Top 10 Reasons Why the Boondocks Fourth Season Was Bad

The Boondocks was a really good show but was ruined by its fourth season and this is why.
The Top Ten
1 No Arron McGruder
2 A Lot of Episodes are Incredibly Offensive

Just to name a few "Freedomland" where Grandad, Huey and Riley are forced against their will to work at a slavery theme park and forced to be actual slaves and forced to live at the park, and another episode "The New Black" Riley ends up offending the gay community after making a comment and then they try to pass him off as "specially abled" in order to turn the tables against the gay community.

Name one example

3 Too Much Focus on Grandad
4 Uncle Ruckus is Way Too Mean Spirited
5 The Writing is Bad
6 Huey and Riley are Given Less Screen Time
7 It's Not Funny

Nothing about this show in general is funny.

8 A Lot of the Minor Characters Don't Return
9 Only 10 Episodes

It needs to be 20 episodes

10 Nearly All the Episodes are Terrible
The Contenders
11 No Ed III and Rummy
12 Too Many Mainstream Voice Actors

Tom Kenny
Grey griffin
Travis Willingham
Cree summers
Mark hamill
Michael b Jordan
Cristina pucelli
Lauren Tom
Jeff Bennett
Phil Lamar

13 Political Correctness
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