Top 10 Reasons Why People Get Angry

The Top Ten

And then people continue to hurt them for being angry, even if they are being mature and not taking it out on others.

Whether it was mental or physical, it's normal to feel angry about it.

Usually, when somebody gets hurt, they become sad and angry.


What has always made me the most mad... Just breathe and think things over!

I have been betrayed three times by my friends. Nothing hurts more than that.

It makes me feel like everyone in my life secretly hates me, which makes me act out and be mean. This makes me even more sad and angry. Then I just want to cry.


But I'm not mad, just disappointed.


Greedily investing in Bitconnect only to have all your cash ripped out of your wallet is surely going to make you angry.


My siblings always take my stuff and my friends ditched me!

Yep. Computer loading always frustrates me a lot.


School makes me feel like a loser who would never succeed at life, and it's probably true...

I honestly HATE failing. I always feel like a consistent failure!


People become easier to snap when they are being humiliated. It's a way to cover up for embarrassment.

Stupid People

I seriously cannot stand stupidity. I argue with certain individuals not because I want to, but because they're so stupid and uneducated. I understand that some people cannot simply help their lack of intelligence, but it gets me painstakingly angry to deal with stupid people.

Mark Twain once said that you cannot beat a stupid person in any given argument because they will cut you off, drag you down to their level of common sense, and consequently defeat you. This quote is less of a statement and more of the truth. Smarter people either have to hold in their agony and anger or release it after dealing with so much nonsense.

It's sad. I wish I had a lower IQ because sometimes I think it would make me a happier person. Being smart sucks if you are surrounded by dull individuals who don't know what they're talking about. They then have the audacity and ignorance to question your inevitable anger toward their flawed mind. It's sad, but the validity of this choice being here actually makes sense.


This should be number 5 at least. All the other things above no one barely cares about, except maybe being hurt or money.


This is a really good reason. When you lose a game, then you start to get angry.

Especially when it's something you've been working on for at least 3 months.

The Newcomers

? Feminism

I'd understand anti-feminism being on here if this was 1935, but feminism today pisses me off to no end. It shouldn't even be a thing anymore, maybe with the exception of some third-world countries.

? Rudeness
The Contenders

If someone has something that someone else wants, they get mean and jealous because they can't have it.

Bad Parents

Yeah, my mom can be very childish! She doesn't even pay my caregivers the minimum wage, which is a violation of the labor code law and is punishable by 2 to 5 years in jail for labor fraud.

But food and electricity are absolutely free. Heck, she even pays a 100% bonus every time our helpers celebrate their birthdays, but they must work for at least one year to get the bonus!

Not everyone is fit to be a parent. Some people should not be able to reproduce.

Unreasonable Expectations

My mom and her friend in a nutshell. They argue about things for no reason at all!

Be perfect. There is an unreasonable expectation.

My mother expected a baby girl, but it was a boy.


I hate it when American kids, especially white kids, bully Filipino kids who don't even speak proper English! When I was 5, back in 1998, I beat up a bully who spoke fluent Tagalog. He was bilingual and had non-Filipino parents, yet was born in the U.S. He was 4'11 and I was only 3'9 at the time. I defended my schoolmate in a special education daycare center. He punched me, I punched him even harder, and with one punch, his nose bled. I punched and beat him up nine times. I will never let anyone, I mean anyone, get bullied!


The thing I really hate about when people judge others is that they judge them too soon. When they judge people too soon, they don't know their personalities, abilities, and weaknesses.

Judgement occurs very frequently in sports. The crowd can judge you, and even your teammates can judge you. Before the crowd judges the players, they should ask themselves this question: Do you think you can do better than them?


I'm not a person of color, but it still makes me pissed when people bully someone for something that is literally out of their control. If the color of someone's skin really affects you that much, you have problems. SERIOUS problems.

It's like getting mad at someone for wearing red when blue is your favorite color.

Equality matters, right? No, Black lives matter. These racist white people are always trying to make Black people seem like they are in the wrong when it's the white people.

Racist white people don't like Black people because we are better than them, and that's that. White people want Black people to die. They want Black people to go back to slavery. I hate racist white people.

Sexual Harassment

I can't stand being cut down and criticized, especially when I'm not doing anything to deserve it. There are so many asses out there, sadly!

I can't insult back because I'm not good at it!


This is something which more than anything, destroys so many things.

Bitchy Girls

I have had my fair share of these at school, and I have special phrases: "You looked at me weird!" ME: *shoots them a squinty face*.

That's my ex-best friend right there, got mad at me for wearing too "short" shorts. What does she care?

Fake People

My ex-best friend is now dating my ex-boyfriend, and she presented herself to me at first as someone who would never do that. She was so two-faced.

Different Opinions

Everyone has a different opinion about everything, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


The thing that drives me crazy is when people get treated better for the stupidest reasons. My sister got treated better because she's younger. Okay, HOW THE HECK IS THAT EVEN A REASON?!

People in my class will get treated better by others if they are hypersensitive crybabies. The logic in my class: Treat hypersensitive crybabies like kings and queens, defend them no matter what, ignore people with average to strong minds, and blame them for everything even though they did nothing.

I hate getting in trouble for something I'm not doing while someone else gets away with everything. I also hate when someone gets treated better, or gets rewards or privileges that I'm not getting, even though I'm just as good.


And that is why, ladies and gentlemen, I gave up on trying to get a girlfriend.

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