Top 10 Biggest Jerks in Pro Wrestling

This guy took steroids to appease McMahon, then proceeded to sleep with McMahon's daughter just so he could get ahead in the business. The longest, slowest, most painful, and cringiest promos ever! Racist as anything and one of the biggest backstage politicians ever. He tried to ruin Kurt Angle's title push and buried many wrestlers by complaining to his wife and father-in-law.
Countless main events and 14-time champion without ever being as popular as Austin, Rock, or Taker. (He even has more title reigns than all three.) And now, he is an executive in WWE because he married The Billion Dollar Princess. Triple H, you are scum!

By far the biggest moron in wrestling history. He once beat up an old man - real tough guy - and was engaged in many fights with other wrestlers because of his idiotic behavior.
New Jack actually stabbed a guy 13 times in a match and got jail time. Enough said.
The guy cuts people in the ring without their permission.

Hogan has gained the reputation of being a bad person due to the leak, but wrestling fans have known for years that Hogan is not the perfect, do-no-wrong human being he portrayed on TV, and is, in fact, a jerk. One of the reasons Hulk Hogan is a jerk is his refusal to lose to just about anyone.
Hulk Hogan has long had the biggest ego in all of wrestling. This is a man who never learned to wrestle but somehow always managed to headline every show.
He is heavily hated by today's IWC and many wrestlers of his time.

Brock Lesnar never came across as a gentleman on screen, so you won't be disappointed to know that he is a jerk in real life. Even when Lesnar was a face, it was never believable because he gives off heel vibes. But that's not really the reason he's on the list.
While Lesnar is a private person, and one must respect that, he absolutely hates meeting fans. According to Lesnar and those who know him, he simply doesn't like people and hates being approached by fans.
Not to mention his homophobic comments from a 2004 interview, where he repeatedly said that he doesn't like gay people. Many interviewers have also accused him of being a jerk and difficult to deal with due to his rude and dry answers. Wrestling fans have always felt that Lesnar doesn't care about the wrestling business and only shows up to collect easy checks, which further proves that he earned a spot on this list.

Nash was a great talent, but then he let the business go to his head. When he returned to WCW in the early 90s (invasion angle), he quickly became an issue. His legendary drunken behavior left more than one person, most notably Paul "Big Show" Wight, injured. This behavior caused his finisher to be banned.
The final straw happened when he was allowed to book matches. Between Bischoff's greed and complete mismanagement, and the general drunkenness of the nWo members at almost every show, Nash had a big hand in WCW's downfall.
Now, Nash is nothing more than a bitter has-been who has so many injuries he cannot do much in the ring.

He gave his opponent, Hannibal Devon Nicholson, Hep C during one of their matches and neglected to inform his opponent he was infected. This should make him one of the top 10 jerks in pro wrestling.
Bladed himself and other wrestlers, even though he had some kind of disease that can be transmitted by blood, and he knew that.

Sucked up to Triple H. He's arrogant and full of himself, which is why he ended up on the other side of a beating by Booker T.
Greedy chump who thinks he is the greatest guy on the planet. Calls himself a "real man," but has a belly button tattoo and wears skinny jeans. He is always on Triple H's nuts.

I wouldn't say jerk. I would say criminal. He killed his son and wife. That is absolutely psychopathic. He should be in hell by now.
As much as I despise Triple H, how is this wife-and-child-murdering monster not number one?
As much as I hate the people above him, have they EVER killed somebody?

Easily should be top 10 if not top 5. One of the most egocentric jerks ever! He thinks he's God's gift to the world and has nothing to show for it. He believes his own hype, along with his delusional fans, and actually believes he can be a real fighter in the UFC. He is too lazy to hit the gym and too arrogant to train properly for pro fights. He just steps into the octagon looking exactly the same.
If the infamous scripted "Pipebomb" promo never happened, nobody would care about him. Get over yourself.
Dumped on WWE after everything they offered him. Accuses Ryback of purposely damaging him. CM Punk is a straight-up ass.

He's a moron who likes to target new wrestlers and beat them to a pulp because he's too chicken to fight an experienced wrestler. Not to mention, he lost to many professional wrestlers and could easily get dropped by any good wrestler out of the ring, and maybe out of the business.
This bum's got no class. Almost 75% of his matches are with fighters who have little to no experience. I hope a new wrestler emerges and crushes him. JBL will try to jump him one day, and the new wrestler will crush him again. Send that fool into retirement!
The Newcomers

This person wrestled as Bruiser Bedlam and Johnny K-9 in the WWF and Smoky Mountain Wrestling, but he was also the leader of the Satan's Choice biker gang.
He was convicted of bombing a Greater Sudbury police station. He was accused of murdering a lawyer and her husband and faced charges for assault.

He stabbed Brody to death in a shower in Puerto Rico over a business disagreement and fled the scene.

Called Todd Grisham a queer. Spoke negatively about MLK Jr. Said, Who cares about the Hurricane Katrina victims because they're all Black anyway and don't have cars. Highly unprofessional in the ring and drove The Renegade to suicide.
He didn't care about the wrestling business. He only cared about making money. He was very difficult to get along with, and he even held up the WWE for more money.
The Ultimate Warrior was a real legend, even if he was a jerk. P.S. He was not a jerk. Have you watched wrestling? How did you get this far in the wrestling world called WWE?

Why do people get annoyed about AJ Lee haters? They're right - she is very rude in real life.

Hardcore Holly is, was, and will always be a bully. There is a reason he does not have a spot in the industry.

Without a doubt, the biggest jerk in WWE history is Vince McMahon. Better words to describe him would be "sexual deviant." The feds are investigating him now over his latest sexual harassment case. What should happen is they take the company away from the McMahon family altogether. He has gotten away with a lot of indiscretions, crimes, etc. because of his wealth.
In many ways, he's very similar to Donald Trump. Both guys are in their 70s, treat people with complete disrespect (especially women), are homophobic, have a "cult" following, and are tremendously despicable people. I am truly glad to see a few former stars step up and voice their displeasure with the ways he tries to run things. More than likely, there will be another "out of court" settlement. This crap has to stop.
Triple H, Stephanie, and Shane should also be held accountable. They knew about all his shenanigans and never spoke the truth about any of it. Vince McMahon has to go, and not just in "title" only.

Steiner was a steroid freak and is well known for his roid rage issues.
He is a different man now than he was during the Monday Night Wars at this point.
Steiner has long been regarded as one of the biggest whiners in the industry. He is infamous for roid rage and being a complete ass. He was much better before the steroids. This man is a great example of what NOT to do in wrestling.
This man has done more steroids than any wrestler in the history of the business. I wouldn't be surprised if his testicles are the size of peas.

Took his character too seriously. He was, and still is, very arrogant, which is why Jericho once put him in a front facelock.

It's just her character in WWE. She's a nice lady in real life. You people are just jealous.
Huge egomaniac like her father and husband. She's a spoiled brat.
Her screeching voice irritates me. She tries so hard to be like her father but fails miserably.

Not a nice guy in or out of the ring - constantly curses at fans.

I hate Cena. He is the real jerk of wrestling. Moreover, Vince McMahon is the real jerk because when Cena returns, he goes to the ring and says, THE CHAMP IS HERE, and Vince actually gives him a title match. He is burying talents like Dean Ambrose, Sami Zayn, and Kevin Owens.
Met Cena backstage while I was working SmackDown. He was rude and looked like he had the devil in his eyes. Not a real fan's man.
Why is this guy number four? He should be number one. John Cena buries more young talent than Triple H does.

He may be a legend, but he is a jerk.

NO, he is annoying as a lead commentator.