Best Villains of The MonsterVerse

So basically I decided to make a new list for this amazing Cinematic Universe. We are now focusing on the villains of the MonsterVerse. So not only we are gonna have Kaijus on this list, but also human villains as well. And the Kaijus not just films but also comics of the MonsterVerse. Don’t add Godzilla, Kong or Mothra cause they’re the heroics of the MonsterVerse.
The Top Ten
1 King Ghidorah King Ghidorah is one of Godzilla's most well known enemies. First appearing in 1964's Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster, he has gone on to appear in more films than most other Godzilla foes.
2 MechaGodzilla
3 Ramarak (Skull Devil)
4 MUTO Prime
5 Male M.U.T.O.
6 Female M.U.T.O.
7 Skull Crawlers
8 Alan Jonah
9 Colonel Packard
10 Shinomura
The Contenders
11 Rodan
12 Dr. Emma Russell
13 Ren Serizawa
14 Warbats
15 Hellhawks
16 Walter Simmons
17 Maia Simmons
18 Camazotz
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