Top 10 Reasons Why Arrogant Girls Suck

I don't want to insult people with this, but i don't like arrogant girls. I was bullied by them and that was disgusting. That's why i decided to make this list. I know most female top ten users are very nice so i won't insult you. This is just my opinion.
The Top Ten
They only want pretty boys

Yeah! I know right! Some of the older girls in my class are like that and they always brag about how attractive they are just to get attention when really they ain't that pretty as they claim to be and its really annoying! And no, just because I am a boy, doesn't mean I have to look perfect

Aha, I'm pretty. But that doesn't mean I would sell myself to a rude jerk.

A few girls in my year are like that.

They only think about themselves

I agree with you TriggerTrashKid. Even though we need to care about others sometime, we also need to fix our own problems.

Who even wants to worry about the entire world? They already can't fix their own problems.

They're rude

My Sledgehammer is bloodthirsty

They think normal boys aren't good enough for them
They think too much about their appearance
They bully normal people
They're clingy

That's true. They want their boyfriends, fiances, and their husbands to always put their needs first and not let them see their own families. But women always want to see their families and get angry with them for little things. Hypocrite!

They think they're cooler than everyone

Nobody is cooler than anybody else. Everyone sucks. Deal with it.

They stick with the other girls
They are very critical

If you aren't them, then they hate you

The Newcomers

? They are stupid
? They are narcissists
The Contenders
They slut-shame other girls
They are drama queens
They are girly
They hate tomboys
They love makeup
They are attention seekers
They are weak
They are ugly
They are selfish
They are worthless
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