Top 10 Stupidest Reasons to Get in Trouble
We all have those days when our parents just get mad at us for stupid reasons. Here's ten of the dumbest reasons to get in trouble.I hate when people use autistic as an insult. I just can't stand it (I have autism, by the way). How would you feel if someone used your disability as an insult? Whenever someone uses this as an insult, I just want to grab their head and slam it on my knee.
Cop: You're under arrest!
Me: Is that so?
Cop: That is enough of that. You have the right to remain silent. Whatever you do will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, an attorney will be given to you. You have the right to know. Do you agree with the rights? Then shall it be!
One time, I showed my friend a Slipknot song called "Wait and Bleed," which is one of the few songs by them that doesn't even swear. The teachers got mad and wanted me to put my phone on her desk. She told me I'm not allowed to listen to music that swears when it only said "hell" in it.
I can't let my parents find out I listen to metal at all, or I'd be in a lot of trouble and all my music would probably get taken away since they think that it's all going to be satanic and violent. My parents are very annoying.
I remember kids in school getting in trouble. As long as they don't repeat the words they hear, it shouldn't be a problem. Talk to the parents if concerned. Don't just punish the kid.
You can just watch it when you have the time. It's not like you have to see it right before school begins.
I have missed every episode of my favorite TV shows. I even missed a new episode of The Loud House!
People get in trouble for this?
What... I hope you're joking... because, wouldn't that teacher have been fired? That's even worse than having to run up and down a staircase as punishment (mom's teacher).
What? Why would you get in trouble for breathing? Are you saying they're not allowed to live?
I bought a lot of things that my mom won't like, e.g., Grand Theft Auto V, Mortal Kombat X, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. She even thinks Mario Kart is inappropriate, though it's only rated 3+. The people who rated MKX are dumb because MKX only has gore and a bit of cursing. No nudity, but they still rated it 18+.
She says I'm wasting my money and isn't criticizing my evil older brother for wasting his money. I only spend cash on a few things and am thrifty. My brother, on the other hand, is the opposite. He spends his money on Disney DVDs and buys the same one twice. My mom does nothing about it.
This is so stupid that I don't think anyone could actually get in trouble for this. But if someone oppresses another person simply for existing, they should ask themselves, why do you exist?
This is one of the dumbest reasons to get in trouble. What if I get in trouble for existing? People will think I came out of nowhere or police will arrest me for my existence. There is no way for me to regret my existence.
My existence cannot be fixed, and I feel hated.
See, everyone, this is why you should stay at the back of the classroom. Wait...I got caught too...never mind!
This is just unfair! It's our devices! I'm not on devices 24/7. What do you do when you're bored?
It's the 21st century. What do parents expect? Also, they're probably on their devices twice as long as we are!
This is for real. Schools, restaurants, and other public places enforce dress codes all the time.
I hated when I wore a Harley Quinn top and my family found it very inappropriate. What a stupid reason!
My dad wore a Tool shirt and got suspended because the wrench looked like a penis.
That used to happen to me when I was younger, but it doesn't really happen to me anymore.
Balance is the most important thing. All meat or all vegetables, both are unhealthy.
So what if I had a few slices of pizza? What I eat is not your concern!
On GoAnimate, I saw a video of Caillou jumping on Rosie's bed, getting injured, and getting in huge trouble. In that same video, Rosie jumped on Caillou's bed, got injured the same way Caillou did, and got proper treatment and care.
My Asian family thinks that no matter how minor an injury, there is a chance that it could be fatal.
But what if it's so serious that you need to go to a hospital? That's so messed up.
The Newcomers
I couldn't say the word "dork" when I was 7 after I saw this one episode of Monster High.
It was spring break in 2015. I was 8 1/2 years old and in the 3rd grade at the time. Before I left the park, my mom noticed an ant carrying a chip crumb back to its colony on the ground. Being a typical 8 1/2-year-old kid, I decided to step on it, and then my mom took away my computer privileges for the night, all because I killed a stupid ant. That was the dumbest thing I ever got punished for.
When I was younger, my parents wouldn't let me watch The Simpsons because of this.
Not my problem that Adventure Time was supposed to be a teen show.
Well, at least I didn't get in trouble for that.
I almost got in trouble for rushing to finish my math homework during science class (I had math one period after science), and then the teacher got mad.
Why should someone get in trouble for doing what they are supposed to do? That does not make any sense.
This happened to me...while I was in another class!
I remember pulling a card in 6th grade just for accidentally farting when I couldn't help it in Mr. Sons' class back then.
This happens a lot on GoAnimate videos, but I rarely see this happen in real life.
I fart all the time and always get yelled at for it.
Who even hates Regular Show? I respect opinions, but I don't get why someone would hate this awesome show. Oh, because it's supposed to be for adults but teens watch it instead? Well, the same with South Park. I'm always nagged for watching that show. It isn't THAT bad.
I don't have any younger siblings, so I unfortunately would not be able to relate to this one.
Exactly! I can barely relax with my brother!
UGH, WHY ARE YOU FORCING ME TO DO SOMETHING I HATE DOING? Whenever I get in trouble for this, I just say, "Well, how about you play with them then?"
It depends on how you define "a horrible life." If you're defining a horrible life because you or someone you love is homeless, being abused, or living in an extremely violent place, then I can understand why this is a bad reason to get in trouble. However, if they are just hating their lives over different opinions, then this is no particular reason because their lives are not actually horrible. They just claim it is horrible because people have different interests.
No one should have anything handed to them on a silver platter, but no one should have that said platter thrown at them before the person who threw it beats them down.
A lot of people I know cannot respect or try to change my opinion on things. When I told one of my friends that I hate anime, they started saying "Why?" and "It's awesome!" When I tell someone to stop ranting, they start ranting about my opinion. I still wonder why I am friends with these people.
I was also ranted at by 15 people just because I said, "I don't support Donald Trump." And my brother will not shut up with his ranting.
There are just some unpopular opinions that are more honest or even better than some popular opinions. (Like saying The Lion King should be hated and not deserve the praise it gets, while saying another film, like, well heck, even the worst non-Disney films, are better than The Lion King.) Sorry, but that's the truth.
How could you get in trouble over this? It's for entertainment and learning! If anybody gets punished for reading a book, then I feel so sorry for them.
What? People get in trouble for reading books? What is wrong with this world?
My parents only want me to read chapter books, and my 5th-grade teacher won't let me read comic books.
The problem is that an unhealthy obsession can ruin your life. Just look at those rabid Jiminy Cricket fangirls on deviantArt. Their unhealthy obsession with the character has reached the point where they treat him like he's a real person, their boyfriend, their true love, or *gasp* their mate. They dream of getting it on with him, and once they realize the errors of their ways, they threaten to commit suicide by writing suicidal journals or comments on their deviantArt pages. This is not good behavior and can be very bad for your own health, well-being, and reputation.
In November 2010, my mom made soup. It was good. Then, suddenly, the next day, I got very sick for some reason. Not only did I get a bad fever and was very weak, but I also threw up. The vomit was chunks of what I had in last night's soup. I thought that the soup got me sick and refused to eat it for quite a while.
Mom served it again the next day, and my relatives made it for a party that Christmas. Both times, they forced me to eat it. I did everything I could to tell them that I absolutely WOULD NOT eat it at all, from whining to pleading to throwing a tiny fit. My mom got mad at me. I explained to her the reason for my refusal, but my mom got even madder and claimed that it was probably a stomach virus since everyone ate it and was fine, but I was the only one who got sick after eating it.
I still refused to eat it. I was so afraid that it would make me throw up again. It took me several months before I could accept it back into my diet.
I've seen grounded videos where the troublemaker's family wants to see a certain movie and forces the troublemaker to go with them. The troublemaker does not want to go, so he/she tries to distract the family, and by the time they are all at the theater, the movie is over. Finally, the troublemaker gets grounded.
I also saw a grounded video where Boris 'needed' plastic surgery, and the whole family went, even though Caillou did not want to go.
I'm always this way. I prefer to stay alone in my room all the time. I understand having to go to school, but other than that, I don't want to be dragged around to places I don't care about. I also get forced to come outside of my room and "visit" with my parents, even though I hate that too.
I like his songs, but I'll respect others' opinions.
That's happened to me a billion times, and I did not like it at all.
No right to defend yourself? What if you're in danger?
Well, in my defense, what have you done all week? Watched TV and complained.
What have I done? I wrote a 1700-word essay in three hours, played in a soccer game, had no food or drink for over 12 hours, and went to school. And now YOU want ME to take out the trash?
This is my life. My parents would be like: You are so lazy! You just sit there and play the iPad all day long!
I do exercise!
My dad yelled at me for taking my tablet to school back in 7th grade. Now my mom grounded me for taking my phone to school! What? She grounded me because of that?
But what if you need to take a device to school?