Top Ten Most Boring Genie Wishes

Making a wish in front of a genie is really amazing. However, people tend to be really unimaginative. This is the top ten wishes we see all too often, but find really boring ideas. Perhaps the end results would be exactly what you want, but you can't say that it is a very original and interesting wish.

The Top Ten
1 Unlimited wishes
2 For there to be no rule on unlimited wishes
3 Unlimited genies

Well, the genie from Aladdin would do this without him saying anything, simply for emphasis, and yet, Aladdin couldn't think to circumvent this plot hole.

4 A sandwich
5 Omnipotence/being god/full control of space and time/etc
6 Perfect immortality
7 A million dollars or more
8 A lover
9 Your crush to like you back

I would Love this. It has already happened to me he came over while I was writing this and asked me out.

Not everyone is meant to be together.

10 Flying
The Contenders
11 Super strength
12 Socks
13 Dust
14 Rocks
15 Grass
16 Happiness
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