Top 10 Best Lion Guard Characters

I love Kion so much! He's such a great leader and friend. He's always trying to help and puts other people's needs before his own.
I also want to point out that the word "Kion" is a blend between the words "Lion" and "King." Isn't that cool? That can't be a coincidence!
I think Kion's design in season 3 is really cool. He looks like a younger version of Mufasa in my opinion. And he has a scar, so he's sort of a blend between Mufasa and Scar! Unbelievable!
I also want to say something...I am 15 years old and I am still obsessed with this show, even though it's a kid's show. I didn't start watching it till recently. It's hilarious! I laugh so much watching it!
I didn't like the end of season 3 though. It felt very rushed. Also, I wish Kion and Fuli ended up together. I ship them. And I'm not a big fan of Rani. I'm pretty sure she's only interested in Kion because he has the roar. They really underdeveloped her character in my opinion.

I love Fuli so much. She is my favorite out of all of the Lion Guard members. The reason? Because she is the ONLY ONE that shows any character growth. While Beshte and Ono were already pretty mature and neither Kion nor Bunga change in any way by the end of the series, Fuli matures and actually becomes a better leader than Kion by the end.
When I first watched the Lion Guard, she was the only guard character I was drawn to from the start. All the other Lion Guard members I found annoying at first, but Fuli was different for some reason. Probably because she was always as annoyed with Bunga as I was. She has the "sarcastic girl" vibe in the first season that I love (most of the time), and generally got a lot of the more enjoyable episodes.
In Rise of Scar, you start to see a change. She starts to show traits of leadership, improvising a plan to get Kiara away from the hyenas when Kion's original plan doesn't work, and reassuring Kion at a few points in the movie. She's confident and can think on her feet, but isn't nearly as impulsive and rash as some other members *cough* Bunga *cough*.
The one thing I don't like about her, though, is the fact that like all the Lion Guard members, she has ridiculous strength. She jumps on a crocodile once and it's down for good in that fight.

There isn't really much to Jasiri, just an awesome character that challenges the ridiculous biases the spoiled Pridelanders have, but gosh do I love her. She's my favorite character in all of the Lion Guard, and she very much deserved to be the Queen of the Outlands. Also, she's absolutely adorable.
I love how she is designed to look like a lion to drive home the point about her and Kion being like water and rain. When Kion's mane grows out more in the third season, the resemblance is even more clear. I also love how confident she is. The only reason she lost the fights against Janja and his clan is because she got taken by surprise. She never really "lost" the fight in Never Judge a Hyena by Its Spots. Kion just came and helped her when she appeared to be losing.

Bunga isn't my all-time favorite by any means. He's only 10th on my list, but he still deserves some recognition. I know lots of people hate him because he's annoying, but for me, he's like Thurston and Makini. He's so stupid he's funny, and I love him for it.
He's also a really great friend to Kion (other than in Season 3 when he's kind of a jerk), and I like that. I love Bunga!
I love The Lion Guard and The Lion King a lot. It's one of my new favorite series. I don't hate any of the characters, even Bunga. There's just nothing to hate. It's a great series. I love all the characters, including Bunga.

Ono is one of the most underrated characters on the show. He is very intelligent and can not only see very well but also has the power of flight. Both of these abilities are among my favorite superpowers. The team would never be able to spot danger without Ono's keen eyes in the sky.
Smart and ultra underrated. Remind me why Fuli and Kion are so appreciated while Ono's just sitting here waiting to be acknowledged by a fan other than myself as the best member of Kion's Lion Guard! My number 6.
I think Ono is number 1 due to his sometimes snappy replies and comments. He is also very polite, sarcastic, smart, and quick-thinking. He is always prepared to help whenever and whatever he can.

Unlike Fuli, Beshte didn't go through any character growth, but unlike Bunga, Beshte didn't need to. He was already by far the most mature of the group and was part of one of the best ideas ever to come out of the Lion Guard - Poa the Destroyer. He's really nice and really friendly too.
One of my favorite scenes of Beshte is the one where Goy Goy gets stuck in a hole, tells the Lion Guard where Rai Rai and the rest of the pack is, and then the rest of the Guard runs off without helping Goy Goy like they said they would (one of the MANY problems with that horrible episode), but Beshte actually honored their word. He's simple and doesn't have very many flaws, but sometimes you want simple characters and sometimes you want complex ones.

SHE IS MY NO. 1! In fact, I think she is much better than Kion, and she should be the leader of the Lion Guard. She is the smartest character in the Lion Guard (except Rafiki).
She's also very brave for saving her father. She is polite too - she called Simba Daddy, not like Kion, who says Dad. Unlike the others, she never attacks anyone. She only uses her body to protect someone.
She's my number one and should be yours too. She has both tomboyish and girly qualities, so both tomboys and girly girls can relate to her. She's a cheerful, bubbly, cute, pretty, and sweet romantic who hates gross things and prefers quiet fun. But she's also a bit rebellious and isn't afraid to get dirty. A perfect mix.
She's cheery, and though a brave and stubborn girly girl, she's kind. She's also much more intelligent than many think. She is very wise when it comes to knowledge of the Circle of Life. She knows the Pride Lands so well and was able to figure out many things before the Lion Guard (Rise of Makuu comes to mind).
She can be a bit arrogant (Queen for a Day comes to mind), but that was mostly due to pressure from her friends and resentment from Kion, who was supposed to support her and hear her out, combined with her being right in the past. She was able to hold her own against Janja's clan for a while before getting rescued, even longer than Jasiri, everybody's favorite warrior.
She needs rescuing, but she usually puts up a pretty good fight to begin with. When Kovu saved her from the fire, she was doing pretty well on her own and only needed rescuing after passing out. So don't overlook Kiara. She's a great character who is relatable to all kinds of audiences.

I get why she's hated sometimes. She was rude when we met her, but can you blame her? She saw Kion send her brother flying. She saw Bunga's landslide. Like any leader, she was conflicted and wanted to prove herself. She wanted to serve a purpose, to be good enough. She was insecure and unsure.
When we get to see her true self, she's kind, sweet, brave, smart, and selfless. She put her cynicism aside to open up to Kion and set aside her doubts to help her kingdom. And yet she's still hated on. Why? She's my number 5.
4th best character in the show! I don't ship Kirani, so no Kiuli shippers need to come at me here, but I still love Rani! She's a great leader, she's kind, and she's protective. At first, she was a bit mean, and I absolutely despise it when she tries to win Kion's love. However, I still like her character and respect most of her decisions. I really like Rani!

In my opinion, he's the most evolved character in the whole series. It's hard to believe he could have ever been nice until season two. I think Scar helped me to see this because when he came into the series, Janja changed 100%.
He became one of my favorites after he sang A New Way To Go because it is such a great song. He sings about how much he wants to be one thing, but he's expected to be the opposite. And he's scared of Scar. We see he definitely cared a lot about Jasiri, Kion, and the rest of the guard. At the end of series three, he told the Lion Guard, with Jasiri, about the Lioness Guard.
This is why I chose Janja!

What is she doing so low? She's a great mom, a great spouse, a great friend, and a smart, brave, and caring ruler who is far more mature and rational than Simba. Criminally underrated. My number 2.
Nala is my favorite because she is so kind and knows what to do. She is a great mother to her two children and is calm with a soothing voice.
The Newcomers

I like Anga. She's my 7th favorite character in the show, and she's a good character. I really like Anga!
I love her! Great character. My number 7.

I like how he is so clueless and always panics and runs. That is why he is so funny.
I love the fact that he is confused and scared all the time. That is what makes him realistic.

She's such an underrated girl! I know she's shallow, reckless, irritating at times, and a bit immature. But she's sweet, smart, and brave enough to face her fears to save her friends.
Did I mention that it's heavily implied that she was literally fighting in the Battle for the Pride (in the Lion King II)? That's right, she and Zuri may be girly and afraid to get dirty, but at the end of the day, they're brave and strong. There's more to them than meets the eye. She's my number 8.
Give her some slack, haters. What makes Zuri better? People say Tiifu is bad, but she's not. Zuri always wants to look good and doesn't care. She's mean to Kion sometimes, but Zuri is more mean to him. She cries over stupid stuff and wants to be Kiara's friend because she's queen. That one draws the line.

My ideal life partner would be like Reirei. She's sweet, smart, charming, and possessive. A great mom and wife.
Why oh why does she have to get kicked out of the Pride Lands?! She's just a mother trying to feed her pups!
The other of my 1 favorite characters in the show along with Janja!

She's adorable, energetic, and eager to learn. She's kind of like a good version of Bunga, and she added something new to the group in Season 3, unlike Anga. To be fair to Anga, I haven't actually seen much of her, so my opinion of "she's meh" could change.
A total sweetheart! Love her forever! My number 4. She's smarter than she looks.
Unlike Kiburi, he tries to protect his float. He can get a bit jerky sometimes, but he was good at helping beat Scar.

Vitani is the best TLG girl. Her style is distinct, and for once a character stays the same throughout The Lion King II to the Lion Guard and then back to The Lion King II. She is a down-to-earth, self-centered young teen with the same amount of attitude as in the first movie. She and Kovu appear to be young teens bordering on adolescence. She is also much prettier than Tiifu, Zuri, and Rani (the newly introduced TLG lioness character).
Yeah, Lion Guard. I know you just had to make her bad, and Kovu as well. I hate Kion. I love Vitani!

I actually like Cheezi. He's kind of adorable.

Simba appears in The Lion King 1, 2, and 1 1/2, as well as The Lion Guard. He is a good king with a great queen, Nala.

Zuri is not a bad character. Deep down she is caring and considerate. Look at how she treated Fuli (who wasn't even her friend), "So what or who cares if she hunts with Kiara? Let her hunt. It doesn't really matter because hunting is boring, and gazelle doesn't even taste that good." See? She wasn't all jumpy and spiteful like Tiifu, who just couldn't handle the thought that someone else was hunting beside the future queen.
Zuri is way more honest and compassionate. Even though she had gotten herself in a bit of drama, she still thought that her claws should look shiny, and she could at least be appreciative towards Kion, unlike Tiifu, who is always yelling at him and seeing his flaws! There's a clear winner out of Zuri, Kiara, and Tiifu, and Zuri, without a doubt, is the best female Lion King/Guard character!

He just wants food. I'd feel the same way.

He's the one character from the Lion Guard that stayed very similar to his actual character, and it's refreshing. Kiara and Kovu aside, because I actually like them in the Lion Guard as well, he's one of the only characters from The Lion King that I still like in the Lion Guard.
He is smart and wise! He is powerful and careful!
He is very wise and fun, and that's why I like him.

He's the boss! Arrogant egoist, but with honor! All hail the vultures!

Ushari is easily one of the most complex characters on the show. He started out as a background character, constantly getting trampled, squashed, pounced on, and thrown around by a certain honey badger. Nobody even thought to apologize to him. Sure, Kion once said, "Bunga! Leave Ushari alone!" but never once did Kion attempt to make amends with Ushari.
When Ushari finally had enough, he decided to take matters into his own coils. The right thing to do would have been to speak to the King, but in all fairness, what were the odds of Simba listening to a complaint about his own son?
So, Ushari finds out Kion can speak to Mufasa and plans to use that knowledge to blackmail him. Instead, he talks Janja into resurrecting Scar, the most evil lion to ever rule the Pridelands, partially out of fear of being eaten and partially out of a desire for revenge. Ushari soon becomes Scar's second-in-command due to his cunning, intelligence, and connections with every reptile in the Pridelands.
However, instead of giving this complex character a redemption arc like Janja's, they decide to kill him off altogether!