Top 10 Most Problematic Big Brother (US) Players
These are the most problematic Big Brother U.S. players of all time. Unlike the Top Ten Worst Big Brother (US) Players, this list will solely focus on problematic behavior.
He is the reason why Big Brother players need to be psychologically tested to make sure they won't try to harm anyone while on the show. He shouldn't have even been allowed to set foot in the house.

A Big Brother 14 contestant, this houseguest was expelled for attacking a fellow houseguest. He had massive anger issues. Picking fights with fellow houseguests is inexcusable, as he very well put them in danger.
To go from HoH to starting physical altercations all over the house in less than a week takes true "talent." Goodbye, Willie. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

A person who tormented, bullied, and harassed everyone in the house solely to get what he wanted. How he won, I have no idea. His treatment of Dani, his daughter, is also concerning.
There's no way that America cared one-half about this drug-using, immoral loser as much as Big Brother would have you believe.

A large part of the reason why Season 15 is blacklisted is her. She made multiple racist jokes towards minorities, even after she was called out. Aaryn made fun of Candice's voice, flipped her mattress over, and made queer and fried rice jokes toward her fellow gay and Asian houseguests, respectively.
Pretty on the outside, vile thoughts on the inside. Needs a serious attitude adjustment and a marking.

Yet another part of the Big Brother 15 train wreck, she was a racist bully who found pleasure in tormenting her fellow houseguest, Elissa. She would call her fellow black housemate "Shaniqua" and tried to slam Elissa with a storage door.

A Big Brother 15 houseguest, GinaMarie was caught using the N-word, as well as making many other racist jokes. Her tirades against houseguests such as Candice and Elissa were sickening.

The ringleader of the entire BB19 cast, Paul convinced everyone to torment two houseguests, Jessica and Cody, because they were not in Paul's alliance. They attacked Cody's military service and banged pots and pans in their faces.

One of Paul's minions in Big Brother 19. Due to Paul's influence, he would bang pots and pans in Jessica and Cody's faces.

Nicole starred on Big Brother 16, 18, and 22. Although Nicole has not made many problematic comments, excluding her laughing at the Ian autism comment, her constant whining and victim-blaming are hard to watch.
The Newcomers

Most of the torment and bullying toward Taylor were caused by him. On top of that, his final plea to the house was just him pathetically saying the season was boring and that no one in the season was making big moves.

Let's see: I'll win Big Brother and immediately start a drug-dealing ring. Yeah, that's a true path to success!
The worst person to ever win the game. On top of calling the kids he worked with the R-word, when he won the money, he used it to fund a drug ring.

Should never have been cast. It was a preface to the entitled, narcissistic attitudes that are not only permitted in young people today, but encouraged. There's a total lack of anything socially redeeming.

One of the original firestarters in Big Brother history. An underhanded schemer with no moral compunction whatsoever.
Evidently, "swear on my life" doesn't mean nearly as much to some people as it does to others. Of course, when your life consists of being only a large-breasted, moderately attractive, self-important female, that's not much to swear on.

He literally aligned with Michael and Kaysar in the first week, then fought with them in the second week. What happened next? He was gone the next week. He started the Nerd Herd, which included him, Maggie, Ivette, Jennifer, April, and Beau.