Top 10 Scariest SCPs of All Time
SCP, or "Secure, Contain, Protect", is a collaborative writing project that revolves around a fictional organization responsible for locating and containing individuals, entities, locations, and objects that defy natural law, referred to as SCPs. Each SCP is identified by a numerical designation and classified based on its level of containment difficulty.Born from the crevices of the internet back in 2007, the SCP Foundation is a testament to the power of communal creativity, a concept that began with a single post on a paranormal board and has grown into an extensive online universe with a robust mythology. Its growth has been propelled by the dedication of thousands of writers, creating a collection of chilling and imaginative horror, fantasy, and sci-fi stories that would make even H.P. Lovecraft himself shiver.
So, let's talk about the most terrifying SCPs ever chronicled. With hundreds, if not thousands, of entries in the SCP universe, ranging from merely eerie to downright horrifying, it's no easy task to identify which SCPs are truly the scariest of them all. It's an undertaking that involves sifting through a myriad of anomalies that could give you nightmares for days.
What might seem terrifying to one person might not be to another, and vice versa. Perhaps the scariest SCPs for you are those that instill a sense of existential dread, such as SCP-3001, a void of nothingness with seemingly no end. Or maybe your preferences lean more towards visceral horror, like SCP-106, a being capable of passing through solid matter and trapping its victims in a hellish alternate dimension.

One day, you look at him. The next day, oh no, he's broken down the door of my house and is about to kill me. Oh no, he's eaten me.
Just imagine you accidentally look at him, then you hear on the news that he's breached containment. Quite scary if you think about it.
SCP-096 is a Keter class SCP that is named the Shy Guy. It is humanoid and dangerous. Any eye contact with its face - from a photo, on camera, in person, or even looking at a cleverly drawn picture of it - is enough to send it into a rage. The first sign it is in an aggressive state is the ear-splitting tantrum, involving crying and covering its face with its hands.
In a minimum of 20 seconds, it will begin a rampage while running with its arms outstretched like a Minecraft zombie. It will stop at nothing until it finds the person that looked at its face. SCP-096 is reported to be capable of breaking down doors. When SCP-096 reaches its victim, it data expunged its victims, leaving no trace.

A living thing with a hatred for all living things, human or otherwise, is terrifying for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, because of the self-destructive implications. Secondly, with its being practically immortal, it promises that it really will be the last to die, if it ever does. And finally, it is capable of killing us all at any given time, and it simply hasn't suited it to do so.
He is something you DON'T, and I mean DON'T, want in pretty much anywhere. I will admit I find him more cool than scary, but he has a few things that are scary:
1. He has an (unknown) hate for humanity (and pretty much everything).
2. He has regeneration abilities (even with 99% of his body destroyed, he still regenerated back to life).
3. He can adapt to nearly anything (pretty much if you use an attack or even an SCP on him, it never affects him again).
4. As far as I'm sure, he is the only thing the SCP Foundation wants to destroy.
5. He's a giant lizard. So, yea, the Foundation keeps him in a giant acid cage to stop him from killing us. These 5 reasons (mainly the first 3) explain why they do that and how scary SCP-682 can be in real life.

While the picture representing SCP-610 is arguably the most disgusting and horrifying among the objects, this is only part of what makes it the scariest thing on the site. The fact it is a highly contagious disease that may turn you into one of the abominations shown in the pictures makes one see nightmares about it. And I used to live near Siberia...
This is really scary in my opinion. A contagious disease that turns you into an immobile sack of flesh is terrifying. Even scarier is that it is literally unstoppable. All that the Foundation can do is shoot infected individuals on sight.

This thing is terrifying. It walks through walls and is basically indestructible. Its pocket dimension could be a floor of The Backrooms, as it very much resembles one. It can access and enter its pocket dimension at will, meaning it could be able to enter separate floors of the Backrooms as well.
It also can bring other objects into its pocket dimension, as well as eject them from said pocket dimension. This means it could bring creatures from other floors of the Backrooms to the real world, making it potentially Apollyon class. It could bring extremely dangerous entities into the real world, or take people to alternate floors of the Backrooms and leave them to die there like SCP-3001. Overall, this is an extremely dangerous and terrifying SCP that can only be recontained via a human sacrifice.

Does the stairwell even end? Did the Foundation build that endless stairwell into the site where it is contained? Does that stairwell have any particular backstory or reason why it was built? Including that face at the bottom of the stairs that you sometimes see at any random floor?
I have so many questions about this SCP. (No, I have not read the whole script or forum about this specific SCP.)
The original SCP-087 is so scary, even though it is just a pitch-black stairwell, it still gives me the chills. Especially that face at the bottom of the stairs.

I was reading this, and by the end, I literally almost had a heart attack. I legitimately almost threw my Chromebook and then ran the heck out of the room.
I'm scrolling down. It's not scary, creepy, but not scary. Then I legit throw my laptop across the room. Sweet nightmares.
That is some dark stuff... and, amazingly, not really a creature.

The door man - that face on the bottom right-hand side of the door window is scary. It looks like the Mighty Jagrafess from Doctor Who.
Its whole effect is causing fear.

This thing is pretty much, in my opinion, the scariest SCP. What it does is creepy enough, not to mention its intelligence and the way it speaks. It makes it seem as if it is a kind intellectual. Just read the interview, and you will get it.
This thing injects chemicals into dead bodies and makes them zombies. Also, he can kill with a touch. Enough said.
I think he's the scariest because he can kill you by touching you and turn you into an experiment.

SCP-173 is the cutest and one of the most horrifying SCP monsters ever, the scariest Euclid-class SCP. Euclid, in case you didn't know, means that it doesn't kill you unless you do something that's going to make it kill you.
SCP-173 is Euclid because it is a statue. The object cannot move while a direct line of sight is maintained. Line of sight must not be broken at any time with SCP-173. It gets closer anytime line of sight is broken and kills its victims by snapping the base of the neck.
Why is it number seven? It was the first SCP I ever read and the best example I was given to let me know what I was getting myself into when first getting into the SCP Foundation! It should at least be at number one, two, or even at least three. SCP-682 is kind of overrated. I mean, SCP-173 is the ONLY SCP that SCP-682 fears! That's saying something!

I wouldn't say it deserves the number one spot, but definitely higher than 10. It's an endless staircase with a child forever at the bottom! And the face is pretty creepy. Come on, this thing should be at least eighth.
It's one of the scariest SCPs ever, and it is the scariest SCP game. It gave me chills because the atmosphere is great. It is incredibly dark, you're in a brick corridor, the music is scary and creepy, and it pops out every time you don't expect it to. And when you forget about it, SCP-087-B is extremely scary.
The Newcomers
It caused the entire SCP Foundation to start wiping out humanity.
This is by far one of the scariest SCPs I have ever read. I do not recommend reading the first two video logs, as they get incredibly gruesome quickly. As I was reading this, I felt myself getting queasy.
When I first read it, I wanted to look for a video. However, after finishing it, I decided that maybe that wasn't the best idea.

It's scary that A. we don't know what evil is inside the tunnels, and B. we don't know where the tunnels are. I certainly would never think twice about looking for Narnia!

Fortunately, it can't really hurt you. All it really does is annoy the crap out of you with all of its photobombs.
Just look it up. It's not scary, but it LOOKS scary. I have read SIPs since 2009, and it still messes with me.
I get that getting a brief image of it in real life is anomalously traumatizing to humans, but it isn't really that disturbing reading about it.
SCP-001 is supposedly the "Guardian of the Garden of Eden", the mythological place where God first made mankind. I have done my homework and believe that SCP-001 is an angel, sent by God to protect the Garden of Eden. I think this is my vote because I'm still doing research about the end of the world and if it will be caused by SCP-001. Also, I think this SCP is the most deadly because it can literally evaporate you from existence. This is my vote, and thank you for reading.
While it's not directly scary, you realize the fact that even accessing information on it is extremely difficult. It's so bad that they don't want you to see it. Apollyon SCPs bow down to SCP-001 because, along with SCP-3999 and a few other SCPs (mostly Apollyons), one of them alone can destroy the universe. They don't bother containing it at all because it's just a matter of time before everything goes wrong.

You want scary? Read 231, then 2317, then back to 231.
SCP-372 is a safe and friendly monster, but it is still creepy because I think insects are very scary.

This gave me chills down my spine after reading it.
This one makes me paranoid! Even though it's June, and according to what this thing targets, I would technically be "safe" as I'm a teenage only child in a non-rural town that rarely gets snow, I'm still a bit paranoid that this thing is going to come after me! While I know SCPs are (hopefully) fictional, this one still makes me paranoid and nervous, as if I wasn't already scared of the dark!
I could not fall asleep at all last night after learning about this one yesterday, even though it's not even December. All the other creepy SCPs were like a joke to me compared to 4666. This one is the only one that actually got to my head.

The face on the computer and camera kind of makes me jump, and it is really scary.
I think this dude has the same voice synthesis as either Stephen Hawking or my therapist, Dr. Sbaitso.
It's really interesting. Just read the r/scpdeclassified article on it, and it will have you hooked. This is my favorite SCP.
The only way this thing can brutally kill you is from cuteness. Also, I think this is the only cute and wholesome thing in the game.
Too scary, brutally murders you. I don't know what the hell you guys are on about with the "cute" and the "positive." This guy is absolutely terrifying.
He's so adorable. He will hug you (have a tickle fight with you) if you're depressed.