Top Ten Best Star vs. the Forces of Evil Characters

The Top Ten
Star Butterfly

For the main character, she honestly should get more light. Marco is always getting all the ships and stuff and being called the most relatable, but honestly, Star deserves it way more, not only because she is the main character but because her upbeat personality is not annoying (anymore) and it helps make the show more interesting. All the attention should be on her relationships with Oskar, Tom, and Marco instead of all the attention being on who Marco dates.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil is one of the few cartoons I can stand to watch with my daughter. I'll admit I was kind of iffy on the first season, but I kept watching and now I'm hooked.

I picked Star because she has the same personality as my daughter, but I identify with Queen Moon because we both would do anything to keep our child safe. My girl is also an only child. I'm a fan for life!

Marco Diaz

He is always there for his friends. He cares for Star a lot, and every time the two of them are together, it is fun and awesome to watch. I'm happy to see them end up together.

He's decent at karate, always seems to have money, a "good" friend to Star. He has an awesome mole and becomes quite the awesome guy during his experience with Hekapoo.

He is so funny, and after a little while, he will do anything for his best friend! He has a great personality.

Eclipsa the Queen of Darkness

No matter what anyone says, she WAS a better queen than Moon. First of all, she is the rightful queen, not a fake Butterfly. She was Solaria the MONSTER CARVER'S daughter, yet she married and had a daughter with a monster. Honestly, this girl was never racist despite her mother's attitude, and she's much more mature than Moon. Moon is racist. I get Toffee killed her mother, but does that really mean you have to treat every monster like that?

I mean, Eclipsa would never have created a Solarian army. She claimed that she was stopping something before it got worse. Star, Eclipsa, and Meteora were the only ones that had magic other than herself, and they wouldn't have created a Solarian army, so it wouldn't have gotten worse.

Honestly, magic shouldn't have been destroyed. Eclipsa should have just done her most powerful spell on Moon and gotten rid of the source of all the monsters' suffering. Gosh, I hate Moon so much! I hope they bring back magic and give it to the rightful heirs: Eclipsa and Meteora.


This guy is probably one of the most misunderstood characters of the show. Even though people don't trust him, he keeps working to make himself better. He just wants to make Star happy (even if it doesn't work and he loses his temper). Let's not forget that he was willing to go through a demoncism for her. He just wanted to feel good about himself.

He also stood up for Marco in the episodes "Divide" and "Conquer." He told the Magnificent 7 to listen to Marco. He even tried to rally the group after their initial plan to capture Meteora failed (even though it came off as kind of offensive, sorry Marco!). Not only that, but he came back for Marco in the end and was willing to sacrifice his soul for him.

Words can't express how much this character has changed. He's gone through so much to make others happy. That's why Tom is the best character.


Janna is so me, always there to make you laugh, especially when it comes to messing with Marco. She always had some way to make us laugh and be happy. This is why Janna is my favorite character. So is Pony Head.

I love Janna! I hope we get to see some character development from her soon. She's not on the show as much as her fans would like her to be.

Great character who was funny and really cool throughout every season. Janna's last scene made me like her a lot more too.

Jackie Lynn Thomas Jackie Lynn Thomas is a fictional character from Star vs The Forces of Evil as a student from Echo Creek Academy who Marco has a crush on who's very laid back, kind and enjoy's skateboarding.

I love Jackie. I feel like she is such a unique character. The only problem is, she gets little to no screen time and no character development at all. We don't know much about her, and I really hope the characters besides Star and Marco get character development and screen time, like Janna, Brittney, Oskar, Tom, and some others.

Jackie gets hate for almost no reason. She's sweet, kind, and the most mature person on this show. I feel bad for her because most people don't realize that she's literally a plot device for a love rival. I want her to get more character development and to come back!


This guy is a hell of a lot smarter than one would assume. He isn't calm all the time just because that's his character. He's calm because he feels that what he's facing is pure amateurs who are not even worth panicking about. I honestly don't think his time has come just yet, because a character like him wouldn't go from the series without a bang.

I so wish we had gotten more of Toffee. He's just such a grounded and evil character, and I really wanted to see more of his character and powers on screen.


Can we take a moment to appreciate that the game of basketball Star runs through at the end represents how he and Dennis overcame their oppressive parents?

There's a bit of Ludo in all of us!

Queen Butterfly Queen Moon Butterfly is a supporting character in the Disney XD animated series "Star vs. the Forces of Evil". She is the ruler of Mewni alongside her husband King River Butterfly and is the mother of Star Butterfly.

It's a shame how her character got assassinated in late season 4, but I will always remember her as the strict and stuffy yet still devoted and courageous queen.

Good character. Even though she makes mistakes, she always looks out for Star. She isn't in my top five, but she is still a great character.

She is a devoted wife to River and a protective mother to Star. She will not let anyone hurt her family. They will find out the hard way if they do.


Hekapoo, for one, is a fun character with an interesting personality. Along with that, the few episodes circulating around her bring a new aspect of Marco as well as a new form of adventure to the show, allowing for far more diversity in episodes.

Very cool character. The only high commission member that deserved to go out in a good and cool way, which she did.

My biggest problem with season 4 is how little time is spent on her destruction. She just gets up and walks away, and we never see her again! I so wanted to see more of her, and I totally shipped Markapoo.

The Newcomers

? Globgor

On Coronation Day, doesn't anyone think he deserves a chance in life? I know Buff Frog and Tom were given another chance.

Since magic is now gone, Globgor is the strongest character. Take that in.

? Pinkus

He's the weird-looking guy from the Escape from the Pie Folk episode. He didn't want to share the day-old pies because they are his favorite.

The Contenders
Mr. Diaz

He is so unique and interesting. He is very wise and powerful, yet acts childish and is very playful. I love him.

I think he should be higher. And also, pudding.

King Butterfly

I think he's also the 22nd best dad ever!

Buff Frog

I think it's great of Buff Frog to become a dad to those tadpoles as well as become one of the good guys. I just hope he doesn't blow it like that Ludo dude!

I like how he goes from a villain to always looking out for Star and always wanting to protect her.

Flying Pony Princess Head

She is a riot. Every episode she appears in is a fun episode. She is completely relatable. While I find a lot of jokes in SVTFOE to fall flat, Pony Head, on the other hand, is always hilarious.

Mrs. Diaz

She is my favorite character! In my opinion, she has a very interesting design and looks fantastic as a hybrid. Her story moved my heart very much because her crown, her mother, Eclipsa, was taken from her, she was crystallized, and she was taken in by St. Olga. I'm not surprised that she grew up to be a bad person. She was simply lost in life and could not cope because Olga did not give her any support. Meteora needed real parents then.

After she began to turn into a monster, she could not control her emotions, and anger grew in her. In my opinion, she was treated cruelly and unjustly because she was a monster hybrid, and she was not admitted to the throne. However, it is good that when she was reborn as a child, her mother was finally with her. P.S. she looks very charming with this tail.


Kelly is the bomb. Marco's fighting buddy. "Is that your family's ancestral sword?" -Marco
"Nope, why would I give that to you?" [pulls out sword from hair] "This is my family's ancestral sword."

Principal Skeeves
StarFan 13

Oskar is really cute, and he has a crush on Star Butterfly. I hope we see more of him in upcoming seasons!

Very cute and underrated. He should date Jackie.

I would like to see him and Star date before Star inevitably ends up with Marco.


The lead singer of Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump, plays this awesome character.

Pixie Empress
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