Best Guinea Pig Breeds

The Top Ten
1 Abyssinian

I have an Abyssinian guinea pig and he has such a sweet temperament. His name is Mogwai because he looks like one! He is a fatty but sometimes he gives you a look and it is the cutest thing ever!

I had a short hair guinea pig and I still have an Abyssinian. I lost my short hair today when a dog killed her in the back garden. My Abyssinian (Rosie) has been taking it well, but they often die after they lose their companions so I'm preparing myself for that. Well, now that's off my chest, I love Abyssinians, they are so cute and fluffy!

I have a thing for abbysinians. I have 2 Americans and 1 abyssinian. Her name is truffle and she is the sweetest thing in the world! She have never hurt anyone and she loves to be cuddled! My Americans hate being touched and once have bit me.

I owened an Abyssinian and he was named Mohawk I'm only 10 and my youngest bro is 4 and Mohawk never hurt anyone. They are by far the best kid breed because my friend owns an American and every American Guinea us stubborn so Abyssinians should the top one!

2 American

There eyes are so big and buggy. Most fun to cuddle.

3 Teddy

Looks like a teddy bear

4 Texel

I have two texel boys and I love them so much.

5 Skinny

I love Skinny Pigs they are cute little bags of flesh. They remind me of little baby hippos.

6 Peruvian
7 Silkie
8 American Crested

These adorable little boogers have the cutest hairstyles in the world! Look it up if you think I'm insane!

Looks like a dog somehow

9 Rex
10 Ridgeback
The Contenders
11 Short Haired

They have nice hair

12 English Crested

Their little swirls on their head is so cute. It's like a little bald spot

13 Cuy
14 Himalayan
15 Alpaca
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