Most Pointless Things In Life

The Top Ten
1 Racism

Racism is sad but you can't do anything about it.

I find this not only Pointless But Stupid!

2 Middle School Popularity

I am sort of popular due to my unique name, but actually being popular stuffs u under tons of responsibilities if you really figure out

It's in every school... But it is kind of annoying, it's like "We're better than you" and I'm like walking past them like:"laugh out loud derp"

Yeah, it's desirable to become popular, until you're on the streets working as a sign holder in an itchy costume, as I'm told.

I'm so glad I'm in my last year of Middle school

3 Homework

We are to stressed by school popularity (which is a so pointless)and school grades so we don't need more work humans need more. Fun at least stop home work

Homework isn't just pointless: IT'S TORTURE! By the way I moved this from 42 to 12! I've got the magic in me! XP

Pointless enough. No use, never helps me learn. Waste of time

Cause as if six hours of school wasn't enough.

4 Females Having to Cover Nipples
5 The Other Half of the Countdown Clock

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It NEVER gets used. Well, does it?

They use it to reset the clock

Yeah this is so true!

6 Boring TV Adverts

B.G. not to be pedantic, but people do watch them. It's just that they force them onto us via T.V. and nobody WANTS to watch them. Everyone in Britain knows thanks to the most stupid ads on British Broadcasting. They are seriously pointless, though.

Just having them between Disney Channel programs is annoying! I’m fine with ads being before/after every program, but not during!

This gets my number one

No one wants adverts!

7 High School Popularity

Basically at my school if you are a girl who owns those black Nike shoes, white black-striped Adidas shoes, white or black hi-top Converse All-Stars, and Keds, texts and goes on social media all the time when there are strict rules about phone usage, talks all the time in class, laughs high-pitched in a very annoying way, have blonde ombre hair if you have dark hair, worships Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Drake and any popular rapper, listens to only rap music, occaisonally wears those dad caps and has the current model of the iPhone, you are a real student. And that's stupid. I wish people like those actually understood people with social anxiety and sensitivity (like me).

Best experience ever... you get popular if you are good in nature with frnds, smart enough with boys and attituditional to enemies

What's the point when you're there for 4 years...

8 Sexism
9 Things Being Overpriced
10 Hate

rage, wrath, hatred, armageddon of folly. why folly why why do mortal fallen angels fall for you? why can't you leave lives alone folly, folly you have no body yet you continue to hunt us for your greed is greater than your ego to claim the bodies of mortals, mortals have no business with you folly for you are the true wolf in sheeps clothing, I refuse to fall for false sheep that were never apart/part of the herd

The Contenders
11 Holding grudges
12 Moles

Just ruins your appearance! No benefit, no harm. They're more pointless than sickness...just useless.

They Pop up on your skin and hang around like an unwelcome Aunt

Your so right

13 American Football
14 Sports

How are sports useless?

15 Pennies

Next time I see a penny, I will not pick it up from the ground. What's so great about pennies? Each one only cost one cent & what do you buy with only one cent? Nothing! I hate pennies. If I own a penny right now, I'm going to give it to someone else.

They aren't that bad!

16 Soccer Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a sport played between two teams of eleven players each. It is played with a spherical ball. The objective is to score the ball in the other teams goal.
17 Smokers

When I'm at spode and I want to get out, there are always smokers hanging out at the door. It's so annoying!

Smokers aren't pointless but the act of smoking is. And pretty disgusting.

Well your basically calling 99 percent of my family pointless.

Yeah. Why do people smoke?

18 Rust
19 Mirrors

You look in them and hardly ever like what you see. Why bother with them?

Yes. I think that everyday

20 Coasters

Who actually uses them?

21 The Tailbone
22 Physical Education

The good thing is that exercise is good for your body. The bad thing is that it can be boring sometimes.

Hate P.E. so much. It is unfair and murderous, and was designed to destroy your dignity.

I hate P.E. so much. It's tiring it's boring and It robs who you are. Britgirl or Whoever I agree with on this and homework.

23 Eyebrows

Eyebrows make you look good also, and weird also..but shaving them is a biggest mistake someone can ever do

They aren't pointless. They help stop sweat going in your eyes.

But you would look really ugly without eyebrows...

They stop sweat going in your eyes!

24 Cigarettes

Or any other tobacco products in general.

25 Marmite

Hello person with no name yes I've seen the Marmite advert; it's clever and funny. Give Marmite a good home - just don't send it to mine!

What? I love Marmite! If Marmite is pointless, then so is food.

I hate Marmite but love the advert for it. Have you seen it, Britgirl?

Hello person with no name. laugh out loud britgirl.

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