Worst Types of Social Justice Warriors
SJWs are terrible. Which ones do you think are the worst?So, hating heterosexuals, whites, thin people, and cis people is worse than literally wanting half of the world dead? I don't understand that.
I understand why women would distrust men, especially if they live in an unsafe area or were raped, but wanting all men to die is too far.
I'd really like to see them respond to this question: How do you think life on Earth would continue if you want all males dead?

It's true that heterophobia isn't as big a problem as homophobia and will probably never be, and that jokes about straight people don't compare to what LGB+ people have to go through.
That being said, unironically hating straight people and wanting them dead is really stupid in my opinion.
When will they even consider the fact that heterosexuality has been around for millions of years? It has not been in any way damaging, and you can make babies.
The reason gay marriage is legal is because of heterosexuals who support gay marriage. Get it through your head, people!
Like a lot of the other ones, this group is dumb because not all whites are racist. Believe it or not, whites can suffer racism. It's just not common to see it.
Basically the reverse of the KKK, treating white people like three-fifths of a man.
If SJWs find out how many of my friends have been white males, they'll kill me.
Basically enforcing the false idea that only women can be sexually assaulted and men cannot.
Neither are superior nor inferior.
I counted them differently from Feminazis because Feminazis want men dead. These guys actually just think they're inferior.
They seem oblivious to everything else except their own "feelings," even when they are melting down with TV cameras rolling.
At least cis people don't lie about who we are.
This is also a dumb claim because at least 90% of men are not rapists.
They need to know that females can be rapists too.
The Newcomers
SJWs: Yasss LGBTQ+ rights! You are all valid!
Bi, pan, ace, trans, poly, etc., person: Falls in love with someone of the opposite gender.
SJWs: Omg, get out of our community, stupid straighties. This is for gay people only.
Aka Western millennial/zoomer upper-class white gay males. The worst of the worst.
Why can't they accept all different types of bodies?
This doesn't include normal vegans but vegans who insult you for eating meat.

Racewashing is a stupid idea because there's a thing called "new characters." The only time I'm fine with racewashing is if the character is vague on race details (e.g., Cinderella). But if a character is meant to be a certain race (e.g., Tiana), don't whitewash or blackwash.
Racewashing characters either way is stupid, ridiculous, and nonsensical!
There's gore in Sonic. Disgusting!
Breaking news: Kid kills 60 people because of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. (Sarcasm)
I want Pac-Man to be banned because there is too much blood and gore.
I can't tolerate the amount of graphic violence displayed in Hello Kitty.
Not just their pet, but just about anything and anyone.
I plagiarized this essay in the name of social justice!