Top 10 Best Big Brother Twist Ideas

The Top Ten
Pandora's Box Returns

I actually miss Pandora's Box. Maybe they should bring it back in BB20 along with other favorable twists.

I've only seen seasons 11, 12, 15, and 16, but I loved Pandora's Box even more than ZingBot.

Hidden Power of Veto

I love this twist! I think it would keep people from throwing the competition so much if they knew that a nominee, if they won, could put up whomever they wanted. It could definitely throw the house into a spin.

This would be a side twist, and it would be revealed that a hidden veto is somewhere in the house.

BB Roulette

This would be where the HoH puts up two nominees as usual. However, instead of contestants being voted for eviction, the two would play "BB Roulette," which is a card game similar to UNO. The contestant who wins gets to stay, and the loser gets evicted.

The HoH would also have the role of choosing which houseguest starts with 10 cards and which one begins with 6.

The HOH is also a nominee at the same time

This would be where the HOH gets to choose 2 nominees. However, they are also a nominee themselves. Their nomination of themselves can be nullified by the veto.

Reverse Psychology

This would be where someone wins HOH or veto, and Julie interrupts to reveal that the person who got dead last wins instead. This would be a one-time twist.

Triple Threat

I saw this one online. The show starts with 18 guests. Each week, three houseguests are nominated, and two will be evicted that week. Once the game reaches the final 10 (I added this part), America votes for two eliminated houseguests to return.

The rest of the season is played with the standard single evictions and two nominees.

Topsy Turvy

This twist would be where, when a veto is used, the nominee who was not saved gets to choose the replacement. This would make backdoors way harder.

Contestants from The Mole and Survivor in the house

This would only work if The Mole gets revived a second time, but it could work pretty well.

America as HOH
Survivor vs Big Brother

8 returning Big Brother players and 8 Survivor all-stars. We'll finally be able to see which show has better strategists. Wouldn't it be great to see Parvati and Boston Rob competing against Dan and Dr. Will?

The Newcomers

? Secret Partner

Before picking players for the veto competition, the two nominees each secretly choose one player as their secret partner. They can pick the Head of Household (HOH) as the secret partner, but not the other nominee.

If their secret partner wins the veto, that person must use the veto on the nominee who chose them. If both nominees choose the same person and that person wins the veto, the veto winner can decide which nominee to use it on.

There are several risks:

1. If the chosen person isn't picked for the veto competition, the power is wasted. (But remember, you can pick the HOH as the partner.)

2. Even if the chosen player is picked for the veto competition, they could choose to throw the veto, which means you wouldn't be saved by the power.

This twist would add interesting strategy to the veto competition. Would they pick me as their partner? Would I throw the competition, thinking there's a slim chance I was picked as the secret partner? It would be fascinating to hear players talk about the secret partner. The secret partner twist could end by the final six.

? Fake Houseguest
The Contenders
School Reunion

I would like to have this, and here is how I would do it: Eight schools, two houseguests each. They will not know they will be with a classmate. Then, after the reveal, in the HoH challenge, they will work together in the challenge and choose one of them to have the HoH, but the other just has immunity.

If a classmate is evicted, the remaining one will join as a team with another houseguest. This ends at the final 11 or 12. Maybe have some best friends, some enemies, and people from different time periods, like the class of 2006 or 2009.

This would be similar to the Cliques Twist from Season 11, but this time, 16 houseguests from the same high school and the same class are the participants. It could go well, as old friendships crumble and new rivalries evolve.

Double Jeopardy

This would be a minor twist where an outgoing HOH could play again, possibly winning HOH twice. However, if they win it a third time, they would be immediately evicted from the house.

Clans Twist

This twist sees the houseguests split evenly into two clans. It is the HoH's duty to nominate one person from each clan. If the veto is used, the replacement nominee must be from the same clan as the houseguest who was taken down.

I came up with a companion twist: a new Sunday competition called the Power of the Split. Like the Road Kill competition, each houseguest competes separately, but before nominations. The winner, revealed in secret, has the power to hand-pick the clans for the week - an unprecedented power. If used effectively, an HoH could be forced to nominate an ally.

2 HOHs, 5 nominees, a special comp, and 2 evictees

In the pre-jury stage, two HoHs will win, and they are both safe. There will be five nominees: two from each HoH and one nominated by America. The regular Power of Veto will be played only by the two HoHs and the five nominees.

Then, right before eviction, the five nominees will play a special competition. The first one to finish gets safety, the second and third will remain nominees, and the fourth and fifth will face eviction, which will be decided by the two HoHs. The person who isn't evicted by the HoHs will face regular eviction with the other two nominees.

There should be 25 houseguests playing the game if this twist happens.

Veto a Veto
The Revenge Twist

Following an eviction, the evictee gets to choose between three options:

A) They can choose one houseguest to be nominated for eviction, creating a third nominee for that week. (If the person they choose wins HoH, they will be safe for the week, and the revenge twist will be invalid for that week.)

B) They can choose one houseguest who will become ineligible to win HoH.

C) They can choose one houseguest to be immune for the week.

The twist continues until the final 8, the halfway point (in a season of 16 houseguests).

Obviously, this twist can be edited to fit the season or personal opinion.

Keep Vote Count Secret

Keeping the vote count secret would really change the game because not everybody would have the freedom to not vote with the majority.

Double Rewind

The game goes back 2 weeks, so an evicted houseguest returns, and everything starts again.

Safe 9 Key

Each week, America will vote for one houseguest they want in the final 9. This will be revealed after the eviction. The person who wins will be safe until the top 9.

The people earning this key cannot compete in any HoH or veto competitions, but they will still vote. So, when there are 10 left, only 4 will be eligible for eviction.

Double POV

This would involve 2 houseguests winning the Power of Veto, so both nominees could come off the chopping block.

Heroes vs Villains
Julie Has Power

This twist would not involve her nominating, saving, or voting, but it would influence what the houseguests do. For example, certain actions could be forbidden, like entering a certain room or engaging in a particular activity like running or holding a cup.

Alternatively, it could involve something they have to do, like an eviction that "begins" an hour earlier, with Julie simply smiling and looking into the camera the entire time live, before the voting starts. It wouldn't be Chen deciding herself, more like the producers influencing the game.

Uncover a Secret Mole

I did this with my friends in our little fan-made Big Brother competition. Essentially, I contacted one of the houseguests privately before the competition to inform them that they would be playing as a mole. The mole would play very differently from the rest of the houseguests.

The mole could not vote to evict and was limited to winning only one competition until they were uncovered in the 4th week. If the mole survived three evictions, they would automatically win the 4th HoH competition and choose one evicted houseguest to reenter the game (along with gaining the right to vote and win competitions). However, if the mole got evicted within the first three evictions, then the house could play in HoH and vote for one evicted houseguest to return. If the mole was picked to return, they would be treated as a normal player.

The mole was not allowed to reveal their identity at any point, even if it could be used to make allies going forward. The mole would be revealed in the 4th week after a houseguest was chosen to return. This made for a lot of fun - everyone was scrambling to find the mole.

Celebrities vs Non-Celebrities

7 Celebrities vs. 7 Non-Celebrities = 14 playing in the house. Yeah, vote!

House's Nominee

The House guests that are not up for eviction get to vote for a third person to be put on the block.

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