Top Ten Best Magic School Bus Episodes

I deeply loved this show as a kid, as well as many others did, I'm sure, on this site.

The Magic School Bus is an animated television series that ran from 1994 to 1997 and consists of 52 episodes. It follows an eccentric teacher and her class, who use a magic school bus to go on fantastical field trips and learn more about science. Remember that "The Magic School Bus..." precedes each episode title to make a complete statement.
The Top Ten
Gets Lost in Space

I think I was the only one who wasn't scared by this episode. Why, you might ask? Because I knew that they wouldn't kill someone in a kids' show, although I kinda feel like this was probably what Arnold would've wanted after a few episodes.

It's the original pilot episode of the show, and it's the reason why I still think of Pluto as a planet.

Don't forget that Pluto has moons!

In the Haunted House

I wasn't as much afraid of this episode as I was entertained. There's so much awesome stuff to look at in this episode! Plus, Carol Channing has a cameo at the end. CAROL CHANNING! It almost makes me tear up.

This episode was scary to me in kindergarten, but it was cool to watch the sound moving. Scary organ, though.

For Lunch

Arnold hates going on field trips. Well, guess what, Arnold? Now YOU'RE the field trip. Open wide, boy.

Blows Its Top

The volcano episode. We're talking lava, explosions, and really creepily squished faces at the end (if you've seen it, you know what I mean). Overall, awesome!

Gets a Bright Idea

You know, that terrifying episode where Arnold gets "turned into a ghost"? It's scary as hell but equally as fun to watch.

Gets Ready, Set, Dough

The famously hilarious cake episode. You know, with the really cheesy, mustached baker? You probably already knew which episode it was from the title, right? Yeah. Thought so.

Gets Eaten

Not to be confused with "For Lunch," this episode has to do with undersea plankton and fish. Of course, as you probably guessed, a fish eats them. You know you loved it.

The Magic School Bus Holiday Special

Every single object and building in town gets horrifically turned into cans and plastic bottles after the bus turns evil. What? That doesn't scream "holiday special" to you?

In the Rain Forest

Earth Day + Cocoa Beans + Inspector 47's bad accent = a crazy, fun episode!

The Busasaurus

The class goes to visit the dinosaurs. Need I say more?

The Newcomers

? In the City
? Gets Programmed
The Contenders
Sees Stars
Butterfly and the Bog Beast

It's great for learning about the evolutionary supremacy of butterflies.

Makes a Rainbow
Spins a Web
Under Construction
Going Batty

The whole class thinks Ms. Frizzle is a vampire, which is ridiculous. She's obviously a witch! I'll tell you, I was afraid to drink tomato juice for months after first watching this one. Not that I'd drink it anyway. I mean, come on. Tomato juice.

First of all, I wanna know why the teacher would take off with every adult in the whole building, leave the kids there, and put a lizard in charge?

All Dried Up

Phoebe is worried about how animals in the desert survive. Well, Phoebe, they've sort of been doing it for millions of years. I think they're fine. Don't believe me? Ok, then.

Phoebe is such a kindhearted and brave animal rights activist.

In a Pickle

I'm going to let you discover this little treasure for yourselves if you don't know it. The title should be a good enough clue.

Shows and Tells

I love this episode. This episode is not heard about too much and is seldom seen. Arnold's webbed hoop is awesome for teaching about archaeology.

Getting Energized

It's entertaining watching them make all those devices to harness energy.

Wet All Over

The class acts as a physical representation of the water cycle. Since I've seen what happens to Senator Kelly in X-Men, I'd say, DON'T DO IT!

Taking Flight

It does a surprisingly good job teaching about aerospace engineering.

Gets Planted
Out of This World

The bus turns into an obviously "Star Trek-ish" spaceship and goes into space (again) to stop an asteroid from colliding with the Earth after Dorothy Ann has a prophetic dream about it. Dang it, D.A., what's with you and space danger?

Goes Cellular

Arnold turns orange from eating too many "Seaweedies." Why he'd want to eat those at all remains a mystery to humanity.

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