Top 10 Ways to Improve Big Brother (U.S.)

As a superfan of Big Brother (U.S.), I wanted to add my top 10 suggestions for what can be done to improve the show. I have grown frustrated with the show over the last several years, and it's time to speak out.
The Top Ten
Fire Allison Grodner

She should have been given her walking papers years ago. Between her botched and flop twists, favoritism towards certain newbies/returnees, and steadily declining ratings, it's time for Les Moonves and Julie Chen to have a meeting of the minds to find a producer who will restore the glory days of Big Brother.

Let the game be played more organically

Big Brother 10 is proof that with limited twists, it can be a success. It's one of the most beloved seasons because of this and its intense game drama.

Get rid of the showmance bait

This comes down to CBS, Allison, and Robyn, but most of us superfans are over these showmances eating the show whole every summer! I can deal with one, but multiple showmances in one season (example: BB19) take away from game players who came to play and not to fall in love! If I wanted to watch The Bachelor or their daytime show Bold and the Beautiful, I would do that. But I want to see gameplay and game moves on my TV!

Stop casting returning players

Unless you are giving me and diehards another all-stars or returnees vs. Survivor favorites, then I'm over TPTB and CBS favorites coming back to play with newbies! This has gotten to be repetitious, boring, and a kiss-ass marathon. Enough! Bring on superfan newbies who love this game and want to play.

Find superfans of diversity and not tokens

I'm an African American superfan of Big Brother, but I can't be the only BB fan who has noticed the lily-whiteness of this show compared to Survivor and Amazing Race! Robyn Kass, Allison G., and CBS always give the audience the same old cast: 11-13 white houseguests, 2-3 people of color, and a sassy, shady gay guy. Come on now, you all can do better than that!

In Celebrity Big Brother US (which Robyn didn't cast), the final 5 had a successful Black woman, a Latina beauty queen, a white rock star, a gay-friendly big-haired loudmouth, and a gay competition beast. Marissa and Ross actually made Final 2. That would never happen on a regular season of BBUS because the casting ratio does not allow diversity to make it far in the game. Usually, Black women houseguests are the quickest targeted and evicted! I want to see more of the melting pot on this show, not just the status quo. If Robyn Kass can't do better, she should follow Allison out the door too!

Once you're evicted, you're evicted. No play back-ins

It's another tired twist of Allison's, but I'm over this one too. Get rid of it! Once you're out, you're out. If you sucked at Big Brother, you just sucked. I liked Victor from BB18, but he was evicted twice and came back in the game. Absolutely stupid. The last four houseguests to be evicted playing back in is dull and so expected for fans. It's no longer a wow moment.

Stop casting famewhores and recruits

You know why Jason Roy is one of the most popular BB favorites ever? Because not only is he a superfan, but he lived in his mom's basement and worked at a grocery store. It would be nice to see more players like him cast rather than the same old VIP cocktail waitresses, models, and supposed social media moguls living off their pop star sister's name!

I wouldn't have a problem with them if they were like Janelle and Rachel, who at least played the game and/or were fans of the show once cast. Now, recruits get on and use the show as an entry-level employment job and have no concept of how to play the game. It's so obvious when some are recruits when you watch or read their preseason interviews! Cast actual fans who love the show.

During sequester, stop giving them only BB16 to watch

Every preseason and even on the live feeds, many fans groan as recruits usually admit their favorite season is Big Brother 16 or the players from it. Word on the street is that during sequester house, TPTB only give the soon-to-be newbies Big Brother 16 to watch! That's why every preseason interview sounds the same from recruits.

Maybe if TPTB gave them more enjoyable, iconic seasons like 2-4, 6-8, 10-13, and now 20, I wouldn't jump to conclusions about who is a recruit or not.

Bring back beloved twists like Pandora's Box, Diamond Veto, and Coup d'Etat

When this show had limited twists and limited production manipulation, these were the only twists that I truly enjoyed. I wouldn't mind new twists each season, but Allison screws them up or makes them favorable for her favorites.

Reduce the season length to 80-85 days

With ratings steadily declining, one of the biggest reasons is the length of the season. When the show was only 80-85 days long, the game was more intense, strategic, and had iconic alliances, fun rivalries, and deserving winners. Since the show has expanded the days to 90-99, it has hindered the game quite a bit.

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