Top Ten Embarrassing Situations You Can't Seem to Avoid
Ever had one of those utterly embarrassing moments when it seems that the odds are stacked up against you and Fate is conspiring to ruin your reputation? Well, if you haven't had that moment it will, without fail, occur at some point in your life. Examples of this predicament can stretch from a social encounter gone wrong to a full-blown moment of awkwardness that makes you want to roll on the floor, curl into a fetal position, and never get up.Life is the cruelest mistress of them all. Here's ten reasons why.
You've got it all wrong. Simply look around and say, "What the hell are all you idiots doing in the wrong class?" Then exit, stage left, to rave reviews.
Okay, this situation is avoidable, and I'm not saying everyone will experience it. But for those who will... God help you. You'll need it.
I have faced that kind of situation.
A large group of people means more opinions to be expressed. Back when the law was more carefree, large groups of people meant lynch mobs. You've probably noticed how the two are connected.

I called a girl's number and said, "Hey girl, let's meet up at 10 p.m., okay?" It turns out I called my teacher, and I've wanted to yeet myself into piranha water ever since.
Unless your parents are cool or own a caddie or something other.
Ah, happens all the time. ALL THE TIME. Unintentionally.
Some days ago, when a friend gave me a call, he mentioned "housekeeping," as he's doing a course in hotel management. I laughed and asked if he knew what it was. He replied no and asked me to explain. I said it's a meager job where you yell, "Housekeeping!" 24/7 and clean hotel rooms.
He replied he had done it many times.
Again, "Simply testing your level of dedication to your fascinating obsession." Walk away, leaving them totally confused.
Unless they enjoy eating puppies, then by all means, feel free.
Try, "Ya know, they're doing great things with hearing loss these days."
Or, "So, how's that concussion coming along?"
Ha! Yeah, it's funny - I never actually hear anyone laughing at my jokes on TheTopTens.
Let's be fair here, it's happened to every last one of us.
This situation is extremely painful when you're the victim, but I assume it probably feels awesome when you can counter-correct the correction and be smug about it afterward.
Again, all wrong. Simply come back with, "I was merely testing your confidence in your knowledge. Well done."

Who wants to fit in? I've always been unique, and I am very popular. Also, who wants to be like everybody else? Like my saying goes, "Do you without shame because you should love your game!"
There is no reason to be like anyone else. Please, if you're reading this, never actually try to do this. Thank you for your time (feel like I'm preaching or something).
The Newcomers

What a painful memory. Arts and crafts, searching for things in nature to put in our crafts. I find an "interesting" object that turns out to be a piece of cactus. I still take the stupid cactus piece for my craft even though I know it's a cactus and has thorns.
My friend grabs the cactus and sticks herself with it, then announces to the whole group that I picked up a cactus for my craft and she stuck herself with it. My crush says, "Why would you pick up a cactus?" I say, "Because I didn't know it was a cactus!" My crush answers, "Oh, so you live in Arizona and don't know what a cactus is?"
I die inside knowing my crush thinks I'm some stupid girl who decided to pick up a cactus.