Most Annoying Things Dogs Do

The Top Ten
1 Poop on a kid's shoe
2 Lick a kid

I did make me cry as a kid

3 Run off
4 Have a kid in the spot
5 Bark when someone is dead
6 Lick someone who is dead

That is nasty. One of my dogs tried to bring a dead bird inside the house. I swear!

7 Puke

They can't help it.

8 Eat your food

Dogs are so selfish.

9 Bark non-stop
10 Break your phone
The Contenders
11 Do their business in the house

One time my dog pooped in my brother's room and I showed my grandpa and said "look it's a swirl! " and it was on the floor. Then my grandpa picked up the swirl with a paper towel and rubbed my dog's face in it and shouted "Smell it! " and then he closed the half door which we have in the house that leads to the garage and said wait till my mom and dad get home.

When I get a dog, I will only allow it to do its business in the toilet

I don't want to find poop on my couch. Or pee on my chair.

12 Chew stuff

My dog chewed on my headphones and my phone charger I got so angry at him I have to buy new headphones and a charger

My dog chewed on my laptop cord when I was down town, I was so mad at her when I got home

I remember when my old dog chewed on Christmas lights outside, at least they weren't plugged in

13 Break your game console

Stupid shadow I payed money for my phone and my Xbox that's why you sleep in the basement now

14 Eat poop
15 Take forever to go to the bathroom
16 Not listen
17 Stare at you
18 Throw tantrums
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