Top 10 Ways Why Assassin's Creed III: Tyranny of King Washington is Better Than the Actual Assassin's Creed III Game

The Top Ten
Cooler Outfit

The Assassin outfit in ACIII looks piss-yellow. On the other hand, the Animal Spirit outfit in TOKW looks amazing, complete with a wolf hood.


You can turn invisible and fly in TOKW, which gives the game mechanics an entirely new feel. Not to mention you can summon spirit wolves to fight beside you.

Better Story

The ACIII story is okay at best, but the TOKW story is brilliant as it takes place in a really cool alternate reality.

Connor's Personality

In ACIII, Connor is an overly-sensitive stoic (which comes across as overbearing at times). But in TOKW, he becomes much more of a grim reaper focused only on assassinating King Washington.

Loading Screen

The ACIII loading screen is just white and boring. The TOKW loading screen has a really cool black and blue layout where you get to chase the Apple of Eden. It gives you something to entertain yourself with while the game loads.

Side Quests

In TOKW, there are small side quests that pop up all over the map, from freeing Native Americans to feeding the starving.

Epic Boss Battle

The ending cutscene was anticlimactic for sure, but the boss fight before it was epic. It almost felt like battling a Legend of Zelda boss.

Numbers of Enemies

Enemies, enemies, and more enemies. It's really fun to just slaughter a horde of Bluecoats at once. And what's cool is that unlike in ACIII, the enemies in TOKW don't respawn unless you leave the area.


The frontier is an icy winter front with dead Redcoats scattered about. Their red uniforms really pop against the black and white setting, creating a grim but cool atmosphere. And the pyramid in New York is incredible, especially the interior.


TOKW have a lot of amazing songs that aren't found in ACIII. My personal favorites are "Man With the Wolf Hood" and "Ratonhnhaké ton".

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