Top 10 Best Big Brother US Players
Here are the 10 best players to ever compete in the US version of Big Brother.Dan is far and away the best Big Brother player of all time. He had an amazing social game and was a fantastic strategist. Dan had a reason for everything he did in the game, whether it was putting his ally on the block twice (to hide his alliance) or flustering Renny (to throw her off her game). Dan managed to stay under the radar and became the puppet master of BB10.
He won challenges when he needed to and threw challenges when it was to his advantage. Even with all this, he managed to play the game respectfully and with dignity. Memphis played an amazing game as well. The hidden Renegade alliance made move after brilliant move from the moment it was created. This is another reason why Dan's unanimous win makes him the king of Big Brother.
Dr. Will is obviously the best Big Brother player. During his season, there was no such thing as a veto. When he was on the block, he stayed there and still managed to escape eviction. Nicole and Hardy hated him at moments, and he STILL was not evicted from the house. People will say that he did not win competitions, but I can remember him saying in Season 2 that he did not want to win. A person that can win competitions is great, but someone who just has to talk to make their way to the end is simply magic to watch. He is the reason that Boogie won the All-Star season (Personally, I don't think Boogie is a great player, sue me). I love Dan (2nd best), but Dan would not have gotten as far in either of his seasons without winning competitions.
I believe Janelle is the best player ever in Big Brother. She is known as the best player who has never won the game, but her gameplay and her competition wins make her the best of all time, if you ask me. You don't have to be a manipulator to win the game or be the best. Janelle was loyal to every single person in her alliance up until the end.
Everybody knew where she stood and knew what a target she was, and she still managed to stay until the final three. She also outplayed Dr. Will and evicted him from All-Stars. If Janelle had won the final HOH, she would have won Season 6 and Season 7.
Danielle Reyes played the most strategic game in Big Brother history. She formed a secret alliance with the most likable guy in the house. She pretended to be allied with one side of the house while Jason was on the opposite side, and they exchanged information without anyone discovering their pairing. If either side won Head of Household (HOH), they would persuade them not to nominate the other.
She adopted the "keep your mouth shut and your ears open" strategy, leading everyone to believe she was a weak player. This is why she was never nominated. Had there been a jury, I am certain we would be discussing the winner of BB3.
Derrick has been running the entire house, undetected, from Day 1. When Nicole finally caught on, he orchestrated her eviction. The other players are so blind that Derrick is the one making the nominations and choosing who leaves each week, all while acting through others so that nothing can be pinned back on him.
His social game is outrageous and far above anyone else's this season and most seasons past. He's going into the final 4 with no nominations thus far and a good reputation with the people going with him. Jury members have started to figure it out, starting with Hayden and Nicole, who were promptly booted one after the other, not coincidentally.
In season 8, he was first. He had to leave in season 13. He was a good overall player with a strong social game and was a competitive player who won over the jury, even though he was challenging in the house. In season 13, he made a solid alliance and had a great start. He could have won. Personally, he's my favorite!
I love the guy. If he had played the way he did without America's Player existing, then he would rightfully be this high on the list. However, the twist was a huge reason why he was not evicted at final nine or final seven, and it possibly prevented him from losing to Daniele. This shouldn't place him as high on the list as he is.
Boogie is the bomb and has, at times, had the same drive to win just like Dr. Will. He and Dr. Will had targets on their backs all season seven, and still, Boogie won. He is definitely the best because he won All-Stars. Winners have even thought he was a huge threat. Hence, he didn't want to enter the house as a houseguest in season 14, and he was the only coach to not vote to join the game. He knew he was too big of a threat.
Dan played a dirty game, lying to everyone. Boogie is definitely the legend I would want to have on my alliance. He and Frank lasted longer in the house in season 14 than they should have. He is definitely the best player in the game ever.
She is by far the best competitor in BB history. She holds the record for the most veto wins in a season in BB8, and in BB13, she only played 5 comps and basically won 4. She won 2 HOHs when she was the biggest target in the house, and unfortunately, she had to waste the second one on Brendon AGAIN because he came back. Otherwise, Rachel or Jeff would've been gone, and she probably would have won the season.
Technically, she lost 3 comps in BB13 but threw 2 of them. During the first HOH, she and Rachel were the last two, and Dani wasn't even close to falling, but Rachel begged her and since they were in an alliance, Dani threw it to her. The other comp that she "lost" was the veto during her second HOH. She was destroying everyone else, and the only people left were her, Jeff, and Adam. Everyone in the house knew she was going to win that veto, and she was planning to save Adam and backdoor Brendon, but Adam begged her, so she gave the veto to him since she was going to save him anyway. She is also very strategic and actually plays the game. And she's a great person.
Vanessa played a dominating game. As an individual who wasn't even a superfan, she dominated the season, influencing the vast majority of evictions. Even when players realized her potential, she managed to always avoid eviction. She truly manipulated all the houseguests to do what she wanted and even won four HOHs.
Unlike Steve, who, while playing a good strategic game, still floated through much of the season, Vanessa played aggressively from the start. Even her early week 1 breakdown could have been part of her strategy to appear as a weaker player. Although she lost, Vanessa masterminded the season and, had she made F2, would have been the greatest female winner in Big Brother history.
Jun Song was a very intelligent player who executed an incredible social game. She leveraged her cooking skills and the information she gathered about the entire house, which made her a formidable player. She manipulated Alison into doing her bidding and realized her only chance of winning was to be seated next to Alison in the end, despite disliking her. This was because the jury was very bitter and disliked Alison even more.
It was one of the most calculated games I've ever seen, and she deserves far more credit than she currently receives. My favorite player of all time!
The Newcomers
Leader of Level Six, all while manipulating the other side of the house during the entire pre-jury phase. He convinced Kaitlyn to vote out Steve and backdoored Swaggy C. Then he won competitions in the jury phase when he needed to. Thanks to all his final two deals and using JC to manipulate the other side, he made it to the end.
Sadly, a rushed finale and apologizing to people who would vote for him, while not having enough time to properly apologize to the people he hurt most, cost him the win. If he wins All Stars, he is the GOAT.
She easily deserves a top ten spot. Tiffany masterminded and was the mother of the Cookout alliance.
She also came up with the idea of each alliance member pairing up with someone outside the group to secure their spot in the jury.
Rachel is awesome. I loved her from the time she stepped into the Big Brother 12 house. Then she met Brendon, and I loved her even more. I cried when she was evicted because I just loved her attitude toward the people in the house. When she walked back into the Big Brother 13 house, I screamed because I was so excited. I cried when Brendon was evicted for the third time in 12 months. That has to be a record. I screamed when Rachel won BB13 and was surprised when Shelly voted for her.
Probably the only person in Big Brother history that was both an emotional train wreck and a very good Big Brother player at the same time. How she won Big Brother 13 was a little bit of luck (in the form of convenient twists) and a lot of heart and determination. I would not be surprised if the producers asked the redhead to come back for a third outing.
He honestly had the potential to be the best player of all time. The problem was that he had to do what America told him to do, and the remarkable thing about it was that no matter what he had to do, he found a way to not only make that happen but to keep himself in the game despite the target it put on him. He was able to flip alliances at any time to get America what they wanted, but unfortunately for him, at the top five, he was eliminated by the people America made him save, who he otherwise would have evicted weeks earlier.
Memphis was very underrated. He had a huge target on his back after winning the car and still made it to the final two. I think Memphis and Dan had an equal part in getting the Renegades to the end.
Played a good physical game and a pretty good social game too. Also, he and Dan made one of the best alliances ever.
Hayden was an animal at the game. He won four HOHs, made the correct half-million-dollar choice with Lane instead of Enzo, and he was a member of one of the greatest alliances ever, the Brigade.
Won competitions while having a strong social game. Dr. Will and Dan didn't win as many competitions as Hayden did. Hayden also made smart decisions throughout the game. He will definitely win the next BB All-Stars.
I dislike him intensely, but the bottom line is he was at the heart of the Brigade (especially after Matty was ousted) and did pretty well on "Survivor" too.
How is Ian not in the top five? Ian eliminated one of the best players in Big Brother history (Mike Boogie). His season was very difficult since it included strong players like Shane, Danielle, and Dan himself, yet Ian still survived. Ian had a target on his back from day one. People were scared and intimidated by him since he was a super fan and very intelligent.
On top of that, Ian beat Dan in the finale. Dan is considered to be THE best player ever, yet Ian still beat him by six votes. Although many people do say that this was just because the jury was "bitter," that just proves my point. Dan played a dirty game and upset a lot of people. Ian played a clean, strategic game and managed not to piss any of the jurors off. That is an important skill and is why he won his season. Therefore, Ian does not deserve to be sitting at number eleven on this list. He deserves to be in at least the top five.
Nakomis, in my opinion, is one of the best players ever to enter the Big Brother house. She was a very capable competitor, winning three Head of Household competitions and the Power of Veto to save herself from the block. Not only that, but she had a strong alliance, of which she was the unspoken leader.
The main reason I believe she is such a strong strategist and player can be said in four words: the six-finger plan. This plan was one of the most innovative and intelligent ideas ever conjured up in the show's history. And if it weren't for her, we wouldn't have what is now considered 'backdooring'.
Britney is one of the most underrated players in Big Brother history.
In her first season, she managed to convince her biggest enemies (Brendan and Rachel) that she was in their pocket and probably would have had their jury votes in addition to Matt and Regan. She was a fierce competitor, winning 4 POVs and an HOH, and was well-liked by everybody. She was the underdog hero that probably would have won if it wasn't for the Brigade (and even then, if she or Lane had won the final four veto, she would have beaten Lane or Hayden in the final 2).
In her second time around, she wasn't as much a competition beast but rather a power broker. She had the entire house invested in her and still managed to keep the target off her back. It was only a combination of Dan's brilliance and Frank's idiocy that sent her home.
Finally, she's the undisputed QUEEN of the Diary Room. Enough said.
She did not play the game. However, it was her personality in the house that helped her win. She won for three reasons. First, she had Jeff, who was a bigger target than her, and it was tough to get him out. Second, she is probably recognized as the nicest person in Big Brother history, so who would have anything against her in the house? Third, she was a weak player and competitor, so everyone would want to take her to the final two.
One of the best social games ever. Everyone gives her crap for having no strategic game and says she made no moves. She tricked Kevin into evicting Michele instead of her. She told Kevin that she would take him to the final two, which was a lie that ended up winning her $500,000.
A very smart girl with a great social game. A very good Big Brother player. She almost won twice for a reason.
Matt Hoffman was the most strategic player in his alliance, The Brigade. He succeeded in making most of the house his allies. He created a lie about his wife being ill to garner sympathy, which could have worked very well if he had reached the end. He probably could have won if he hadn't lost the Brigade's trust.
One of the most underrated players in BB history, Matt was loyal and got stabbed in the back by his alliance. Up until the point he went home, he carried his alliance. He won HOH every other week, ensuring safety for his alliance members and made big moves to keep them safe.
Let's put him, Donny Thompson, Janelle, Daniele Donato, Shane Meaney, and Brenden Villegas into one season to finally settle this once and for all: who is the king (or queen) of The Power of Veto? He was a threat to his competition and was evicted mid-season in BB6 when Howie made one of the dumbest game moves as a Head of Household ever. A year later, he had the same amount of luck, as he was stopped short in the jury for putting his trust in the hands of Batman and Robin of the All-Star house. Great guy, bad luck. I'd love to see him back someday.
Without a doubt, the best three players on Big Brother 5 were Diane, Nakomis, and Drew. His initial alliance with Jase and Scott worked well in the first three weeks, as they held the power at the start. When Drew won HOH, he got the least amount of blood on his hands by targeting Holly.
From that point, he played under the radar, growing close to Diane and her alliance. Even after Scott and Jase were evicted, Drew wasn't at the bottom because Nakomis's alliance started to crack. After the twins, Adria and Natalie, evicted Will, they became the next targets. Drew won his second HOH at final six and eliminated Marvin, another low-blood move.
When Drew touched the block for the first time at final five, he was still safe thanks to Diane using the veto on him. Drew was never at serious risk of going home. He then won the last two HOHs, eliminating the other two frontrunners, Nakomis and Diane.
Some fans may have been upset when Drew evicted Diane, but he understood that she had at least three guaranteed jury votes in Will, Karen, and Nakomis, and could have likely gotten the twins' votes as well. Drew may not be a top-five winner, but he is my personal favorite.
Although many have since tried and failed, Alison Irwin is the only houseguest in history to use her looks and flirting to take the Big Brother house by storm. Whether she was swapping spit with Nathan or climbing into bed and making out with her ex Justin, Alison had most of the guys under her spell at one point or another in the game and ran that house. Not to mention, she was a good competitor and won a number of competitions to boot.
She only lost because the jury was bitter and didn't approve of her or the way she played the game. She stands next to Danielle Reyes as the most robbed houseguest of all time.
Frank is a great Big Brother player, beloved by the fans. In Week 1, he got screwed by a scheming liar named Willie Hantz. Luckily, Boogie and he convinced the house to keep him over Kara, someone who wasn't a threat at all.
The next week, he won HOH and, subsequently, his arch-nemesis Willie was expelled for being violent. So, he nominated Britney's team and eventually evicted Jojo. In Week 3, he nearly got out but was thankfully saved by the Coaches twist.
In the following week, he formed an alliance called the Silent Six, consisting of him, Boogie, Danielle, Dan, Shane, and Britney. They blindsided a huge threat, Janelle. The next week, he won HOH again! He nominated two floaters, and one of them was evicted, earning him respect for that move.
Then, Shane won HOH and nominated him. He won the Power of Veto like a boss, but his closest ally was evicted. Afterward, the Fast Forward event happened, and he won the Power of Veto again, thwarting Ian's plans. However, this caused his showmance to be evicted.
This left him alone in the game, expected to be the next one out. Until, that is, he won HOH yet again and nominated the closest pair in the game, Dan and Danielle. But Dan, the mastermind, pulled off a great plan, and Britney was sent home. Frank had a good shot at winning this season if it weren't for Dan. He's not the best player, but he may be in the top 10.
I'll never understand why people consider Andy a floater or a bad player. He was able to work with both the nicest and most evil houseguests, and whoever he wanted to go home went home. He had a hand in taking out so many of his houseguests - he masterminded the game.
The only person who actually saw through him during their time in the house was Elissa, but she didn't have the power to do anything too dangerous to him. Had he brought Spencer to the final two, there is a very strong chance that he would have won with a unanimous vote.
After having to save himself with a Power of Veto and Battle of the Block win in the first two weeks, Steve laid low throughout the whole pre-jury phase. Unfortunately, Becky caught onto his game, and he had to start winning competitions. Steve aligned himself with Vanessa, which was key to saving himself at the final five. He won his way to the end, winning against Liz. I wish he came back, but he has said numerous times he wouldn't play again.
While Steve did play a good game, he definitely is not one of the best players. Sure, his strategy of laying low and winning when necessary was great, but people give him too much credit. Separating the Austwins in F6 was not that big of a move. He was aligned with John and Vanessa the most, so going after them was not going to happen. He is in the top 10 winners but not top 10 players.