Top 10 Most Fun Things to Do in Grand Theft Auto Games

The Top Ten
Beat Up Random People

There's just a thrill associated with punching the living daylights out of other people on the street. I love how they fight back too, because you just feel so much better when you repetitively beat them again and again, then when they're finally on the floor you stamp them until their money appears. Ooo yeah

Simply the best thing to do. And I'm suprised there isn't a "Don't try this at your local mall" warning.

If I play Grand Theft Auto, I really like to stab people around plus get away with It with a stolen car, and I'd have a car chase with the police all around town

Shoot Random People

It's so fun. One time I was chasing this guy with a taser for some reason and I was catching up when the guy ran in front of an oncoming train. Hilarious!

Cause a Police Chase

Getting as many stars as you can is fun as hell. 4 stars is when the fun stars. The SWAT come after you. 5. The FBI. 6. The Army, Tanks, troops, the whole nine yards... the fun is staying alive.

Especially in Chinatown Wars, where you have to drive the cops into walls so they blow up and you can run away from them.

Steal Cars
Use Cheat Codes

Best way to survive without getting shot or cause police trouble!

Drive Like a Normal Person

Why is it fun to drive normally? I don't know, but it is.

Pick a Fight With a Grandma

They hit you with handbags. Best feeling ever

Blow Up Stuff

What you do when you have a whole ton of explosives and have nothing better to do.

Complete Missions
Ram Into Motorcyclists With Cars

The Newcomers

? Use RPG to Blow Vehicles Into the Air
? Drive Crazy
The Contenders
Kill Yourself Over and Over

Grand Theft Auto 4 is more reallistic to die many times! I can end up falling off the building, crash right out the car window and get smash by cars and helicoptors!

Run Over Pedestrians
Get In a Car Wreck
Push Pedestrians Off High Places
Kidnap Pedestrians
Cause a Big Car Wreck
Get 100%

Took me one month to get 100% in vice city. I've got many copies of that file saved in my pc.

I love getting progress, there's always something to be proud of

Crash Your Motorcycle and Go Flying
Drive On the Sidewalks
Cause Trouble at Strip Clubs

In Grand Theft Four this was a fun thing to do!

Try to Kill Yourself with a Death Sound in High Pitch
Walk Around
Flying Cars Cheat In San Andreas

It's so amazing
And you also earn loads of money when you hit the floor because the game counts it as an "insane stunt" that gives you thousands!

Taking Funny 'Self-Portrait' Pictures
Take a Dog for a Walk
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