Top 10 Most Dangerous Types of Natural Disasters

The Top Ten
1 Meteor Strike

Killed all the dinosaurs so what chance do you have

Tsunami really a meteor could end the world

FYI meteors are happing right now tiny ones though

Danger to the world run

2 Tsunami

What do you do when you hear the alarm! DRIVE AWAY!

You will drown

3 Tornado
4 Hurricane

How this is only at 5 confuses me. Below tornadoes? Hurricanes have the same wind speeds of tornadoes, but are hundreds of miles in diameter, and bring catastrophic rain and flash foods that cause billions of dollars in damage.

Don't forget 9/2018, two of these monsters on different sides of the earth caused lots of chaos, brought lots of flooding, killed people, and so much more.

Hurricanes are basically tornadoes but with water and much bigger.

Remember hurricane katrina,sandy even the new one harvey,yep mass destruction

5 Earthquake

You know to me seeing buildings falling down the ground cracking scares me

These scare me

6 Volcano Eruption

This was what caused the biggest mass extinction known to man, so this is really the most dangerous.

When you hear the boom you better be running

7 Landslide

I don't know about you but I don't want to die being crushed

I like snow but not being crushed

8 Thunderstorm

Man up go drive your car oh wait I don't want to get hit by a 54000 degree lighting bolt

If you are kn a city, you are probably fine. If you are in the remote planes, well you're screwed.

9 Wildfire

It's like hell on earth

10 Flash Flood

This is the king of death but not to scary wait the China flood killed 3 MILLION PEOPLE!

The Contenders
11 Sinkholes

I remember when a sink hole happened on the road outside my school, they had to close the road for 3 days, they let buses in the good side of the road, but they had to go though the parking lot when leaving

12 Fire Tornado

Fire + tornado = he'll + Katrina

13 Drought

It's so hot I need food water so yeah droughts bad

14 Blizzard

I love snow but this is way overboard

15 Ice Storm

These things are really scary, they knock out power easily, freeze and close down roads, it's a very bad thing to experience

Please ice let us go

16 Heat Wave
17 Hailstorm

Raining rocks

18 Avalanche
19 Cloudburst

Its all Roaring Rains causing Fearful Floods. Don't forget the cloudburst of Kedarnath.
Oh my god!

20 Acid Rain

Why does this disaster even exists

21 Whirlpool
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