Top Ten Most Admirable Qualities In a Person
Nothing is more respectable than someone willing to work for what they want. The drive to keep getting better and to never settle for less is extremely attractive!
A hard-working person is more likely to be:
1. Honest
2. Confident
3. Modest
4. Responsible
So, if one's hard-working, they are more likely to have all these four additional qualities.
You could sum this up by acknowledging that this quality can give evidence of so many more qualities listed here. Determination, responsibility, reliability, self-love, and integrity.
A lovely, wise-cracking sense of humor is very admirable because it's a quality that's universally attractive. Everyone loves someone who can make them laugh!
One of my favorite qualities in a person. I love smart people.
You also can't fake real confidence. There's nothing like someone who carries themselves proudly and powerfully. This quality, I strive for because it's something I love to see in other people.
Boy, do I wish I was confident! I've admired confident people all my life. They're always sure of themselves and don't care about messing up. Confident people don't know how lucky they are.
It is amazing to know that God always will protect us from the evil one. It gives me confidence beyond what I could ever imagine.
Passion is something genuine and very admirable because it's impossible to fake. We are subconsciously drawn to people who love what they do with all of their heart. That's something I wish to always have.
People who are passionate about the right causes are very attractive because it shows what they care about and who they truly are.
Hopefully, you mean passionate as in they admire what they do rather than passion in bed.
Sincere care for one's friends, family, and even total strangers is a rare gift. They're that one person you can always count on because they love you in the most honest way.
If you search for tenderness, it isn't hard to find. You can have the love you need to live. But if you search for truthfulness, you might just as well be blind. It always seems to be so hard to give. Honesty is such a lonely word. Everyone is so untrue...
I can't stand those who put up a fake front, so I admire those who live life sincerely. They don't care what other people think about them, they always speak their mind, and they save the day by standing up for themselves and others.
Being honest is the most admirable trait a person can ever have.
Humble people are those very deserving of our utmost respect because there's nothing more annoying than an amazing person whose head is larger than themselves. Haha!
What I value in men and women is a good, strong mind. One that thinks critically and hungers for more knowledge. The most valuable trait is intelligence, and it leads to a productive person.
Humorous people are the best. They can turn just about anything into the most amazing thing. It's so much fun to be around them, and really, they can make your day within seconds. They can turn a terrible day into an amazing one. I appreciate these people so much, especially those who have this along with a caring personality.
Humorous people are very admirable since they create a positive and full-of-joy atmosphere around others.
One has to be responsible to keep all these other values strong.
I admire those who are responsible and leader-like. Because I'm neither of those things (laugh out loud), but seriously, these people are the ones who have your back and always get things done!
Ah, the ability to step into another's shoes. I think it is the most important skill to have in life. They treat others how they want to be treated, they know what to say when you're feeling down, and you know they can always relate. I make a conscious and constant effort to be this person because it's people like these that are the greatest friends in life.
They're selfless, courageous, and strong. What's not to admire?
I love these kinds of people. They make everything so much more interesting. A boring project can turn into an amazing one! A difficult situation can be super easy with their creativity!
I think an energetic person can gain a great personality by his/her work.
This is what makes people succeed!