Top 10 Most Beautiful Survivor Women
Survivor has had a lot of lovely ladies. But which are the most beautiful? This is not a list of the sexiest, hottest, or cutest. It's all around beauty.
Another one whose best shots are when she's involved in an extremely physical challenge. Curves bouncing everywhere!
Amanda and Parvati at the same time. Whoever cast them should have gotten a really nice raise.
She has a great mix of hotness and cuteness and I just love her.

Parvati is a gorgeous flirt who has won Survivor once and came in second another time. She aligned with James in Fans vs. Favorites mainly because he liked her looks.
If every woman was like her, there wouldn't have to be such a thing as feminism. Women would have achieved equal pay and rights decades ago.
There is something so alluring about her - no one can help but like her. Maybe that's why she always gets so far.

One word to describe her: perfection. She deserves to be number one. I've begun to fall in love with her since her first smile in season 21.
Absolutely a beautiful person! Good Brenda is way better looking than Bad Brenda.
Hands down the best smile out there. She should be number one!

Amanda, Parvati, and Chelsea are great looking. However, Morgan McLeod has lifted Survivor beauty to a new level. Morgan is in the top 10 for all-time beauty. She is remarkable.
She's very beautiful, but I don't really like her as a player.

Prettiest girl of all time on Survivor, put her up higher!
She is extremely pretty. What the hell, ninth place?
This girl is so hot. How is she not higher?

She was very attractive and not overpowering with her ego about it. Very classy and sexy.

Too bad her mouth gets in the way.

She is truly the hottest female ever to play this game. She is even cuter at the reunions. While some people didn't know why she was a hero, I followed up on her because she is hot. Love her blonde hair as well.
Brains and beauty are a deadly combination. This bright medical student was a frontrunner in Cook Islands until one crucial mistake led to her demise.
She's beautiful! My top 10 would be based on looks and how she played strategically: Candice Woodcock, Amber Brkich, Jenna Morasca, Stephenie LaGrossa, Parvati Shallow, Amanda Kimmel, Kat Edorsson, Andrea Boehlke, Brenda Lowe, and Stephanie Valencia.

When she went topless and bottomless in Vanuatu, even Probst stood up and took notice. This lasted for three years.
The Newcomers

Truly the most beautiful Survivor woman ever. She definitely beats Parvati and Amanda. I honestly don't see why people think Parvati is good-looking. She has a strange face and a weird, goofy smile.
Amber is absolutely gorgeous. She is beautiful no matter what scene she is in. Love her!
Watch All-Stars and Outback... you'll thank me!

Never, ever say die. With a sweet smile and a sly wit, this gorgeous tomboy made it all the way to the top spot in Guatemala.
She is beautiful on the outside and inside. Hope she comes back!

What was not to love about Michelle? Stunning good looks and a great personality to back it up. I only wish she lasted longer.
A cheery disposition can get you far, as this bright-eyed cutie showed fans on Survivor: Fiji.

She didn't deserve to win Samoa, but she sure was a hot little totty!

Another lovely lady whose big breasts should have made air time.

The most beautiful Survivor woman to ever play the game! She also loved to play in her underwear a lot, which made looking at her an even better experience.

Danielle was by far the most beautiful of all the women on Survivor.