Meanest Things to Do at a Funeral

The Top Ten
1 Play "Ha Ha You're Dead" by Green Day

I think that's really rude because when everyone is crying your singing a song that's going to make them cry even more

Once Donald Trump dies and has a funeral I will be playing this.

I played this song when my ex boyfriend who a total loser died

The worst thing you can do in a funeral is to open the garve and laugh

2 Laugh

Yeah that's really mean.

3 Make Rude Comments
4 Do a Happy Dance

I recall this happening in an episode of "Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl", where Lenore and Ragamuffin did an Irish dance on some guy's coffin at a funeral.

A gangman style dance at my funeral would make me roll in my grave.

5 Talk When Someone at the Podium Is Talking

Sounds like something the President of the United States of America did very recently...

6 Text

This is just a plain ignorant thing to do... I really should stop doing it.

7 Listen to Music

Yeh even if it is my mind is a rebel

8 Make Fun of the Family of the Person Who Died

If you even consider doing something as dumb as this, your one person, that's a family of more than you can count. If they get you back, you might never sleep with both eyes closed again. Think about that.

9 Do Mean Things to the Corpse

PositronWildhawk, example: whip around its arms, open and punch it's eyes, stuff like that.

Maybe, "Hey, can I open the coffin once, the corpse took my mobile phone"

Like what, may I ask?...

10 Eat the person

They wouldn't taste good

That's disturbing.

Oh my lord.

that's cannibalism plus that would get to kicked out

The Contenders
11 Walk Up to Go to the Bathroom When Someone Is Talking
12 Have Sex with the Corpse

Unless you're Glenn Quagmire...

Please don't do this.

13 Kill Another Person

And once you've killed the other person, you'll kill another one and another one, thus causing an unending chain of funerals.

"Another" person? Are funerals only for murder victims?

Thus causing another funeral.

14 Sing Gangnam Style while kicking coffin

Oh, no. You'll be jailed for life. Never do it!

This gives me the best mental image ever.

How did you find out I did it?

15 S*** On the Person's Grave
16 Watch Sports on Your Phone
17 Pee On the Dead Person's Grave

This is the same as urination.

18 Sing ''Highway to Hell'' by AC/DC
19 You know how people say you're next at weddings... yeah, do that

technically it's true tho, everybody gon die some day

20 Sing Another One Bites the Dust by Queen
21 Urinate On the Person's Grave
22 Play "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj

This should be number 1. Really.

23 Sing Celebration by Kool in the Gang

Celebrate good times come on

24 Do the Conga

That's just so random but mean.

25 Wear colorful clothes
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