Top Ten Most Annoying Grammar Mistakes
You'd think that people of the level of education that we have, with proof-read and grammatically refined writings being around every last child in the education system, respectable grammar would be a sixth sense to society as a whole. But no. Twelve years after high school, and people continue to misplace apostrophes and use similar sounding words with entirely different spellings interchangeably. May this list be a guide to these ill-taught and often ignorant individuals, who won't care, or even notice, if I end this sentence with an invalid conjunction then.Daily reminder that:
There is often used to refer to a place. It's used as an adverb, noun, or pronoun.
Their is a possessive, meaning that it belongs to them or they own it. If you want to show possession, use "their."
They're is basically an informal version of "they are."
I used to struggle with these mistakes in English class, and I get that it's very irritating. I still occasionally mix them up. No one is perfect. Anyway, you get the idea.
Yes, I hate it when people do this. It's torture. It drives me crazy! I mean, yeah, all grammatical errors do, but it's just so stupid when people mix these up. They usually think they're smart, but it's just frustrating!
Your mind must be small if you're not able to get these right! And I thought "they're," "there," and "their" were bad!
If you're misusing these words, your grammar is not correct.
Yeah, your grammar is very bad if you do this.

English isn't my native language, and I have almost never learned how to use commas (I don't mean apostrophes, colons, and semi-colons) in school. So...
Commas, apostrophes, colons, and semi-colons can completely change the meaning of a sentence. It's not rocket science.
Well, I have never done this in my life.
Well, probably that's why conjugation for other verbs has almost died out in English. Maybe by 2500, there will only be an infinitive form for each verb, and even the past simple tense will need to be expressed with auxiliaries.
You are is grammatically correct. You is is grammatically incorrect. That is the truth. That are is not the truth.
There are 10 things wrong with this, and my favorite song is very good.
This should be number one. I'm sick of people using the apostrophe for plurals. It's never right.
How many omg's are you going to send?
I loved the 2010s.
I like selling oranges.
Learn your ABCs.
Send me some DMs.
Which ones are wrong? All of them. You can never, ever use it for plurals. But I see this everywhere.
Honestly, the top three items on this list are not usually made once you get to sixth grade. (Luckily, people in my area are relatively smart.) Lots of my classmates, however, make this mistake.
Also, I came to all the grammar lists because on my profile page I mentioned I was somewhat obsessed with making sure nobody makes grammatical mistakes. (You can call me a fool.)
When referring to one item, you aren't referring to one items. Just as you are eating one apple, not one apples, or two apple.
Apologies. That list still gives me that little brain itch.
I've heard double negatives in songs a lot, and they always drive me crazy. I was taught not to use double negatives. I'm a non-native English speaker, so there may be exceptions, but "It's not unusual" seems like the only acceptable case.
One of the worst mistakes in grammar that people can make is using double negatives. Especially when they say "don't hardly" or "can't barely." It drives me insane!
All the time. People do this all the time. And I'm a serious grammar Nazi. It kills me!
There was this kid back in elementary school who would drive me crazy by saying things like, "I have so much pennies." He did this through the 8th grade.
I honestly thought that they were the same thing.
There are many things wrong with saying this.
"What happened to the plane?" someone may ask. If they simply answer "Gone," they won't get anywhere.
When you're saying it, it kind of sounds like "could of." I can understand why people might make this mistake.
I could have used bad grammar, but I did it the correct way.
How do people not know how the word "of" works? It's sad.
The Newcomers
"Don't" is best for these pronouns: "You," "I," "we," and "they."
"Doesn't" is best for third-person singular pronouns: "he," "she," or "it."
Correct: He doesn't drink tea.
Incorrect: He don't drink tea.
Correct: You don't drink tea.
Incorrect: You doesn't drink tea.
Use "don't" if you are describing multiple people or using "you" or "I." Use "doesn't" when describing a single person.
For those who don't get the mistake, it's an incorrectly used double comparative. It should be "much better" rather than "more better." Hint: you don't use the word "more" if a word contains the suffix "-er" or "-ier." In other words, it's incorrect to use both.
Incorrect examples:
Ben is more better than that guy.
This pot is more new than that pot.
Correct examples:
Ben is better than that guy.
This pot is newer than that pot.
The same applies for double superlatives.
Incorrect example:
This is the most hardest game I've ever played.
Correct example:
This is the hardest game I've ever played.
Oddly enough, these mistakes are often overlooked in speech but not in writing. Ironically, some of these mistakes were included in older works before this rule was applied. This might be why plenty of people make these mistakes without realizing it. Not necessarily annoying, but one of the most subtle mistakes by far.
For example: "Are you doing good today?"
No, it's "Are you doing well today?"
This used to not bother me, but the more I've noticed it, the more annoying it's gotten...
It doesn't bug me as much as some grammatical errors do, but still, it's not proper.
When my sister is bragging about her English grades, she always says, "I'm doing good in English."
I can see where those people are coming from because "Bob's" means "belonging to Bob." But even so, it makes people look silly.
"Who's" always means "who is." That's how I tell when to use "who's" or "whose." I just remember that.
How will I have any idea what was being said?
I honestly didn't know people were THAT stupid.
I have one cookie. I won the contest yesterday.
Yes! So many people don't use periods after sentences, and it automatically makes the whole thing feel drab. I hate it!
Ah, yes, this is a pet peeve for me, especially if the comment is serious.
I sometimes have to restrain myself from correcting this every time.
When people say this, then I want to correct their grammar.
People can be so dumb sometimes.
I can't read writing that has mistakes like this several times. If it was only one error, it could've been autocorrect.
I hate it when people do this.
This really does my head in. What is wrong with people who say "lay" instead of "lie"? Didn't they pay attention in class, or weren't they taught the correct grammar?
I'm well and truly a grammar nazi.
People do this all the time.
That doesn't really annoy me. A lot of people on here forget to put question marks at the end of a question anyway.
I do this occasionally, but it's because I hit the wrong key, not because I'm unenlightened.
Ugh... my teacher says them ones. I correct her so often that my friends call me the 'grammar police.' Also, once we were ripping up the Times newspaper, and I found a grammar mistake. I circled it with a red marker and handed it to my teacher. If it weren't for the circle, she wouldn't have even spotted it. Another time, I sent a letter to my newspaper because I found a mistake. That was a year ago, and I haven't heard back. I guess they were embarrassed to be proven wrong by a kid!
This makes me cringe. I mean, seriously. It's so annoying!
A list of my favorite Fortnite weapons: compact SMG, gold scar, tactical shotgun, dual pistols.
Obviously, ending a sentence with a conjunction is awful. But starting a sentence with a conjunction is something I do a lot. It doesn't bother me at all.