Top 10 Gay Cartoon Characters
The portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters in media has evolved dramatically since the early days of television and film. Initially, these characters were often hidden in subtext, concealed behind innuendo, or caricatured in ways that didn't authentically represent the community. However, as society's understanding and acceptance of diverse sexual orientations grew, so did the representation in animated media.In the world of cartoons, the late 20th century marked a turning point. Shows began to introduce gay characters with depth, personality, and real human experiences. These characters were no longer confined to the shadows or reduced to stereotypes; they were front and center, living their lives openly and honestly.
The advent of gay cartoon characters did more than just offer entertainment. It provided a mirror for many individuals, reflecting their own experiences and feelings. For others, these characters served as a window, offering a glimpse into lives and loves they might not have understood before.
The subject of gay cartoon characters isn't just about the characters themselves but about a larger movement towards inclusivity and acceptance. It's a testament to the ongoing evolution of societal norms, and how art, even in its most whimsical forms, can be a powerful tool for change.
These characters range from lead roles in popular shows to memorable supporting characters who have become fan favorites. Some are human, others are animals, robots, or fantastical beings, but all contribute to the growing representation of gay characters in media.

Yeah, you can see he's in love with Mr. Burns! His dreams and fantasies make it very clear and easy to understand.
He deserves to be number one. Of all the gay cartoon characters, Smithers is the best.
I can do one better than the Burns lying in the window, "Hello, Smithers. You're quite good at turning me on!"

Aw, I love Garrison, laugh out loud, and Roger isn't gay, he's bi.

I love all the gay characters in South Park! But my favorite has to be Big Gay Al.
*The kids are in summer camp, and Big Gay Al shows up, and the parents stand there in shock*
Big Gay Al: Well, are you parents just gonna stand there? This camp is only for campers, silly gooses! *Eye flutter*
Seriously, with a name like Big Gay Al, how can he not be number one?!
He was responsible for a nomination by GLAAD for being a positive representation of a gay character.
Queer Duck was the gayest anything in cartoon history. I don't think being a duck limited that in any way. He's even proud of it.
Queer Duck, he's intellectual.
Queer Duck, he's homosexual.
Please don't think that he's perverse.
He's the patients' favorite male nurse.

Best Queer Duck character - other than Queer Duck, of course.

Mr. Slave is definitely an underrated character. He really needs a real comeback!
Oh god, really? Mr. Slave is the most underrated character ever!

I can't believe that I had to add him to the list. He is blatantly gay and as campy as they come.

She was supposed to be a lesbian or at least bi in the original series and in the bad live-action first movie.
The Newcomers

He and Sheriff Blubs are absolutely precious together!
It's not a bad thing when your soul match is of the same gender.
He is shown to be gay throughout the entire show, so yeah, I love it.

It has to be true between him and Deputy Durland. It can't get more obvious.

Asami is very pretty and also more than just pretty!

His name is Gangstalicious, for crying out loud. How could Riley not know he was gay? There were signs all over the place, from the name of his songs to the way he talked.
Oh, and he also kissed a guy, which Riley swore was just a dream.

Him and Tweek is something I didn't see coming before the episode Tweek x Craig. Remember back in Season 3 when others got them to beat each other up?
He should be number one on this list. I mean, he already had a boyfriend.

I love Larry. He's my favorite cartoon character! Sure, he's gay since he's in love with Tuddrussel and wears a lot of pink stuff, but that's why he's so amazing.
At least, he has a personality. He isn't one of those stereotypical robots who talk and behave like robots.
I can't believe Mr. Simmons is so low on this list! No matter how redneck Hey Arnold looked sometimes, the inclusion of such a lovable gay character as Mr. Simmons is the perfect proof that Bartlett wasn't aiming to create a redneck cartoon.
Come on! Mr. Simmons didn't even hide it! Everything about him was gay, and to top it all off, Craig Bartlett himself declared him gay!