Top Ten Reasons Why Facebook Is Better Than TheTopTens

The Top Ten
Facebook Users Are Better

This, I agree with, but it’s the only one I agree with just because there are a lot of people there that I know in real life and trust, whereas the users on here could be completely different in real life for all I know.

TheTopTens has nicer and more logical users. They are sane. A lot of Facebook users are out of their minds.

You are a bad user on TheTopTens

Facebook Is More Popular

That doesn't make Facebook better. Facebook can be dangerous if you share too much personal information.

I don't give a damn about what's popular. I care about what's logically better.

Yeah well guess what. TheTopTens has less hackers and annoying people.

Facebook Is Less Glitchy

On Google Chrome, I can't follow people. On Internet Explorer, I can.

That's not true.
Facebook is very slow to load than this site.

Whoever thinks of this doesn't have slow internet.

TheTopTens Has Too Many This Is Better Than That Lists

Wow.Read the name of this list loud and clearly five times, and tell me it is not one.

More People On Facebook

There are one lakh users on TheTopTens.
And if you add the visitors, it would sum up to 10 lakh.
And Facebook doesn't allow visitors but TheTopTens does.

If anything, this would actually be a reason TheTopTens is better in my opinion.

TheTopTens Has Too Much Bieber Hate

If the internet was like the 90s, there would be less Bieber hate. that's not an opinion that's a truth.
Ever heard of Aaron Carter?
Same for One Direction
Ever heard of New Kids on The Block?
They are actually glad Twitter wasn't around when they were famous.

But the hate here in TheTopTens is funnier.

Only valid reason on this dumbass list.

Facebook Has Been Around for Longer

Uh, that's A. Fact you are talking about, it does not matter how long something has been on for, it's the quality and quantity.

But TheTopTens has a lot of meaningful stuff done in a day.

So? TheTopTens has evolved more.

TheTopTens Has Too Many Annoying Users

Facebook has so many trolls. 50%. TheTopTens only has like 4 trolls compared to at least 1000 users. Do your math.

How many people do you see on TheTopTens posting stupid chain comments?

You're such an idiot Comparisons

You Can Find Friends On Facebook

You can also find friends on The Top Tens.

You can also find friends on TheTopTens

You can find friends anywhere.

TheTopTens Relies On Opinions Too Much

Nonsense. That's like saying YouTube relies too much on videos.

Oh my God! Facebook relies on posts too much you hypocrite!

The Contenders
Kids On This Site Think They're Mature
It's Too Hard to Make Lists

I feel like that would actually be a reason for TheTopTens being better to be honest, because clearly, the content on TheTopTens has more effort being put into it while you get followers on Facebook that are either undeserved or people you know in person.

That's what make this site better than Facebook.

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