Top 10 Big Brother Coasters
This list is dedicated to most noticeable coasters in Big Brother (US/Canada). These players typically have no concept of the game and tend to latch themselves onto power player(s) and/or alliances not knowing they could be used as a vote or help power players to win the grand prize. These players also don't win many competitions, perform poorly in comps, not effective in strategy and/or play emotionally. On the brighter side, they tend to have a good hold on playing the social experiment of Big Brother and can coast through because they are non-threatening and likeable and some houseguests share game related information with them that they may or may not share with others houseguests.The queen of the coaster strategy! She's the only houseguest to win as a coaster in North America during BB11. Jordan had a good social game, attached herself to Jeff (her showmance), and was non-threatening enough that no one targeted her. She won comps at the right time, but she was never a strategic genius by any means. She followed a similar strategy in BB13 and placed 4th.
In BB16, almost everyone let Derrick cruise to the half-million bucks! One of his most loyal followers was Victoria. She was clueless, easily manipulated, and felt special as long as Derrick kept her safe. To this day, if fans suspect a houseguest is coasting, they call them a "Victoria" as an insult for not playing the game or not playing it well. She was rewarded with 3rd place.
Poor Kathy! She's probably the worst competitor in the history of BB. She could never win a comp and always made excuses for her losses. Her only shining moment in the game was beating Rachel in the week Rachel was evicted. Kathy was also an emotional player. Discovering in the jury house that Matt lied about his wife's fake cancer story almost earned him a scolding. She placed 8th after Matt used his Diamond Power of Veto in season 12.
Raven lied often about herself and was straight-up delusional about game strategies. She managed to ride Paul's coattails and went to jury in 6th place in BB19.
Jenn City was a bonafide coaster, but she made me laugh in BB14! She always talked a big game in her Diary Room sessions, but when it came to comps, she was a complete embarrassment. She managed to have a good enough social game to take 5th place.
While she had a nice social game and a relatively sweet nature, Sam totally lacked game and refused to play in BB20. Like Jordan, she latched onto Tyler (because he reminded her of her brother) and went above and beyond to protect his game, even going against her own feminist principles. She couldn't fully grasp the dynamics in the house, as there were two alliances, but she mostly voted with Level 6. Once The Hive members were evicted, she became an instant target for the remaining Level 3 alliance and finished in 5th place.
He took 3rd place in BB13 by employing both the floater and coaster strategies. He befriended America's sweethearts Jeff and Jordan, and was used as a vote for the veterans early on. The vets and newbies midway through the season couldn't stand his game because he never wanted to make big moves and was too comfortable.
Another one of Paul's followers. He had a relatively good social game but didn't play enough, especially after telling Paul he took $25K early in the game. Most of the time, he laid in bed and occasionally made wisecracks. He didn't win any comps, but his likability kept him around until 4th place in BB19. He remains well-liked among fans.
She coasted through to earn herself 5th place in BB6-Canada. She voted with the majority of the house, didn't stir the pot, and attached herself to Paras (the eventual winner). However, she could be quite annoying with how emotional she was in the game.
Matt was a huge disappointment in BB19! He started out as a preseason favorite but ended up being a total coaster. His showmance with Raven only brought his game down further!
How could I forget Lydia! She did absolutely nothing in her season but obsess over Jessie Godderz and was one of the biggest crybabies of the season. Her eviction was the best thing that happened to Kevin's game.
Like his fellow alliance member Maddy, he wasn't good at comps at all. He played emotionally at times because he missed his son and took out his frustrations on some of the housemates. He rode Paras and Hamza's coattails as they compensated for his lack of competitive skills. He also distracted himself with a potential showmance with Veronica. He finished in 6th place in BB-Can6.
Not BB17 James Huling, but BB18 James Huling was a bonafide coaster! His focus was mostly on his showmance with Natalie instead of gameplay that summer. He waited too long to start playing, which led to Paul cutting him at Final 3.