Top 10 Video Games That Killed Their Franchise

Who thought it was a good idea to take a decent mech game and remove the iconic Steel Battalion controller, forcing players to use a "broken, poorly made PlayStation Eye knock-off that actively hates its players"? You can't even use a standard controller.
It's still better than Ninja Gaiden 3, though. At least Heavy Armor had some attempts at innovation and effort. I have an idea: From Software, release a next-gen version for all HD consoles, fix what was wrong with the game, add 60 frames per second, new features, and an option to use either a standard controller, gamepad (Wii U), or Steel Battalion controller.
There is clearly potential and effort here, Capcom. Don't let it go to waste. Also, stop randomly canceling Mega Man games just so you can blame it on the fans.

I wish Duke Nukem Forever focused more on gameplay rather than storytelling and characters.

After the release of this abomination, the games in the Star Fox series have ranged from meh at best to insulting at worst.

I'm glad this game exists because it allowed Crystal Dynamics to take the license from Core Design's hands and make a proper Tomb Raider game. They reinvented the Tomb Raider formula and turned something outdated and tired into something that still holds up today. The reboot, in my opinion, is better than the Uncharted series.
There are many bugs.

This is sadly the best game in the series. They gave you the option to turn off Bubsy's voice, it's 3D so you can actually see what's in front of you, and the health mechanic came back from Bubsy 2.
The game is still horrible, however. The level design and gimmicks are uncreative, dull, and nonexistent. The game was extremely outdated when it came out. The first boss is confusing, none of the other bosses are impressive in any way, the graphics are interestingly horrible, and the game is so easy and boring.
Bubsy was pretty much a failure from the start. This game pretty much finished off his career.

Boring, uneventful, and relatively unfunny. Playing this game is a chore.

This and Menace 2 the Galaxy killed the franchise very easily because they were both aware of how bad they are.
The Newcomers

All Volition had to do was LISTEN to the fans and continue from where Saints Row 2 left off. Why is that so difficult for them? Instead, they rebooted the game, removing the humor, lacking personality, and releasing a broken, unfinished mess.

Viewtiful Joe died after the release of this game when Capcom decided to close Clover Studios.

Huge CoD fan. Ghosts had a good idea with the storyline. Loved Riley. But multiplayer could've been so much better.
This was sad because CoD is a really great game series, and this is what people look at. But MW 2019 is bringing back the series.

The game itself literally led to its developer's shutdown. While I've only played this game and not the first Epic Mickey game, I could tell there were still many glaring issues in the sequel that were present in the first.
While I praise the game's story and voice acting, the poor camera angles really frustrated me at times. Either way, it's pretty sad that Epic Mickey failed to spark a complete trilogy and get its third, ideally final game.

Had potential. When I heard this would have a story mode, I was hyped. I always imagined what a story mode in this game series would be like since Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
It was okay, I guess. The game has the smallest roster of the MVC games. It's too bad since MVC 2 had over 50 characters, and it has only gotten smaller with each game.
Not a terrible game, in my opinion. Just didn't live up to the hype.