Top 10 Most Common Lies People Tell

What do you feel are the most common lies people tell? These are the most frequent lies based on your vote and the votes of hundreds of others who have visited this list.
The Top Ten
I’m fine

I have a friend who hasn't been coming to school much lately. I'd say he attends for about a week every four weeks, and when the weekend comes, he just doesn't return for a while. He says he's fine, but I don't know what to do because he clearly isn't fine.

There are even rumors that he's been faking depression to get out of school. I really don't know what I should do. Should I call him, talk to some of his friends, wait until he comes back and have a proper talk, or just let it go?

Lately, when I see him, I've noticed how differently he's been acting. I used to feel we had a strong connection, but these days, just being around him feels awkward. I have no idea what I should do, if I should do something, or even if it's worth keeping him in my life.

I have read & agreed to the above Terms and Conditions

Especially in elementary school, where they force you to "agree" to a bunch of super-restrictive stuff in order to use the school laptops. I didn't even read it because it wouldn't matter.

Near the end of the school year, I got in trouble for violating a rule I didn't even agree to (and then got my laptop taken away), which is stupid. Teachers shouldn't force kids to agree to a bunch of things they won't even remember and then tell them they're in trouble for not following a rule they never agreed to.

There was this one experiment where someone hid a five-thousand-dollar prize in the terms and conditions, and no one claimed it for months. Though I admit, when I was a kid, I used to read these. Then I gave up. They ought to just say:

1.) Don't sue us if you're unhappy.
2.) This is copyrighted.

I will be there in 5 minutes

One of the most common lies to tell your parents and friends.

Maybe add another 25 onto that, though. "Depends on traffic, ya know." Hehe...

I don’t lie

These are some of the most popular lies in our everyday lives. If you say this, then you're being dishonest with yourself first. All of us have lied at least once in our lives, mostly for good reasons. Sometimes we're even overtaken by our darker side.

Yes, all of us have lied. Admit it.

I think a lot of people try their best not to lie in their lives. Sure, lying happens at least once in someone's life, but on some occasions, people didn't intend to do it.

If I'm being honest, I've only ever told one lie in my life, and this is the one...

Wow, you look great in that dress

Really? I'm not letting my friend go out looking ugly. Go ahead, tell her! Or him, depending on how they roll.

Great? Oh my, I think I need to clean my ears. I must've misheard the phrase "worse than a clown" as "great"!

Even though your inner heart says, "Hell no! You look like a clown."

I love you

Celebrity: I love all of my fans.
Oh, you mean the people you have no idea exist?

When somebody says, "I love you," don't believe it is legitimate.

I would struggle to believe it at first.

Don’t worry, it will be okay

I do say this often, but I have every faith in my heart that things will be okay. I don't just say it to have something to say.

You say this even though you know things are going to get worse.

You HAVE to make sure that people feel safe sometimes, and that's okay.

Sorry, I forgot

I assure you, though, many times I really do forget! Other times... let's not talk about those.

I really do forget a lot when I say this. Not a lie, I promise.

You forgot, or you just don't want to do it?

I am sick

Come on, you've definitely wanted to miss school or work at least once but didn't have the right excuse.

I did that to get out of church, and it actually worked, but I am never doing it again.

The Newcomers

? I have nothing to hide

Everyone has something to hide. Anyone who says this surely doesn't mind having every part of their life searched, correct? I'm sure the deepest, darkest secrets someone has can be shared publicly.


People will always hide something. If you see anyone saying "I have nothing to hide," assume they are hiding something themselves and call them out for it.

? It's always me that has to do it

I got inspired by a farmer asking in an interview how long farmers would have to be the only ones paying for global warming, even though he knows perfectly well that everyone else is also affected.

However, there are lots of other cases where someone will say, It's only me that has to do a job, when that isn't true.

The Contenders
I never said that

I either forgot about it, realized it later, and don't want to admit it for some stupid reason like pride, or you have no evidence, so I'm innocent.

I never said that I was going to go to bed soon.

I didn't do it

Sometimes you say it before you even know what you're being accused of.

I once told this lie when I broke my mom's phone. I remember blaming it on a sibling. They said I lied, and I got in big trouble.

That show brings back Disney memories.

We'll always be best friends

My best friend and I used to say this a lot, but things were different back then. There was a time we weren't trying to maintain a long-distance relationship, and a time we didn't argue as much as we did in the later years of our friendship. We genuinely thought we'd always be best friends.

We were so close that we had no reason to see it end only three years later, and on pretty bad terms.

This is one of those lies you don't realize is a lie until later in life.

I understand

This will be the number one lie if you are a student. Every time your teacher asks, "Do you understand?" you have a ready-made answer: "Yes, sir."

It's no problem

You know what I'm talking about. NO PROBLEM.

Santa is real

Santa is so not real. Now Google is lying on Dec 24, 2019, showing a Santa tracker. He is so not real!

Well, it is based on a real person, Saint Nicholas, but he was nothing like "Santa."

Santa is not real. I can't believe I believed my parents' lie until I found out from some kid in kindergarten that he wasn't real. I cried.

I care about you

I care about everyone to a certain extent. If you're my family or one of my close friends, then I care for you a lot. Even if you're a bully, jerk, or someone I don't know well, I still care for you, but not as much as my closest family and friends.

I can't speak for others when they say this to me. I can only hope they mean it because I certainly mean it when I say it.

To me, it isn't a lie. I care about others (except bullies and other bad people).

Don't worry about me
It's not mine

It's mine, but I have a reason why it's not mine right now.

I don't care

It's funny how much effort people put into making themselves hypocrites, yet most of them care when they say this. I feel most of us don't realize that.

I DO care. I miss you, and you chose to leave.

It's true. My mom says I have an instinct to lie, so I just go along with it.

I don't have a crush

No, I swear this isn't a lie. Stop asking who my dang crush is!

I don't know
I didn't break it

Once I lied about this. I broke the window in my sister's bedroom with a baseball and lied, saying she did it. She got in big trouble until she said I lied. Then I got in huge trouble for lying.

Animals were humanely slaughtered to become my burger
I'm happy to be single

Anyone who thinks I'm lying when I say this clearly doesn't know me well. The last "relationship" I was in thankfully only lasted maybe a week, which is one of the many reasons I put it in quotes. But I felt stuck in it until I finally had the courage to break up with him because I was afraid of hurting his feelings. I was miserable for pretty much the whole time.

I blindly agreed to date someone who had ditched me for other people many times before because I was too stupid to realize that no matter how many times I came back to him, it was never going to change. I am so happy to not only be single but to say that I'm not the person who forgives people too easily anymore.

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