Most Annoying Things About Women

Not trying to hate on women but there are a lot of annoying things that some and I do mean some not all women do that most guys hate, so please no hate comments about the list.
The Top Ten
1 They Never Tell You What They Want

They're so bad about that. It's infuriating. You can ask them what they want to get for dinner and they'll say, "I don't know, whatever you want." But any restaurant you suggest, they will shut down or not be content with.

This is the one thing I hate the most. Why can't women ever just tell us men what they want? Like we're supposed to be psychic or something. Just tell us what you want and we will do it. Don't play mind games with us.

I sometimes feel like girls want boys to hate themselves and let them be lonely.

2 They Take Too Long to Get Ready

I just put on clothes and tie my hair into a ponytail in like 3 minutes because I'm a tomboy, unlike those girly girls who hog the bathroom just to apply lipstick!

It doesn't take long for men to get ready, but for women, it can take hours.

I do take a long time to get ready, but I just want to look good for my man.

3 They Get Upset Very Easily

I am autistic and a girl. Apparently, I "lose my temper easily" and "throw tantrums." (My family's words, not mine. I'd never say such cruel things about myself.)

I'm a girl, but I agree we are annoying. I wish it took more to get me upset.

4 They Complain Too Much
5 They Talk Too Much

Especially during the football game. They need to wait for commercials or until the game is over.

It feels like a lot of the girls at my school just love hearing themselves talk.

I agree. Some girls, like my sister, NEVER shut up!

6 They Cry a Lot

I don't cry that much because I'm a tomboy. But girly girls cry for small things like breaking a nail or getting a small stain on their dress.

What can I say? We're emotional creatures. Is this really how you see women?

I am a girl, and I rarely cry. I guess it's because I am a tomboy, so I don't know, but I hate crying either way.

7 They Can Be Total Man Haters
8 They Assume that All Men Want from Them is Sex

I don't believe that men are like that at all. It's just another dumb stereotype made up by paranoid feminists.

I don't. A lot of men are loving, unlike the way dumb, cynical feminists portray them.

It's true on both sides. Men are jerks, and so are women.

9 They're Vindictive

You know the old saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Some women can stay mad for years and will never let you forget about it.

It's a scientific fact that women are more vindictive and meaner than men.

10 They're Too Uptight
The Contenders
11 They Shop Too Much
12 Love Guys for Their Money

That's so true. Why do you think so many young women marry old rich guys?

They are the reason behind the existence of Sugar Daddies. At least they try to keep something alive, unlike their regular husbands.

13 They Try to Make Us Do Things We Don't Want to Do
14 They Never Love You as Much
15 A Lot of Them are Feminists

Apparently, sexism is only ever a problem if they're victims. Hypocrites!

Not even real feminists. Most of them use feminism to put men down so they can feel better about themselves.

16 They Think Childbirth is More Painful Than Getting Kicked in the Balls

Once, my younger sister kicked my older brother in the balls. She got into a lot of trouble. She wouldn't have kicked him there if she knew how painful it felt.

17 They Treat Men Like Pigs
18 PMS
19 They are Obsessed with Stupid Stuff
20 They Gossip
21 They Cheat on You
22 They are Bossy
23 They Play the Victim
24 They Think that They Love Guys that They Barely Know

While I am a girl, I am only a teen and haven't really gotten involved in this. It irritates me how all the other girls do this, it's SO annoying

25 They're Obsessed with Diets
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