Best Big Brother U.S.A. Seasons

The Top Ten
1 Big Brother 7

This was an epic season, not gonna lie. A comp beast Janelle, a puppet master Will, a villain Mike Boogie, and though I hate her, I don't deny that Erika played a great game, so underrated. Everyone played an epic game. This season could have been perfect if Will and Janelle were the final two because both of them were deserving, but at least Boogie won, so that's actually pretty good. And yes, this season cemented Will's position as one of the greatest players ever!

Iconic! It had true all-stars. It would literally be the perfect season if both halves of Chilltown were there at the end because genuinely everyone was dumb early and didn't nominate them. Then Mike Boogie won competitions to cement them into the end. Janelle also played amazingly with a record number of competition wins in a season, and her alliance did really well early on. Honestly, I think Kaysar is overrated, but James was valid. I also loved Danielle this season. I wish she went further. Her losing BB3 was literally why they invented the jury house.

2 Big Brother 10

A superior season, a perfect one, to be honest. The best season with only newbies. Dan Gheesling will always be one of my favorite players ever! He played so well. The pre-jury was good to watch, and the jury was also epic. I loved this season. And yes, Renny is an icon this season!

Best player of all time, best season of all time.

3 Big Brother 6

The season featured two of the most iconic alliances in Big Brother history: The Friendship and the Sovereign Six. The two groups hated each other from week one until The Friendship's Maggie Ausburn was declared the winner.

Who doesn't like to see a season-long struggle between two bitterly opposed sides?

I LOVED THIS SEASON. Divided people, factions, fights, chaos. The pre-jury is the original and better version of BB20. It features the Pressure Cooker, and that challenge was madness. Maggie played the best game, and Janelle and James also played great as well.

4 Big Brother 8

Even with the odds stacked against them, the Donatos (father and daughter) won the whole show. They literally kicked everyone out and took the whole cash prize.

Worst. I actually stopped watching halfway.

Dick and Daniele Donato. Enough said.

5 Big Brother 14

Every archetype in this season lived up to their expectations and were awesome. Also, there was a lot of great gameplay, especially with Dan, Britney, and Ian, and one of the two best Big Brother moves in history with Dan's Funeral (Nakomis' Six-Finger Plan is the other). This season should be the set example for seasons to come.

This season cemented Dan as an all-time great. He played a fantastic game here. This could have ranked higher if the jury hadn't been bitter. I do admit that the newbies were weak (tbh, Ian was the only one I loved from the newbies). The pre-jury phase was boring, but the jury phase is where the season became golden.

6 Big Brother 2

Will invented the game and the idea of a reality villain with this season. Say what you want about how he ranks as a player, but honestly, seeing him survive week after week, even though from day one people were targeting him, made the season interesting, and it was totally unpredictable. Also, the way that the jury still voted him the victor even though they hated him really says something about his game.

The Survivor: Borneo of Big Brother. Will played a tremendous game, even though he played a much crazier game on BB7. The final four was one of the best ever. In fact, behind BB3 or BB7, everyone in the final four deserved to win. I love this season.

7 Big Brother 3

This season was the reason the jury house was invented. Danielle Reyes would have won if the evicted houseguests (jury) weren't allowed to watch the DRs. The overly bitter jury handed Lisa Donahue the win instead, which is why they call Danielle "The Greatest Player Who Never Won."

Damn, one of the finest castings ever, in my opinion. This has the best final three I've ever seen, with many iconic moments. Had Danielle won, that could have cemented this season as one of the greats, but oh well.

8 Big Brother 11

The drama was off the charts, and it was the most entertaining, in my opinion.

Dan's funeral! All I've got to say. Would be the best season if the jury wasn't so goddamn bitter.

Honestly, the most insufferably overrated couple in BB history. BB11 sucked.

9 Big Brother 4

This was really underrated because there are players that are hated, like Jun, Alison, and Dana. This was the season where I actually liked Erika before I loathed her to death on All-Stars. And yes, Jun was one of the greatest floaters ever. She played a phenomenal game. And Jun and Alison were actually a solid final two, considering that they played the game well.

This is the season where the basic formula of the game was cemented.

10 Big Brother 5

Underrated season with a great cast of characters where everyone brought something to the table. It had good gameplay, the twin twist (done way better than Season 17's twin twist), the first-ever backdoor in the history of the show, Karen's blindside at F5, and Diane's blindside at F3. I wish this season got more credit.

The Contenders
11 Big Brother 17

Best pre-jury phase of any season. Decent midgame that kept me engaged because of Vanessa and Johnny Mac. Awesome endgame. All in all, an unpredictable season with a likable cast. Definitely the best of the recent seasons and probably top five of all time overall.

One of my favorite casts. Everyone was here to play. More people than usual were likable, and there were so many different types of gameplay. There were a few brutal blindsides, close votes, and an intriguing plotline.

Probably the best modern season of BB alongside BB14, BB20, or BBCAN5. The pre-jury was intense, and this season is so unpredictable. It has a great player in Vanessa Rousso. I thought she played the best game here. What ruins this season is a generic final two. Steve is an okay winner, but Vanessa winning would be more epic.

12 Big Brother 16

This season had the most entertaining cast: Zankie, Hitmen, Donny, Beast Mode Cowboy. The strategy from Derrick was so flawless, at least top three most dominating in the history. Even though it was clear he would win, I didn't care. The only negative is the dictionary definition of a floater holding hands with Jenn City.

Derrick is a legendary Hitman and member of the Bomb Squad. I started watching Season 19, but it's so boring and stupid. I decided to go back and watch some old BB seasons, and this one is a must-watch!

You are all tripping. Everyone was such a character, and it was entertaining from top to bottom. Should be much higher.

13 Big Brother 12

I like this season a lot. The cast is really likable, and the season is enjoyable. Sure, it's a little predictable, but the dominance of the Brigade is something special. Overall, a great season with a great cast.

This season is so underrated. Great cast and incredible gameplay from the greatest alliance of all time. Super entertaining.

14 Big Brother 20

By far one of the best seasons of Big Brother America. Tyler is probably one of the best players to ever play the game, with a lot of highly intelligent and competitive players.

Why is this 16th? This season was amazing and deserves to be in the top 5!

It's been very good. There have been so many blindsides. Hopefully, Tyler or JC will win.

15 Big Brother 13

This was an amazing season. You have a blindside with Keith in week one, then Rachel crying in a bush. Lawon asks to be evicted, and Brendon gets back in only to get right back out. Danielle is sent packing, and Shelly betrays Jeff, which results in a fight with Jordan. Then the duo twist comes back, a bad part about the season, and Rachel wins the season. Also, there were three successful showmances this season.

Rachel is the greatest of all time and made this the best season ever.

16 Big Brother 18
17 Big Brother 15

This season is extremely underrated in my book. If you want a dramatic and strong cast that doesn't like each other, this is a good one for you. The cast, although very strong (a case could be made that the female cast was the strongest one ever), was not likable in the slightest. The person I was rooting for was just the one I didn't dislike. A few cast members were racist, so if you heavily value cast, this season's not for you.

I personally loved this season because there was a major blowup every other episode, and a few stranger ones too (a veto competition blowup, an eviction speech blowup, and a blowup started by someone ranting about botox in a bathrobe and party hat) that really gave this season a kick.

18 Big Brother 23
19 Big Brother 24
20 Big Brother 19

Paul literally controlled everything from day one. Everyone else just followed him. Hate the winner, though... so annoying and stupid.

21 Celebrity Big Brother 2
22 Big Brother 21

Phenomenal jury phase, one of the best in the show's history. Definitely a top 5 jury phase. The pre-jury phase is slow, which drags this season down.

23 Big Brother Over The Top
24 Celebrity Big Brother
25 Big Brother 22
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