Top 10 Worst Big Brother (U.S.) Houseguests

Think back to the Big Brother house - remember all those wild personalities, jaw-dropping betrayals, and ridiculously out-of-touch strategies? Big Brother has seen its fair share of, let's say, "questionable" players throughout the years. Some stand out more than others... for all the wrong reasons.

Maybe they made boneheaded moves that tanked their game in a blaze of glory. Or maybe their over-the-top antics had you cringing on the other side of the screen. Perhaps they crossed the line, and their behavior rubbed viewers (and sometimes other houseguests) the wrong way.

Now's your chance to settle the ultimate debate: Who are the absolute worst Big Brother houseguests of all time? We're not just talking bad players, although they're definitely in the running. We're talking about the folks who just left a bad taste in your mouth, making you wish they'd never set foot in that house.
The Top Ten
Lawon Exum (Big Brother 13)

This guy definitely deserves first place on this list. Here's a Medal of Honor for being the worst player to ever play this game in all 26 seasons! You volunteered not just to go on the block but to be evicted! How delusional!

As described below, Kaysar is a completely overrated player both strategically and competitively, but Lawon made a mistake that no other contestant ever would or could make. Not only did he ask to be evicted due to delusions of a 'special power,' but he consequently allowed Rachel, the eventual winner, to stay in the game.

If he hadn't made that huge error, he himself wouldn't have won, but a fellow newbie may well have!

Kaysar Ridha (Big Brother 6 and 7) Kaysar Ridha was a houseguest on Big Brother 6 and then returned to the house in Big Brother All-Stars. In both seasons Kaysar placed tenth.

Yeah, he had a huge target from Week 1 of Season 6, and it only grew and grew, leading to his eviction the week after his HOH reign ended. He returned a week later, but he wasn't seeking revenge for being evicted and coming back. He should have realized that being a returnee would make him an easy target, which is exactly what happened.

In All-Stars, did he seriously think that getting rid of Nakomis was going to help him? She was at the bottom of the totem pole in the house. Like Nakomis herself said, he was so wishy-washy and made a huge mistake. His alliance thought getting rid of the Season 5 players would get them to the end, and they thought they would win all of the HOHs.

Him not playing in the Veto caused him to lose his game this season. He didn't want to put himself out there for Janelle and James (he said this when his partner Michael was on the block in Season 6). He completely failed to consider that if one of them came off, Danielle would put him up, guaranteeing someone from their team would leave pre-jury.

He is a nice and likable guy, but his mistakes are huge and fatal.

Devin Shepherd (Big Brother 16)

Devin is one of those awful players, but in such a unique type of awful, you almost want him to stay. He formed two large alliances, which would obviously have conflicts, was responsible for nominating Donny, then telling on himself in an unnecessarily emotional speech. He voted up Zach, an alliance member, and openly threw tantrums and got mad at Caleb, Paula, Zach, and Amber.

It would've been nice to see him stay to watch him annoy people, but I really can't complain they gave him 14th.

What an idiot! He created an alliance on day 1, which would only work if you knew and trusted them, and then revealed the alliance just two weeks later! He tried to be "honest" and have "integrity," but started to lie and scam everyone the minute he finished his awful speech.

Finally, he tried to bring another member into the alliance when he should have known that Zach had the votes to stay. What an idiot!

Justin Sebik (Big Brother 2)

If a simple psychological evaluation had been conducted, Justin Sebik should have never been allowed to walk through the doors of Big Brother. He was a hothead with violent and murderous tendencies, which corresponds with his charges after the show.

He's crazy. He got himself kicked out of the house! If he played by the rules, he would have done way better even though he's still creepy. Instead, he wanted to threaten his way to the top. How is he not ranked the top most horrible player?

Psychopath! This guy is a total psychopath. How in the world is he not on here yet? He was really creepy the entire time he was on the show. He constantly threatened houseguests with violence and held a knife up to Krista's throat.

Victoria Rafaeli (Big Brother 16)

In my opinion, Victoria played a flawless game for a floater/pawn. She was a pawn nominee when Donny, Nicole, and others were evicted. Her only role was comic relief for the audience with her statement, "I'm going to win the point of view!" and then proceeding to fail miserably in the challenge. She had no strategy, and her only "alliances" were friendships with outsiders who were already being ousted by Derrick and the rest of the Detonators, except Christine.

If she wrote a book, it would be titled "How to Be a Floater and Get $50,000 for It," which would be ironic because Cody (AKA Derrick's puppet) made the foolish move to evict her over his master. The book would also be like five pages long because she's an idiot. Well done, Victoria. I bet your family's proud.

Kathy Hillis (Big Brother 12)

Worst competitor ever! She was such a bad competitor that I thought she was throwing everything. Not only that, but her social game was one of the worst I've seen. If your goal is to lose Big Brother, congratulations!

Worst jury member in the history of Big Brother. Floated through the game, bombed every competition, her head was never in the game, and thought too highly of herself even though the whole house knew how awful she was. It makes me sick to know she was cast on the show and made it to jury.

To the producers of CBS, what were you thinking when you cast her on the show?

Willie Hantz (Big Brother 14)

He was actually 14th place, not 10th place. Anyway, he was this season's example of "Guy playing too hard, too fast." As soon as his HOH ended, it was clear that he was leaving in Week 2, but because he was a punk and did not want to leave with class, he got himself expelled. Ugh.

He was the HOH in week one and got himself evicted in week two. He didn't make any solid deals during his time as HOH. Instead of aligning with the best player in the game, Frank, he put him on the block without having the votes. He freaked out at Frank before the eviction ceremony, which basically turned the house against him.

He evicted himself before the Power of Veto, which he had a pretty solid chance of winning. Just an all-around bad player.

Jase Wirey (Big Brother 5 and 7)

Jase is a very interesting case in general, but he is the creator of the "Cocky guy plays too hard, too fast, and gets booted fast" archetype. He became a target simply because of his physique, and allying with other strong men like himself did not help his cause. His cockiness and boldness became apparent in the first three weeks, and while he could have been a decent strategist, he really alienated a lot of people when he acted as the "King of the Castle". He believed that his entire alliance would win everything and drew clear lines between the houseguests. As he started to lose power, his desperation became evident, and due to his actions, he was the first victim of the backdoor strategy. Being humble goes a long way.

James made a foolish move by nominating him when he could have ensured Chilltown's downfall by nominating Boogie in BB7. Jase should not have lost his composure and should have avoided being so blunt while running between every side. While he is a very entertaining character, he falls into a similar category as Kaysar when it comes to becoming too big of a target too soon, from which they cannot escape.

James Huling (Big Brother 17)

James Huling was the dumbest player of Season 17, and I'm furious he won the money from America's Favorite Player because he was terrible. He made one terrible move after another. Watching how clueless he and Meg were in this game was painful.

I don't understand why he is popular. Is it because he nominated Shelli and Clay? Wow, what an achievement. He didn't even succeed in evicting his target.

Then he flipped on Becky and kept Vanessa, the biggest threat and manipulator in the house, only to evict Becky later. What was he thinking? He and Meg practically handed the victory to the other side of the house. With Becky still in the game and Vanessa evicted, one of them might have actually had a chance to win.

Aaryn Gries (Big Brother 15) Aaryn Elizabeth Williams is an American reality television personality, YouTuber, entrepreneur, and former model from San Marcos, Texas. She is best known for her appearance as a contestant on the reality television show Big Brother 15.

If I had to choose one word for Aaryn, it would be either racist, homophobic, rude, or maybe just bad.

She had a very similar social game to Rachel and Evel Dick. She argued and made comments about almost everyone in the house openly! And when confronted, she said she didn't care!

Usually, I root for the people who are alone and a house target. This time is different. Everything she said was absolutely disgusting, and I'm surprised that she's so low on this list. Trying to be rude to make people lose competitions like Evel Dick did is okay, but she did it on purpose!

The Newcomers

? Makensy Manbeck (Big Brother 26)

She constantly talked about wanting to win and how she was playing to win, but then goes ahead and gives the win to Chelsie. She was a total puppet the entire game, and in her final jury speech, she was just… Here's a tip: if you're in the final 2, NEVER glorify someone else's game during your final speech, which is exactly what she did. She didn't play what was best for her game. Chelsie was using her to make moves best for Chelsie's game. She said she played the way she did because she had to, but Chelsie played the way she did because she could, and Chelsie did it for her, basically giving her the $750,000.

? Angela Murray (Big Brother 26)

How is she not on the list yet? She had one of the worst HOH reigns I've seen!

The Contenders
Adam Poch (Big Brother 13)

The second he came in the house, I thought, "Maybe this guy will be as good as Evel Dick. He does seem very similar."

Then came the first HoH competition, which was one of the shortest endurance comps I have ever seen! He fell off in the first minute or two.

Then he decided to betray his alliance with the newbies to go with the veterans, thinking he could beat them. But of course, the worst move he ever made was trying to bring the showmance of Jeff and Jordan to the final three. And he thought he had a chance! Downright stupidity.

Frankie Grande (Big Brother 16) Frank James Michael Grande Marchione (born January 24, 1983), usually credited as Frankie Grande or Frankie J. Grande, is an American dancer, musical theatre actor and singer, producer, TV host and YouTube personality. He is the older half-brother of singer and actress Ariana Grande.

Okay, Frankie haters, you are only ranking him this high because of his personality. Despite that, he was the only person in that house playing to win the game, was aware of what went on, and actually took control of the game, other than Derrick, obviously.

He was strong physically, mentally, and socially. Sure, he might be nasty and vile, but being nice and friendly is rarely the point of Big Brother, at least not in the North American version.

Worst player ever... Yes, he wins competitions, but if you are a competition beast, your social game doesn't have to be super impeccable. If I ever have to watch a season of Big Brother again with a guy in clothes that tight, I'll die. I am gay myself, and I think we all have to be better as a minority, and he's a horrible person.

He treats people very poorly because he's Ariana Grande's brother. Up there as the worst for me.

Amanda Zuckerman (Big Brother 15)

She went more than half of the game having never won a competition and still manipulated everyone in the house. She used her loud mouth and ability to get in people's heads as a strategy. Sometimes she took it a step too far, but ultimately she played a strong strategic game, and they all feared her.

I loved her, and if she had made it to the final two, she would have won hands down.

Amanda will go down as one of the most disgusting houseguests ever to have played Big Brother. She was mentally unstable, a bully, envious, nasty, and racist. She tried to pattern her game similar to Dick and Will, and despite how scummy the other houseguests were, they wised up and got her evicted.

I didn't like her nor her crazy antics that many found entertaining.

Chima Simone (Big Brother 11) Chima Simone is a TV personality and freelance journalist, best known as a former contestant on Big Brother 11. She is also notable for surviving an attack by the Bathtub Killer, Dale Devon Scheanette.

Chima should be high on this list because she was foolish enough to disobey the Big Brother rules and not wear her microphone. Throughout the game, she had been disregarding rules, like not going to the diary room when asked and not wearing her microphone. The night before the veto competition, Big Brother set out a mini-golf game to practice for the upcoming veto comp. Chima had put a big enough target on her back that she was feeling defeated at that point, so she took her microphone and tossed it in the pool. When they asked her to get a new mic and wear it, she refused and was expelled from the game.

Mike Dutz (Big Brother 8)

Mike Dutz started Big Brother 8 looking like a strong contender for the season. He was the all-American guy: cute and athletic. However, his loyalty, perhaps excessive, became his downfall. When his ally Kail was put on the block in week 3, Mike stood by her side in an attempt to make HOH Dick lose the Veto.

While Mike was distracting Dick, Dick warned him that he would be nominated if he didn't stop his antics. Ignoring the warning, Mike continued, leading Dick to hand the Veto to nominee Jen and nominate Mike instead. Ironically, Mike was pleased, believing he had demonstrated his loyalty to the entire house, even though Kail was already on her way out.

Jozea Flores (Big Brother 18)

Calling yourself the messiah, having a horrible social game, and being clueless about everything around you. Not a single alliance or strategy. Did I mention he sucked at every competition?

He thought he was running the house without any evidence to support that belief. He is such an egomaniac that he just assumed everyone was on his side and accepted him as their "messiah." How can he say anyone "betrayed" him when he was in an imaginary alliance?

Gathering everyone in a room and telling them who you want them to vote for is not an alliance. He was totally clueless about his position in the house, strategy, how to play the game, and his own likability and capabilities.

Lydia Tavera (Big Brother 11)

Oh, Lydia, Lydia. You were so obsessed with Jessie that you dug yourself a hole! How can you cry over a guy that was playing you for a month or something?

She was obsessed with Jessie since Week 1. If it had been different and she hadn't gone off the block week one, Chima would have most likely gone home, and she would have had Kevin, Jeff, Jordan, Michele, Braden, Laura, Casey, and maybe Ronnie as allies. But no, she fell under the control of Jessie and dragged Kevin with her. Ugh.

She didn't have much game. She was blinded by Jessie the whole time and asked people to vote her out just to be with Jessie.

Jessie Kowalski (Big Brother 15)

She is the best player to ever play the game and she would beat Dan in a unanimous vote. Actually, she wouldn't because the girls would be "jealous" and catty and vote her out because she is the prettiest.

I love Jessie. But she didn't even have a gameplay. And when she tried a big move, she couldn't even execute it. She had potential but she threw it all away quickly.

Objectively speaking, the only reason she even won that Veto was for the same reason Victoria from BB16 did - she was just given the win.

GinaMarie Zimmerman (Big Brother 15)

Oh, GinaMarie, here is your gameplay. You were obsessed with Nick and cried all the time. It got annoying. You also wore your heart on your sleeve, making racist comments like your good friend Aaryn.

She is so crazy over Nick, who was evicted weeks ago, and has a shrine devoted to him. She is also very poor when it comes to strategy, just following Aaryn's commands.

Let's give her credit where it's due. She made the big move of the season by putting up McCranda and directly evicting Amanda (she broke the tie).

Jenn Arroyo (Big Brother 14)

Won the Power of Veto, stupidly used it on Dan, claimed she made a "big move" (yet Dan was the one that really did it for her), then gets taken out by him two weeks later.

She was a good person. I think if she wasn't so close with Frank and closer with Shane and Danielle, she could've won.

How is she not in the top ten? She's almost like the original Victoria.

Rachel Reilly (Big Brother 12 and 13) Rachel Eileen Reilly Villegas is an American television personality, a talk show host, an actress, and a reality show participant.

Rachel Reilly is the worst returning player ever! Let's make a list of horrible moves!

1. Public showmance in week one. If she had watched the show, she would know that showmances put a huge target on your back. But, of course, she didn't care!
2. Social game. She argued and harassed almost everyone in the house. Her famous quote, "Floaters, grab a life vest," was unnecessary and passive-aggressive. Not a good look.
3. Not making any deals or alliances. All she did all day was harass people, shove her veto win in everyone's face, and hang out with Brendon!
4. Winning every single competition. She didn't know how to play the game from the start, winning every single competition, even the ones she didn't need to win.

Jacob Heald (Big Brother 9)

Jacob only had one job. All he had to do was shut up. That's all he had to do.

Elissa Slater (Big Brother 15)

Honestly, she's just like her sister. I will agree she was smarter than her sister and her showmance, but she had the same horrible social game. And they both wonder why they had to fight for their lives every week!

Would've been booted pre-jury if not for the MVP twist. Speaking of which, I wonder what would've happened if she actually had been booted pre-jury.

Once I knew Elissa was Rachel's sister, I didn't care if she was nice or not. Borderline hate is the strongest word I could think of.

Tiffany Rousso (Big Brother 18)

The knockoff version of Vanessa couldn't even make it to the jury, and she targeted players who were in power, causing her inevitable eviction.

I thought that Tiffany had potential, as her sister Vanessa was a great player who made it far in the prior season. I thought maybe she could get some tips from her sister! But all hope was lost when the first move she made was trying to pretend she didn't know who Vanessa was when Da'Vonne confronted her.

Tiffany did end up confirming that Vanessa was her sister in that conversation, though. They look and sound incredibly similar, and she should have just owned it.

Amanda Hansen (Big Brother 9)

She was a dramatic gameplayer that got herself evicted. She did win the first Head of Household but in Week 2, she caused drama by telling Joshuah harsh comments that got her out.

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