Most Unfortunate Jobs

I feel sorry for anyone who has a job like these below. You deserve better jobs or a massive salary to make these hellish jobs worthwhile.
The Top Ten
1 Cleaner at an Adult Cinema

That job would be torture, That stuff all over the floor isn't milkshake you know!

2 Guard at Buckingham Palace

Don't join the British Army or you might find yourself standing in one place not allowed to do anything whilst wearing horrible clothes.

3 Portable Toilet Cleaner

Somebody's gotta do it! And I feel sorry for them. If I need to go to the toilet really bad and there was a portaloo and a group of trees nearby, definitely the trees for me. Portaloos are hell on earth.

4 Attack Dog Training Dummy

Time for an obscure Simpsons reference. "I thought you liked dogs"

5 Medical Research patient
6 Shark Tank Cleaner

I guess if you have this job you're more likely to be killed by a shark than a vending machine.

7 Sewer Cleaner

Cleaning the second dirtiest places in the world, the only thing dirtier are those portable toilets.

It's unfortunate, but someone's gotta do the dirty job.

8 Cat Food Quality Controller
9 Roadkill Remover

Not only collecting the remains of dead animals but you can do it whilst traffic is coming! Marvellous!

10 Skyscraper Window Cleaner
The Contenders
11 McDonald's Fry Cook

Where our employees get paid $8 an hour.

12 Deep Sea Fisherman

The most dangerous job to have on fatality rate. In other words, the job you're most likely to die on.

13 Landfill Cleaner
14 Mascot

You spend hours inside a costume burning up and oversweating.
It's not as fun as it looks.

Be a freelance mascot instead.

15 Doorman
16 Commercial Fisherman
17 Custodian

All they do is clean and they work all year long. They don't get summer vacation. They don't much appreciation either, despite what they do.

18 Butler
19 Taxi Driver
20 Maid
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