observed the rare species of Trollidus maximus. This kind of troll is extremely productive, wandering around YouTube with their editing skills. They make videos and comment on other YouTube videos to spread their propaganda, no matter how stupid it may be. This classic Trollidus maximus intends to make all believe that tornadoes do not exist, and with his powerful level 666 dark magic 'Illuminati,' he has successfully spread hate of the highest level in young whiny children, even though they do not have any opinions against the existence of tornadoes.

Clap, clap.


The biggest troll ever! He's the one who said marijuana is worse than heroin. He has made a very well-known viral video called Gingers Have Souls. He has been called a troll even by RayWilliamJohnson and is hated by basically everybody. He's messing around with us and telling everybody that there is going to be a zombie apocalypse.

He's such a hypocrite and has been exposed by many people. This guy is trying to get attention to get your money!

There are so many things wrong with his Gangnam Style video. First, CopperCab says that Gangnam Style is from North Korea when it is actually South Korean. He then calls PSY Kim Jong Il.

The dumbest part of the video is when he says that we are at a civil war with North Korea. A civil war is a war within a single country. It is not possible to be at a civil war with another nation.


He hates almost every video game except SimCity, which is one of the lamest games I've played. He even hates almost every superhero movie, which are the best.

He's the worst troll I've ever heard of in YouTube history.

He says critically acclaimed films suck, acts like a moronic douche, constantly responds to criticism, and intentionally mispronounces words like Ex Machina and Rogue. Yeah, he's a troll alright... Or at least I hope so. Otherwise, I'll lose faith in humanity.

He has inspired many other trolls, but nobody will ever be as good as him!


He once started off on the Sega forums website, making a big deal over anything. It got so annoying that even the administrators couldn't take it anymore, so they deleted his account for good, only for him to come back many times more. Like the others, he is the main definition of "persistence."

He moved on to YouTube to cause even more trouble by doing the same old things until, a few years later, his account got deleted. But, like what he did on the former website, he comes back in different accounts to protect himself, but they probably got deleted once more. Now he sadly has his original channel back. It is best to forget about him completely.

Oh, and despite what I said about him deserving no fans, unfortunately, he has plenty. The ones who agree with him just because they have similar opinions.

BG Kumbi

It's obvious he's a troll. Although, he's only like 12 or 13.

This guy is probably the biggest dummy I've ever seen. He is a loser and makes all 9GAG users look bad. He is a very obvious troll and has summer written all over his face. He calls the websites FunnyJunk, 4chan, and Reddit the triad of evil.

Apparently, he also hates atheists and won't quit YouTube until all atheists get arrested. Long story short... This guy is a douchebag.


He is a troll on YouTube known for his "BAD GAMES" videos, which draw a bunch of angry responses. He posts comments that are hard to understand and still provocative. He hates many video games that are not hardcore, whether they are old or new, and it's funny how he puts "Gligar" in his username despite that he hates Pokemon as well.

He cannot respect people's different opinions and always tries to shove his opinion down people's throats. I recommend you stay away from this guy.

All he does is bash games everyone likes, and when he says something bad about a game, he barely explains why it's bad and moves on to some other stupid thing. All he seems to like and play are shooters and some racing games, but I don't hate his videos nearly as much as his comments. Just go there yourself. I can't even explain how bad it is.

Also, he bashes people for not agreeing with him. Sometimes I understand, but other times it's ridiculous. Not going into any more details. I've explained enough.

Jack Goff
Super Minecraft Kid

Why is this kid so loud? Before watching any of his videos, please turn down your volume. The YouTuber, I Hate Everything, hates Minecraft, and this drives this kid crazy.

I don't like I Hate Everything because he hates Minecraft, and Minecraft is the best.

He has said some of the dumbest things ever, such as: Seamus is a ripoff of the Master Chief, The Legend of Zelda is a ripoff of Minecraft, and Minecraft was the very first game ever.


Is it really necessary for him to scream throughout all his videos? I've seen 5-year-olds who draw better than this abomination of a person.


Born on August 29, 1984, LifeInATent (or simply abbreviated to "LIAT") was a very mean, cruel, hostile, and negatively insane person on YouTube and Skype. He was a racist and a cyberbullying attention seeker. He got a 14-year-old boy owned, and he made an advertisement saying, "Thumbs up for 'Epic' Earthquake!" whereas that earthquake killed many innocent victims in Japan.

Like Trent Morrison and Harolds Cat before him, he was very lewd, but he didn't just do it by comment. He really did it on video, making a lewd video involving him taking off his shirt and sending a cruel message to some people. He was even allies with other trolls full-time until he got terminated. He was allies and friends with MeganSpeaks. He even sent death threats to other people! He was in a Skype chat with BlackBusterCritic, and he, LifeInATent, got really hurt after he chatted with him.

The Newcomers

? Bella The Wolf

Probably one of the most notorious trolls on recent YouTube.

? Nikocado Avocado

Surprised this wasn't here, considering all he does in his videos is definitely an act.

The Contenders

He can be found on most disabled videos. Everyone dislikes him except for the trolls like him that follow him. He is the leader of this group, and his most popular account was PipweedTheDon, which is now banned. The first time I ever saw him was with PipweedTheDon when he commented on the same video about a girl named Jani with schizophrenia.

He types up nasty things and is an inflammatory troll. He won't respond to any of the comments he receives unless they will gain more attention if he does respond, but he usually doesn't need to because tons of people reply. Although sometimes the people that respond to him are much more offensive. He had many accounts before and is quite entertaining.


I eat cows whenever I want. And even if Hinduism is promising, no thanks.

Chris-Chan Christine Weston Chandler (formerly known as Christian Weston Chandler and best known as Chris-chan), is an autistic trans woman who is the creator of the infamous webcomic Sonichu. She was discovered by trolls in 2007, which lead to her retaliating. In 2011, she came out as a tomgirl and started cross-dressing;... read more

This guy is literally one of the worst people to ever live on the face of the planet. He made Sonichu, which happens to be a rip-off recolor combination of Sonic and Pikachu. What the heck, man?!

Chris also can't sing, and his drawings are outrageously hideous, sometimes just as downright hilariously bad as he is. Case proven and closed. I rest my case.

Rumor has it that he spooned with his mom. Not sure if that's true or not, but I wouldn't put it past him. BlackBusterCritic was right. Ten years later, this statement still holds up extremely well.

Trent Morrison

He ruined our childhoods with "Thomas and Friends Gets Grounded". I'm glad he got banned from both YouTube and DeviantArt.

But Trent somewhat has a soft side for VeggieTales.

Dillon the Hacker

This guy is obviously a troll. I don't know why everyone insults him as viciously as they do. His brilliance in trolling is actually rather remarkable, and I respect him. Since I am a pretty naive person, it took some digging to support my idea that he is a troll. But his troll reality can be found in a certain PewDiePie video, "PEWDIEPIE IS HACKED! (Fridays with PewDiePie - part 113)."

Obviously, in that video, the "hacking" of PewDiePie's video is set up by PewDiePie himself for comedic effect. Dillon definitely did not hack the video. But where did he get the never-before-seen Dillon video that played inside the PewDiePie video? Dillon must have somehow sent or given the video to PewDiePie to use, meaning that they were working together. If they did work together, it proves the whole Dillon/PewDiePie rivalry was a publicity stunt, including Dillon the Hacker's apparent hatred for PewDiePie, which was one of the main focuses of his channel!

So, yeah, he is a troll. A very good one at that, but everyone messes up at times, and so his true identity as a troll was revealed through that slip in PewDiePie's video.

Caiden Cowger

I wish he was just a troll, but unfortunately, he has a very real radio talk show where he spouts very real hatred about homosexuals and masks it under the stereotypical Christian facade of:

"I don't hate the sinner. I just hate their sin."

Right, Caiden, so you don't hate homosexuals. You just hate their entire way of life and everything they stand for... but you still love them because God teaches you to love everyone... but they're going to burn in hell unless they repent. Lovely.

We are all sinners. We should rebuke but still love like a sibling should.


Since he is officially an extremist, he's just sick and tired of everything, correct? If so, then I rest my case. I believe he is deliberately searching for videos to insult people so that he can get them to blame him, which is what he really wants (which is called trolling, by the way).

For that matter, I have to feel sorry for this nimrod. Seriously. I also understand why he's against My Little Pony, including Friendship is Magic, since it's permeating the Internet with fandoms that make no sense. As a matter of fact, the animated TV show is supposed to be for kids to learn about friendship.

Just remember that I, for one, have nothing against bronies or anyone who likes My Little Pony, including the series today. You also need to remember that what you are going to do to him is what he wants. Yes, he's rude as it is officially stated by anyone, but like I said, he's just sick and tired of everything. Trust me. I have learned the truth about extremism as I have said it. If you see his comments, which he only trolls by, just ignore him because responding to him negatively is what he clearly wants, or so they say.


This fiend is most notorious for marrying the Pokemon Reshiram and being idiotic about it. He's somewhat like Nascar221, except he's focused on an actual Pokemon, not a trainer. He doesn't engage in drawing. It's just edited pictures with some added pictures of himself, Reshiram, other Pokemon he loves, etc., into the background.

He also created disturbing fanfics about Reshiram and other Pokemon, with one portraying Reshiram as a "sex slave" to his so-called waifu (Reshiram).

Jessi Slaughter

Her videos are starting to bore me. Also, her father died in 2011 because someone said bad things about her videos.

Jessi is great! So cute and badass back in her heyday.

Too bad she turned into a slug...

She's a sellout. Why bother giving her attention?

Da Bezd Chanl

This guy came around the internet around March of 2015, mainly to get reactions out of Cartoon Police groups such as the VGCP and the IGUA. He likes "good" things like Superman 64 and uses a text-to-speech voice. He disappeared from the internet in 2016.

I was in a flame war with this dumbass, and it was not a fun experience.

Well, he shows the example of how an unwatchable intro looks like, and you understand why.


He also claims that he is a 22-year-old gangsta, when in reality, he sounds like a complete, disastrous 8-year-old kid. He makes rant videos on certain things that he hates and the things we like. He rants on YouTube Poops, Anime, Mass Effect, Darknessthecurse, The Angry Video Game Nerd, Nostalgia Critic, fanboys from certain gaming console companies, and more.

In his "Top 10 Worst Gaming Consoles of All Time" video, he is also known as a Sony fanboy because of his biased opinions on certain Nintendo consoles he puts on the list. He put the N64 as #3 on his worst gaming consoles list by saying that the games on that system sucked because of the 3D symmetric designs of the games. Not to mention, he said that the controller for the N64 looks weird due to the fact that it has three prongs, which is true.

From my point of view, "What's wrong with that?" I mean, the controller for the N64 looks fine to me. But the thing is, the Control Stick on the controller is at the bottom instead of at the top, as this is the first Nintendo console to have a joystick on a controller.


Unlike other people on this list, this guy is actually a good kind of troll. His Minecraft videos are so entertaining, and you've got to love the classic sky-high lava grief trick. He and Master of Luck, another good troll, are really good together, and both of them can troll any kid well. Good going, guys.

He is a Minecraft troller. I like his videos. His trolls are pretty good, and the kids' reactions are hilarious.

But when the kids scream "Ow!" when their character gets hit, it's annoying.

This is one of the most hilarious trolls I have come across. I love his videos of annoying kids resulting in them getting told off by their parents for screaming!

PewDiePie Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (born October 24, 1989), better known by his online alias PewDiePie, is a Swedish web-based comedian video producer, and commentary channel. He is best known for his Let's Play commentaries and Vlogs on YouTube. He is known for being the most subscribed-to YouTuber on the website... read more

This is a FAKE PewDiePie channel that hates the REAL PewDiePie. The REAL one is awesome, while the FAKE one is nowhere near awesome.

Fake channel, you say? Is he trying to get his attention or something?


He is very funny! He makes up a bunch of randomness toward random noobs and makes me laugh my heart out.

Even his name, John Trollsten, matches his trolls.

John Trollsten. Seriously, people do not pick that up, probably Americans.

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