Top Ten Natural Things That People Find Unnatural

This list consists of things in this world and ourselves that we in modern society deem weird, unattractive, disturbing, or unnatural even though they are indeed natural or were once thought as the norm. Keep in mind that I can't speak for all of society here, so if you don't find something on the list weird then that's okay.
The Top Ten

It's natural. It's a natural state of mind. We were naturally created to love and reproduce with the opposite gender since we were "created" that way. However, some sort of alternation in the brain has either made us curious or wanting to be with the same gender.

I'm not sure if it occurs in any other species other than humans because animals are created to reproduce with the opposite gender in order to continue the bloodline. So it seems unlikely for animals to have this natural feeling also.

The conclusion is that it IS natural and it's just a part of people like being straight is. It's all the same. It's just your feelings. If you do not agree with others that have a different sexuality than you, then please don't make fun of them or tell them mean things because people can't control how they feel. They were made to be straight, gay, lesbian, bi, etc. It's who people are.

Body Hair

It's just puberty. Developing into an older version of yourself. It's completely natural, and I don't get what people find unnatural about it.

We ARE mammals, and mammals have hair. Just be glad we don't grow as much hair as our fellow chimpanzees and gorillas. That would be a pain to shave.

For women in modern society, it is considered unladylike and sometimes disgusting not to shave their underarms and legs, but men don't. As a man, I find it hypocritical, but that's none of my business.

Mental Illness

When someone breaks their arm or gets the flu, the first thing we do is comfort them. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear mental illness? Many would say crazy. Just something to think about.

I have schizophrenia, and everyone treats me like I'm a freak.


America is hefty.

People have evolved for thousands of years. We started off as cavemen and women who had to scrounge around for food and fight for their lives. As we evolved and grew smarter, we farmed and naturally grew strong and fit (not that people don't now) by constantly working in the field.

Now, we can just dial the pizza place's number and have it ordered to our door. In my opinion, we've become lazy (not all, I'm not trying to offend anyone).

Bad Breath

It is natural, although I find it disgusting.

Body Odor/Excessive Sweating

Deodorant and antiperspirant have become basic toiletry items in most modern-day homes, but for what reason? Although sweat and odor from sweat are completely normal and harmless (unless there's a threat of dehydration), we still find a need to mask it.

I find it embarrassing when I am playing sports and exercising, and there are sweat stains or I reek of sweat, but it's all completely natural. Just bodily fluids.

Birth Marks

I think people think it's unnatural where it's placed at birth. Mine is in a really weird area.

Picking Your Nose

Studies have shown that picking your nose can actually lessen your chance of becoming ill.

The Newcomers

? Pale Skin
? Dark Skin
The Contenders
Crooked Teeth

Sadly, people will pay thousands of dollars just to have a "perfect smile" in modern society. As a person who used to have braces, I can say that it isn't worth how much it costs.

My teeth are so crooked.

I can't even smile for pics since then my crooked teeth show.


Of course it's natural. It's how we keep the human race from going extinct.


Your body's battle against the illness inside of you. It's just a natural reflex to get rid of the bad things harming or inflicting your body.

Your body's way of ridding stuff.


Oh definitely. I often feel very hateful towards people in real life because most of them treat me like crap. I'm not saying we should all strive to be hateful, but hate is natural.

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