Top 10 Best Sword Types

What is the best type of sword in our history? There are many great swords in this world. But if you were to take a rating depending on the best sword that could rely itself to be most effective in every situation, then what would you choose?
The Top Ten

I train in kung fu and tai chi, and I'm hoping to learn Iaijutsu and the Kenjutsu taught by the school Niten Ichi Ryu. The katana is truly an amazing sword. It was made with hard steel on the outside and soft steel on the inside. This allowed it to be strong and absorb damage.

Not only was it strong and absorbent, but it was also sharper than a razor. Plus, the blade was the right length so that it could be used at close range and also keep your opponent at a distance. All these reasons make the katana a swift, precise, and efficient sword.


Possessing this saber is irresistible. The joy of having this saber is beyond your realm of comprehension. Whenever I imagine this saber as my bride, it replies, "It was just a reflex, okay! We're not going to the prom together." It's a beaut.

Although it is not the best at stabbing, for its weight and size you will not find a better sword for slashing.


I'm not an expert, but I have done some research. The rapier is faster than any other sword and longer than most. Slashing is a very inefficient form of killing. The rapier specializes in thrusting. Its strength of being light is also its weakness. It is not very good at blocking or delivering much of an impact.

Having a speed and reach advantage is what makes the rapier the best sword. You can't fault it on lethality either. Many people seem to favor the katana despite it being a slashing weapon, which, again, is not very good at killing. It also isn't as light as you might think. The longsword would be a flat-out upgrade. I'd say the rapier and longsword are on par. I only chose the rapier out of personal opinion. The longsword has the force. The rapier has the speed. Your call.


Let's face it, I'm a weeb. And while I absolutely adore katanas, if I were to use a Japanese weapon, it'd be the nodachi instead (basically the giant katana).

No, I prefer, without a doubt, the claymore in a straight-up war, specifically the zweihander. The weight and reach meant that the raw destructive power in battle was unmatched for anything short of a duel. Even then, the armor and endurance of a claymore user would be hard for any speed types to overcome.

Who needs the piercing power of a rapier or the slashing force of a saber/scimitar? The claymore is far greater for use in war or open combat, especially if your opponent is armored. I mean, what are they going to do once their head or chest is caved in?


Okay. The term "broadsword" is vastly misused. A broadsword is a Scottish basket-hilted one-handed sword. What most think of when they hear "broadsword" is a bastard sword or a particularly long arming sword. The word was used historically a little bit to describe the Chinese dao and dadao, but that was rather uncommon.

This is my favorite sword. When I was younger, I had my dad make me two wooden ones: one to look at, and one to play with. The one I played with is now broken because I loved it and played with it so much.


For me, the longsword would be the best sword. I don't know why the katana would be the top one when the longsword is as light as the katana but longer, has good guard protection, and has a reach advantage. It can thrust better and, with the right materials, can even surpass the katana.

But the katana does have an advantage, and that is its auto-correct edge alignment. If you place the katana flat on both of your arms, it always stands straight, which is probably its advantage. But still, the longsword has a much better overall advantage. However, I think all swords were meant for something.


Scientifically, curved blades have more cutting power. The khopesh was prized for its gruesome slashing ability in close quarters. It was used for cutting, slashing, and chopping. The hook on the far end could also be used to rip away an opponent's shield.

The khopesh influenced the Greeks to use curved blade weapons called kopis or machaira in the 6th century B.C. The swords of the Hittites were also under its influence. The khopesh made its way to Central Africa in Rwanda and Burundi as well as the Harappan civilization.


They can cut better than katanas and are excellent in the thrust. They are light, well-balanced, and have had 200 years' worth of rigorous battle testing. They also, unlike most in the top ten, provide adequate protection for your wrist and, due to angulation, the forearm. They do not restrict wrist motion, giving them some of the best rotational cuts.

It's a katana that is longer and doesn't allow you to lose your hands. I've used both, and the saber is much better.

Sabers were the epitome of swords. Perfect length and weight. They could be used for stabbing or slashing, on foot or on horseback, one-handed. They were used in the American Civil War and are still used today with dress uniforms.


I don't understand why this sword didn't reach the top ten when this sword is a jack of all trades. I know this is not the best in slashing or stabbing, but this sword is an all-rounder. If we are put in a Hunger Games (sword-only edition) situation, this sword will really shine.

An all-rounder, cuts well, and you can sort of stab with it. It's good for confined spaces such as corridors, boats, and in the thick of melee. Good hand protection and pretty stylish to boot.

The Newcomers

? Chinese War Sword
? Urumi
The Contenders

The high-grade Damascus steel and the heavy yet light design make this one of the best swords. It is also designed to be used in relation to a round shield and an axe. This sword, paired with a tough enough Viking, can shatter almost any other blade on the list. On top of that, it requires the least amount of training on this list, so most warriors can pick it up and cleave you in two with minimal effort.

This sword is exceptional. You can use it against so many types of armor. It's extremely flexible, lightweight, perfectly balanced, and has an ideal shape.

Sure, the Katana may be a good sword, but it's not very effective against many types of armor. It's also not as practical to use, and you cannot use it with a shield.


For over 1,000 years, this was the main battle weapon that forged the greatest empire in history. Strong, fast, and a devastating slasher and stabber, this was certainly the founder of the bloodline of the cutlass, saber, scimitar, and the list goes on and on. Maybe the most important sword type in history.

Historically, it was a beast. The short length provides a lot of power behind blows.

Historically, it was efficient and had immense power despite its shorter length.

Bastard Sword

How was this not on the list!? Move over, katana. There's a new sword in town. The bastard sword, otherwise known as the hand-and-a-half, is by far the best sword. You can use one hand to slash and two hands for that little extra bit. When in one-handed mode, it has an extended grip below your hand that gives it extra cool factor.

Its blade is straight, so it doesn't have a weird curve that prevents you from majestically stabbing your sword into the ground and it sticking straight up. Or kneeling with your sword making you look like a noble knight. I could go on about how this sword is better than every other sword, but for now, I will let it climb the boards as it becomes the number one sword.


History has been the best argument for the talwar. Sikhs aren't considered elite swordsmen for nothing.

One of the finest sabers in history. It is a lot faster than two-handed swords such as the katana.

Proper comfort for the wrist and lighter and faster than a katana. It's just that the katana happens to be more popular.


The kilij is a type of saber mainly used by Ottoman Turks. These blades originated from the Turko-Mongol sabers, which were also the progenitors of many other curved swords, such as the scimitar and yataghan.

Sable Sword

The curvature of this sword allows attacks from angles your opponent does not expect. It is versatile and allows you to use it both while on horseback or standing. The sharp point and angle of the tip allow for the best penetrance. The Parthians stood against Roman invasion and stopped them in the east by means of this sword.


Obviously the best. All the other swords here were used for self-defense or as sidearms. This was actually used as an alternative to spears.


The kukri or khukuri is a Nepalese knife with an inwardly curved blade, similar to a machete.

It is the main weapon of the Gurkhas. Those dudes can take out a limb in one swoop with this thing. Honorable as well. Check them out!

Still in use today. That right there speaks to its effectiveness. And it does great in the woods.


Akrafena is a sword of true class. Attractive, real golden handles make it so cool in your arms. It is neither light nor heavy and suitable for both defense and offense.

It was a gruesome slashing, thrusting, and killing machine. Despite the British and Dutch having guns, the sword was still effective against them.

Light and fast. Thrusting and slashing dual properties. Definitely deserves not to be in any ranking below 10.


Can break one's defense and poke through armor because of the rock-solid blade.

Works amazingly for actual war and provides the safety of a polearm.

Arming Sword

The arming sword is a great battle weapon, easy to pair with a shield for a great combo. It's well-rounded, well-designed, and remarkably light while avoiding the trend of light swords, other than the rapier, becoming useless against armor. A lot to like, no major downsides.

"Arming sword." This term covers so many swords in general that, by default, it is the best.


The falx is superior to the katana and has been proven to penetrate armor. It was the weapon Romans feared the most because it made their armor obsolete. The Dacians who used this weapon were much lighter, armorless, and more mobile.

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