Top 10 Funniest and Most Embarrassing Typos Ever Made
All of these are genuine mistakes that have embarrassingly slipped under the publisher's noses. How bad.Warning: Most of these are rude. Very rude.
Who noticed it first? Men. Definitely men. But only the honest ones who swear by the Bible. Their excuse? "I was just being a good Christian, babe."
Oops. Who wrote that Bible? Do you know how many people would be sinning without knowing they were?
I'm a Christian, and I found this hilarious.
Although I find this kind of shady, there's a small part of me that finds this amusing.
Haha. Made to pay off their debt. Who says crime doesn't pay?
Love this list, PositronWildhawk.
Excuse me, I'd like some Penis Butter Sneakers please.
A different type of yummy, perhaps?
To the other person, you should be saying wee-wee instead of woo-wee.
I should really get this out of my head. But I can't. Laugh out loud.
A week after looking at this, and I am still laughing.
That's so terrible it's actually funny.

That'll make it more fun to pie people. Haha.
This makes me wonder what Buzz Lightyear does in his spare time.
Wonder when the co-ed noticed. I can only imagine his or her response.
I hate when I put these up and no one reads them. It's really awkward.
That would make you stop dead in your tracks.
Parents would definitely bring their kids to that. (No, they would drop dead.)
The Newcomers
Oh yes. The capital of North Dakota scored three unanswered goals in the third period. Pretty reasonable.
She farted at the table, she farted at night, she farted in the morning, she farted in the afternoon, and most of all, all the time. She even farted in the kitchen while making dinner.
I read this book. Believe it or not, I found the typo.
My friend had this textbook for school. So hilarious!
Not hadron. Hardon.
Imagine if this mistake were made all the time. All hardons succumb to the strong nuclear force.