Top Ten Best Things to Do After Homework

Ah yes, YouTube, the classic site to watch people do stuff. It's also the site I use all the time. I have my own channel, but I'm not going to be an advertiser and promote it on this website.
You know when you get that feeling you want to watch very funny videos. Well, here you go.
Yes, watching YouTube is the best thing to do after homework.
It's the opposite of going on YouTube, but it's more private because you don't have to let unknown people into your conversation.
Hmm, probably something good to do after homework.
You know when you get bored and feel like playing some good games. Well, I'll recommend playing Angry Birds, Slenderman (if you dare!), etc.
Do you want to be a DJ for a while? Jam to music for at least 10 to 35 minutes. But don't make your mom complain about the volume.
Oh, I forgot about the volume! Turn it up to at least 18 or 20, but more than 25 will make your mom go crazy!
That's awesome! I just finished my homework.
This is what I am going to do!
Try watching a horror or a comedy movie that you love.
This is what I do almost every day!
You want to know what's happening with the artists in our world? WELL, TYPE UP THE CELEBRITY'S NAME AND BOOM! You have the latest news!
If your mom lets you, go buy something from a party store near you, even if it isn't your birthday.
The Newcomers
Tidy your workspace so you don't have to do it later. Then go to bed.
If you have a dog and something to fetch with, play a few rounds of fetch.
I loved playing fetch with my Rocket.
Mine's a lab pit bull mix, and he can fetch, but he's not going to give it back.
It's still fun to see your dog after school because you haven't played with him all day!
Drawing is always a good way to relieve stress. It's fun, and if you don't feel like using electronics, you can sketch your own world of imagination!
That was cheesy, I know, but it's still fun.
It's something you do to be more social, as it can help you and your friends with talking together.
You can also plan to watch a movie, play video games, or hang out. You can meet new people. If you're under ten, you can play in your garden or go to a playground. If you have a phone when you're younger than ten, you don't have to call your friends. You can also call your mom or dad, maybe plan a family vacation, not just through talking over the phone.
If you're over 18, this can still be a great way to connect.
I mean, you just survived a natural disaster's worth of papers and stuff. You gotta let the pets know you're alive.
Also, they're cute, so why wouldn't you?
Finally, if you're extremely bored, post a video and then post it on a website that you're logged into.
Going outside makes you happier and more optimistic and less likely to suffer from depression! Plus, it is refreshing to go outside and have fun!
I love playing Exploding Kittens, especially when I'm alone. Uno's fun as well.