Foods You Must Try at a Trinidadian Christmas

The Top Ten
1 Ham

I <3 Ham! It is super tasty! Just eating ham and mustard and pepper sauce is like a taste of heaven! :-)

Yay! Long live Trinidad!

2 Pasteles

What is a Trinidadian pasteles? Trinidadian pasteles are small meat-filled cornmeal pies stuffed with meat, fish or vegetables seasoned with fresh herbs and flavoured with raisins, olives and capers wrapped and steamed in a banana leaf. (I got this from Wikipedia)

3 Ponche-de-creme/Ponche crema

What in ponche crema? Ponche crema is a Trinidadian and Venezuelan cream-based liqueur. Recipes vary depending on the region, but main ingredients typically include milk, eggs, sugar, rum, and other minor ingredients such as vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, and lemon rind. (I got this from Wikipedia)

4 Sorrel

A red drink made from the red flowers of the sorrel plant.

5 Trini Black Fruit Cake

It is normally just called black cake. It is made with many fruits like raisins and prunes that are soaked in rum and cherry brandy. In my home, after you bake it, as soon as it is out of the oven, they pour a bit of cherry brandy over the top of the cake and let it soak in to get the inside of the cake moist.

I don't know if this is the same as 'Christmas pudding' because I have never eaten Christmas pudding.

6 Christmas Rice

It is white rice with veges in it. It is really colorful to put on your plate and you don't have to eat it with meat! It's good by itself!

7 Candy Canes
8 Roast Pork
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