Most Beautiful Long-Haired Cats

All cats are pretty, whether pedigreed or "moggies". Long-haired cats are particularly elegant. These breeds have long coats, or come in both long-haired and short-haired forms.
The Top Ten
1 Norwegian Forest Cat

One word: gorgeous!

2 Maine Coon

I am biased because I own one

3 Somali A breed of domestic cat that originated from the longhaired variant of the Abyssinian, the Somali is characterized by its bushy tail and tufted ears. Known for its playful and intelligent nature, this breed has a medium-length, ticked coat and enjoys interactive play.
4 Turkish Angora
5 Siberian The Siberian is a landrace variety of domestic cat, present in Russia for centuries, and more recently developed as a formal breed, with standards promulgated since the late 1980s. Siberians are average sized cats, and are considered hypoallergenic.
6 Persian
7 Selkirk Rex
8 Scottish Fold Scottish Fold is a breed of domestic cat with a natural dominant gene mutation that affects cartilage throughout the body, causing the ears to "fold".
9 Munchkin
10 Turkish Van
The Contenders
11 Nebelung
12 Birman
13 Balinese The Balinese is a long-haired breed of domestic cat with Siamese-style point coloration and sapphire-blue eyes.
14 LaPerm
15 Ragdoll
16 Oriental

Some registries class Oriental Shorthairs and Oriental Longhairs as separate breeds, others class them as varieties of one breed, the Oriental.

17 Burmilla
18 British Longhair
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