Top Ten Worst Types of Girls
Girls lets face it, there are some types of girls we just can't stand. Some are merely annoying, while some need to just be quiet.I'm a girl, and I don't support this either. Soon enough, women will be superior, and men will be treated worse. Light feminism is perfectly fine, but please don't make everything revolve around your gender! This is just going to lead to sexism for men.
There are plenty of extremists out there. Saying Extreme Feminists is just like saying Extremist Islamists. We hate extremism, so it is a fair point to hate extreme feminists. I hate extremists.
You could never even pay me enough money to go on a date with one of these toxic individuals. I would rather be single my whole life.
Most of the popular girls care more about popularity and guys than actual life problems and being nice. They fake being friends with people, and they like to gossip. Whenever someone considered a "loser" does something innocent, they will hate them forever. I hate those snobs.
The 'popular girl' in my grade happens to be my BFF since kindergarten. I'm still waiting for that chance to whack that arm and wipe the smile off her face.
I hate them. They get way too much credit, unless they're nice to others. Then I have no problem.
There are such things as sluts, just like there are such things as gold diggers. The only kind of girl that I consider a slut is the type to cheat and have affairs with guys who they clearly know are already taken. They're far different from a woman who just has a healthy sex life. A woman would not go fooling around with other's men since they have respect for relationships and themselves.
"I bought this the other day, hehe couldn't resist." "I have like 50 pairs of shoes." "My prom dress cost a lot of money." Ugh...
The absolute WORST! Most girls are girly girls at one point in their lives, if not all their lives. They're always the same: constantly gossiping, causing drama, and fretting over the stupidest things. They are always starting new cliques and leaving everyone out, saying the boys are 'gross and annoying' but constantly trying to get their attention. They are always screeching and trying to get in the center of attention, especially around boys, getting angry at everything imaginable, no matter how small, etc. etc.
It's typically the 11-teenage years girls, but some do continue being senseless into adulthood. This is why I'm usually better friends with boys because I'm not like that. I've tried before to act like the other girls, just to fit in, but I hated it. Never trying that again.
If the girl doesn't believe in God and that Jesus suffered, bled, and died on the cross for our sins, then she needs help. If she doesn't want to repent, then I don't want to be near her.
These kinds of people in general scare me.