Top 10 Best Big Brother Canada Players

As a die-hard Big Brother Canada fan, you've witnessed the strategic battles, the blindsides, the epic showmances, and the heartbreaking evictions. But when it comes down to it, who are the truly legendary players who deserve a spot in the BBCAN Hall of Fame?

The game of Big Brother Canada is all about outwitting, outplaying, and outlasting the competition. Some players have mastered the art of social manipulation, pulling strings from behind the scenes. Others are challenge beasts, dominating competitions to secure their safety. Then there are the strategic masterminds, always two steps ahead and ready to make a ruthless move.

Who do you think embodies the spirit of Big Brother Canada? Who played the best game, the smartest game, or was simply the most entertaining?
The Top Ten
Neda Kalantar

She was the queen of Season 2 of Big Brother Canada. Her gameplay was absolutely flawless. She started off in the middle, being a pawn, etc., but once the Canada HoH came about, she started slaying. I always viewed her as the one who took out the first five because it was basically her plan anyway.

She's the reason Heather, Jon, etc., all made it far, and she played an amazing game. She was strong mentally and physically. She was flawless.

She is the best player of all time for Big Brother Canada (in all the seasons) without a doubt. She skillfully navigated through Season 2 with a masterful strategy. Knowing Arlie would get between her and Jon, Neda convinced Jon to put Arlie up on the block. She managed to get Allison evicted solely by claiming that Allison was a threat and a liar to the whole house.

Neda also had final two deals with the final four, including Sabrina, Jon, and Heather, and would've been taken to the final two if Jon hadn't thought Neda would beat him. Neda was also the first player to win two Head of Household competitions. She won two HOHs (excluding the part 2 Final HOH) and one Power of Veto. She threw competitions in the beginning to avoid looking like a threat.

Anyone who disregards Neda's game while propping up Dan Gheesling or Dr. Will's games honestly has no reason to do so. The only reason she can be disliked by fans of those players is if they are misogynistic.

Emmett Blois

Emmett is the best Big Brother Canada player and one of the best in any Big Brother series, US included. He ran the house from the beginning, cutting ties with those he needed to, never letting his emotions get in the way. If it wasn't for an unlucky set of Final 3 competitions, he would have won. He should also get bonus points for being a giant physical threat, which made him a big target from day one.

He even received the endorsement of Dan, someone who knows a thing or two about Big Brother, after he stayed in the Big Brother house and observed it. "Rarely do you see a player with such control over the house as Emmett has," was what he said after leaving.

Ika Wong

In week one, she managed to flip the votes last minute 7-6 and keep Demetres. She then successfully used Demetres as a meat shield to win competitions (he won seven). She played both sides of the house for multiple weeks, disguising it as using Dre and William without getting caught. She finally chose a side during the double eviction when she used her phenomenal social game to flip Sindy into backdooring Neda (who happens to be #1 on this list).

After that high, her greatest rival Dillon won the HOH. She managed to convince him not to put her up, instead nominating Jackie. With this, she effectively positioned herself back into the middle of the house.

Over the course of these weeks, Dre started to resent and target Ika. When Ika was nominated for the first time in week eight, she found out Dre was plotting against her and successfully gathered an army to take out a combination of Dre, William, and Kevin. She managed to flip the votes in Final 8. She even flipped the HOH, who was hellbent on evicting her, and made him take out a floater! She then survived the triple eviction, getting out Dre, Jackie, and William, who were targeting her.

She made it to Final 5, where Kevin (who nominated her in the first place) vetoed her and even got Karen to vote out her closest ally with hardly any convincing. The only thing that stopped her from making it to Final 2 was her inability to win the Final 4 veto.

Jillian MacLaughlin

Jillian MacLaughlin was a phenomenal player, playing the game the way it should be played - lying to get herself further, then backstabbing anyone and not caring about their feelings, and just taking out everyone in her way of winning. It was such poetic justice that even though Peter and Alec were so bitter, Jillian still got to win because Topaz voted wrong. It was a thing of beauty to watch that happen.

Jillian is a pretty good and likable winner who is a great competitor. She was never on the block even though she was a target for the longest time. That sounds like a deserving winner to me. Even though I still think Emmett deserved it more than her.

Cassandra Shahinfar

Cassandra Shahinfar flipped the vote to save herself the week before the final four, which is very impressive considering the fact that Kelsey and the brothers were determined to evict her at the beginning of the week. She talked her way out of so many sticky situations and had positioned herself in a way where everyone believed they were her best friend. Definitely one of the best (if not the best) players of BBCAN4.

One word describes Cassandra: ruthless. It is a shame that she couldn't make it to the final two, but she was really horrendous at competitions. Still, she was a fantastic manipulator and an overall entertaining houseguest who I can't wait to see on an all-star season. She definitely has what it takes to become the best BB Can player.

Jon Pardy

Underrated. Despite having won and convincing the most deceptive and paranoid player in the house that he was an emotional player who would take her to the end, he is given no credit for the win. He did something that only the greats have done: played the whole game with a huge target on his back but was so charming that he managed to keep himself out of danger, ultimately winning the game.

BBCan wanted to say that they produced the first dominant female winner, so they gave Neda the mastermind edit, which she only kind of deserved. Jon is the best BBCan player so far and doesn't even recognize it himself.

Godfrey Mangwiza

Godfrey Mangwiza played the best game of Season 3. He played a lot of people in the house, completely disguising himself as an unintelligent, terrible competitor when the reality was the opposite. It's amazing that a ripped, smart guy can get so far without beasting out in competitions.

He probably played too well, as the jury didn't understand the game he played. Plus, Season 3 probably had more gamers than the first couple, so it was a harder path.

His social game was great, forming alliances while flying under the radar better than anyone. Sure, he didn't win much, but he made it clear who he was against and declared war against the showmances. If he had picked Ashleigh, he probably could have won it. Otherwise, it would have been a bitter jury.

Paras Atashnak

Best winner of the franchise, in my opinion. She didn't win competitions for most of the game, which caused everyone to think they could take her far and win over her. She was in four alliances, and even when some people grew suspicious of that, she managed to survive. She had influence in all of the evictions of the jury members, and her opponent in the final two didn't even know about most of the moves Paras made, which caused her own speech to fall flat.

Finally, she won the most important HoH competitions and excelled in the jury question-and-answer part of the finale, delivering an epic speech.

Kaela Grant

Great player. She laid low in the beginning instead of creating an unnecessarily large target. Then, when it counted, she won critical competitions and got herself out of sticky situations.

Should have won. How in God's name did Paras win?

Mitchell Moffit

He knew everything about the game and played it nearly flawlessly. By flying under the radar, no one thought a thing about him. Look at the HoH competition where houseguests could choose who they wanted to try to eliminate from the competition. No one picked him to go up in that challenge until the very end, showing that they didn't suspect his amazing gameplay. Unfortunately, the fake double eviction provided Kelsey with the information that Mitch was a mastermind, and even though he did a great job trying to keep himself in the game, there wasn't much he could do.

The Newcomers

? Dane Rupert

He dominated his season. Should be top 5 at least.

? Erica Hill

A social threat who should be higher. Though I don't think she would have won, she deserved jury and was a very physically and socially dominating player, as well as extremely self-aware.

The Contenders
Tim Dormer

His creativity and impressive people skills made him a very likable person. His friendliness and earnest counseling towards endangered players made him too formidable a target to vote out early in the game. Turn on Tim, and you'd be turning on the house! He essentially made himself an alliance with the whole house.

Heck, Tim even offered himself up as a nomination for being evicted (as a pawn to get someone else out) because he knew he was doing too darn well! Don't mess with Tim.

Not a bad player but definitely not the best player of that season. Tim is a showman. He is there for the show, and that's why a lot of people like him. However, there's a difference between giving a good show and playing a good game.

He makes "big moves" just for the sake of making "big moves" with no logical reasoning behind them because making big moves is "cool." His best "move" was to pretend he didn't care about winning and align with the best player of that season (Cassandra). That's about it.

Kevin Martin Kevin Dallas Martin, Jr. is an American professional basketball player for the San Antonio Spurs of the National Basketball Association.

Textbook Big Brother win. The first half of the game, he didn't win anything until he had to, and he studied the dates and events nonstop (I don't understand why not everyone does that...). Now, what I didn't like about his game: he and the "vets" played a horrible game. They secluded themselves against the "newbies," made it very apparent they were targeting "newbies," and then cannibalized themselves after two weeks. Big Brother is about 13 weeks long.

Could've made it much farther if not for that triple eviction. He had an amazing read on everyone in the house and managed to take the target off his back that was put there early on in the game.

Sarah Hanlon

I get that the winners should be high on the list, but Sarah would not have made it as far as she did without the twist. I'm not saying she was a bad player, but her ability to get out of sticky situations was only half her own doing. The other half was luck, or in the case of her and Britnee being given safety, it was pretty much production rigging the week. They knew who Canada would vote for and used that to keep Sarah and Britnee around. I don't know if Sarah or Britnee would have left, but regardless, that twist changed the game.

Peter Brown

Peter is a very good observer of the game. He understands the game well and can analyze it to perfection. However, when he played, he wasn't a good player at all. He made a lot of mistakes that he himself would despise now.

That being said, I didn't like him very much before having watched the sideshows, but now my opinion has changed, and I think that technically, he is very good at this game. I hate Sara in the sideshow. She always disses Peter after he gives his opinion, which is irritating.

Why is he so high up on this list? He performed poorly in the game and made some of the dumbest moves in Big Brother Canada history, like not using the Power of Veto on Topaz and voting out A.J. instead of Andrew during the instant eviction.

Zach Oleynik

Zach Oleynik was a very calculated player, very strong physically, socially, and strategically. His only mistake was not taking Jordan off the block. Had Sindy not made the decision to flip on Jordan (which was a bad move on her part - and she went home the week after), Zach would have been really well-situated in the house with his four alliance members still in the house.

Zach played a well-calculated strategic game and had a brilliant social game. He also respects Big Brother.

Great player! One of the best this season, if not the best all-around player.

Demetres Giannitsos

Underrated player, to be honest. I think people forget he holds the record for the most HoH wins in one season by any houseguest. As well, he always kept a calm, level-headed mindset and made the right moves on his own terms (not Ika telling him what to do).

Gary Levy

Great all-around player! Very entertaining and a great competitor. Gary going on slop was one of the most memorable moments from S1. Pretty much a lock for All-Stars!

Definitely my favorite gay Big Brother player ever!

The glitter better return soon!

Dre Gwenaelle
Andrew Monaghan
Alec Beall

Alec was definitely a good player. Competition and mental threat.

Naeha Sareen

An example of someone who tried to make moves at the wrong time. I'd love to see Slayha come back for All-Stars. I think she'll realize what she did wrong this season and will fix her mistakes.

Naeha the Slayha. Robbed out of potentially winning BBCAN3 because of a twist that she would've avoided had Kevin gotten to nominate normally like any other HoH. A superfan and student of the game, Naeha definitely deserves a second chance in All-Stars.

One of the most deserving BBCAN players. She won 3 HoHs, took out 5 people because of the triple eviction and the superpower twist, was nominated 5 times and survived, and made the biggest moves of the season!

Bruno Ielo

Bruno Ielo was the BEST social and strategic player of the season. He made the right moves when needed, even though people wanted him out. His social game saved him, and he made the right moves when needed. Also, he made the best move ever by saving Zach at the triple eviction.

This guy needs to be ranked in the top five all-time Canadian players minimum, or this ranking system is flawed.

Screwed by the infamous twist. He was playing an amazing social game. His risky decision to keep Zach would have paid off had there not been that twist and would have given him many shields in the showmances. A potential winner for sure.

Adel Elseri

Entertaining player. I think he should be a little higher on this list.

Kenny Brain

He was smart and loyal to the First Five. Also, he's extremely hot.

Sarah Miller

Underrated in the sense that she was set up well in the house, was extremely likable, and made sensible moves until her idiotic celebration at Kenny winning. Loved her.

Played an excellent social game and was one of the most likable houseguests ever.

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