Top 10 Strangest Things to See In a Dream

The Top Ten
1 Your own homework dancing
2 Miley Cyrus kissing a donkey

I wouldn't be surprised

Same species...

3 Just poop

I don't need to dream about poop because I see it in real life all the time!

Really nasty and gross.

Poop is gross

4 Michael Myers dancing with Nicki Minaj
5 The killers from the horror movies playing Monopoly

Me: hey can I join you guys
Jason stares at
Me : can I please!
Myers lifts up knife
Walks backward slowly

Michael Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface playing Monopoly.

6 Elsa from Frozen farting all day

People at my school draw elsa farting, it's so weird.

I would scream if I saw this.

This would be interesting...

7 You just standing there

Talk about creepy

8 Grass
9 Cookies made with pig liver
10 Mr. Krabs pooping money
The Contenders
11 SpongeBob eating pizza with Rammstein

I honestly want to see this in a dream.

12 Naked in school bathroom

I had a similar dream to this, but it was in a prison bathroom instead of a school bathroom. I dreamt that I got arrested and my sentence was being tortured by a firehose. Basically, I was taken into a dirty bathroom the warden stripped me naked and blasted my neck with the hose. The water was ice cold, but then it quickly turned hot and scalded me.

13 Vomit

I had a dream that I puked after eating slimy chicken nuggets

14 Aliens kidnapping Three Days Grace

I actually had a dream of this once.

Why actually Three Days Grace?

15 Sonic eating rainbows
16 Diapers
17 Deceased Relatives
18 Toilet paper dancing
19 Kittens barking
20 Dogs meowing
21 Barney singing the "I hate you" song
22 Donald Trump as a merman

lol! That would scar me for life

23 Blood
24 Evil Leafy staring right at you
25 The Beatles Getting High
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