Top 10 Reasons Why More Kids Are Playing Outside Than Watching TV

The Top Ten
Playing outside is healthier

I always played outside. I couldn't stand staying indoors

This list is 2015. Now in 2024 MOST kids are inside now.

This list is extroverted if you know...

People are making stupid shows for kids

When Cartoon Network is dead, I'll watch anime all day and think, 'I remember when Cartoon Network was good... that time before they added Clarence and Uncle Grandpa.'

I stopped watching Disney Channel, and rarely watch Nick and the only time I watch it is for the Sports kids choice awards.

I swear T.V. nowadays is 95% rubbish that they put in to fill up the channel, and 5% stuff you actually want to watch.

Playing outside gives you vitamin D

In Chennai, TN, You just have to stay outside for 3-5 minutes to get the amount of Vitamin D required for a day. I do both of them but I play running games with my friends 2 hours daily. Still, I watch 2 hours of T.V. A day.

But be careful if you stay on the sun too much time in a hot day you will get sunburn skin

Yeah I truly believe playing outside gives you vitamin D

Parents hate kids watching TV

Now I understand the purpose of Sanjay And Craig!

TV hurts your eyes

I get eye stain every day because I have to share at a computer all day at school... Even in p.e.

Lots of people like sports

A stupid amount, and I hate it, but yes, this is why kids are still outside.

Once you watch TV you stay up watching TV
Parents think TV makes you dumb

Then those children with Parents like that should never watch Teen Titans Go.

"T.V. Keeps your brain from rotting while avoiding it just makes you stupid! " - TTG Cyborg

They also think it rots your brain.

Going outside burns calories
Going outside makes you creative

The Newcomers

? It prevents childhood obesity
? Going outside makes you happier
The Contenders
Going outside is more fun
You can see nature outside
Pokemon Go
Video games create mental Issues!

It was on seven news like so freaky

The smell of the outdoor air
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