Top 10 Best Corpse Party Characters

The Top Ten
Yoshiki Kishinuma

To me, the most compelling and likable. He seems like a one-note character but gains a lot more depth through the story, especially as you learn his backstory. Besides, he's got some of the funniest lines in the game.

It was either going to be him or Sakutaro Morishige, but I like this character even more. Ayumi would be dead without him protecting her. He was the greatest character of all time.

I love Yoshiki! He is so adorable, and I didn't like how Ayumi acted towards him. She would have been dead without him.

Ayumi Shinozaki

I love Ayumi! I have a feeling everyone dislikes her because she had one of the most realistic reactions. Not to mention, she went back to Heavenly Host and found a way out! I agree that the way she treated Yoshiki and Naomi wasn't cool, but she was stressed, confused, scared, and not to mention on her period. Everything just piled up, and she took it out on the wrong people. Adding in the darkening... I see a bit of myself in Ayumi, especially with problems related to feminism. So if people could try and see from my point of view, that would be good.

Naomi Nakashima

Naomi is my all-time favorite character. She is caring, sweet, and overall a wonderful girl. She is beautiful inside and out, and I hated the way Ayumi acted towards her. I get why, but I hated it. Seiko is also the best, and I hated how that turned out (I won't say... Spoilers!).

Ayumi got first place in the official ranking, but she didn't seem like a main character to me. More of a smart supporting character. Naomi was strong, kept going after her best friend died, and had a crush. She basically possesses all the qualities of a main character.

Seiko Shinohara

Seiko is the best girl because of her personality (she's positive and sweet), and other than that, she's adorable! She didn't deserve to be one of the first ones to die. She should've died later on or not at all. She's just so precious and must be protected.

She was number one on my best girls list and number one on my top ten anime and game characters list, so she should be #1 here.

Seiko was awesome, so positive and sweet. However, since she died so early, I don't think she should have been number one. But otherwise, Seiko is an awesome character, and I love her.

Satoshi Mochida

He was the best character. He faced his fears to protect his friends and family and was the only character in the entire game and miniseries who kept his cool throughout, while everyone else completely lost it at one point or another.

Satoshi has to be my favorite. I find myself a lot like him because I put others before myself, just like he does.

Damn, I kinda like him. I mean, how he's well-organized and how many things prove he is very mature.

Yuka Mochida

Yuka deserves to be higher, but I hate how she only cares about Satoshi.

Bro, I don't know why she is ranked this low. She definitely deserves to be placed higher.

Yui Shishido

She could have survived!!!!! She was a very nice teacher, and she just wanted her students to be safe. She is the nicest teacher I've ever known!

I feel that she's very underrated, and all she wanted was to see her students safe. She was the one I wanted to live the most.

Why are there two teachers? I don't know, but she was an amazing teacher. I wish she had lived.

Sakutaro Morishige

The hate towards him is not justified for me. Yes, he took pictures of corpses to feel better, and I agree that this was sick and disgusting. But there's more to him, guys. His only real friend, who accepted him for who he is, just died. Wouldn't you be desperate too? You also can't compare Morishige with Kizami. Kizami was bad and crazy before Heavenly Host, while Morishige was pretty much normal (even though I strongly believe he suffered from some kind of mental illness like depression) before Heavenly Host and just went insane in it. His inner self made him extremely vulnerable to the darkening. His character was very realistic and relatable to me. You never know what you can become in places like Heavenly Host.

Yuuya Kizami

I don't know why he isn't added here yet. He's a sadistic brat who kills his classmates.

Favorite character by far. Who doesn't love an adorable sociopath?

So scary... but so cool at the same time! He eats teeth! You can't get cooler than that!

Mayu Suzumoto

Mayu is so kind and sweet! She shouldn't have died. She was about to lose her friends for most of the time, and then she did a charm to keep them together forever, and it killed her. So sad! I, for one, love her! Kawaii!

If you've played Book of Shadows, she easily becomes one of your favorite characters!

Mayu is so beautiful! I love her so much, and she's my favorite. I wish she had survived.

The Newcomers

? Shinozaki Mother
? Queen

Underrated character. She only popped up once at the end of Blood Drive, but I love her.

Her design, her backstory, her meaning, and her presence are all incredible.

The Contenders
Sachiko Shinozaki

If you see Sachiko in human form, she is so kind - the opposite of her spirit. So sad. Too bad.

Although Sachiko is malicious and malevolent, I can't help but love her.

Naho Saenoki
Mitsuki Yamamoto
Shougo Taguchi
Tohko Kirisaki
Tomohiro Ohkawa

Tomohiro is my favorite character. He was a hero like Mitsuki since they both stood up to Kizami and didn't scream in pain or beg for help or beg for him to stop when Kizami was killing them. He even told Kokuhaku to run away when Kizami showed up. I wish Kokuhaku had more character. I think she should've had her own extra chapter with her friends and how the curse got to her. By the way, I ship Tomohiro and Kokuhaku.

Yuki Kanno
Kou Kibiki
Sayaka Ooue

One of my favorite characters. She really reminds me of Seiko, although she needs better friends.

Basically, Seiko 2.0! Seiko and she consider each other Soul Sisters! And they both would do anything for their crush. Sayaka x Naho is one of my OTPs.

Kensuke Kurosaki
Kai Shimada
Nana Ogasawara
Misuto Kiriya

I know a lot of people hate Misuto because of how he uses Ayumi, but let's face it: Ayumi is gullible. He's one of the coolest characters and deserves more love than he gets.

I can honestly say Misuto is my favorite character. While most would disagree because he used Ayumi, I still prefer him over the other characters. Not only is he a cool guy, but he also has a good backstory.

Satsuki Mizuhara
Tsukasa Mikuni
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