Top 10 Best Excuses for Missing Class

The Top Ten
1 You're sick

Probably your best excuse in winter since that's when cold/flu season is. Say your roommate passed it to you, which, will most likely happen if you spend a lot of time in your dorm or apartment.

If you're sick you can't go to school simple as that

2 Your alarm didn't go off
3 You had an appointment

Pretty much the only reason I miss school

4 A family member died or is ill
5 You were out of town

Once I was out of state for a wedding and so were my cousins once so we missed school for a couple of days and we lied to our teachers saying that we had to take care of a family issue AND IT TOTALLY WORKED

6 Car broke down
7 You had to work
8 There was too much traffic
9 You had to babysit
10 You had cramps
The Contenders
11 You forgot where the class was
12 You had a coupon to Taco Bell that was about to expire
13 You forgot which way the school was
14 You didn't care
15 You had a doctor's appointment
16 You had a therapy appointment
17 I had a dentist's appointment
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